"Would you like me to wrap it for you?" she asked, smiling her cute smile again.“
学习啦在线学习网 He nodded and she went to the back. She came back with the wrapped CD and gave it to him. He took it and walked out of the store.
He went home and from then on, he went to that store every day and bought a CD, and she wrapped it for him. He took the CD home and put it in his closet. He was still too shy to ask her out and he really wanted to but he couldn't. His mother found out about this and told him to just ask her. So the next day, he took all his courage and went to the store as usual. He bought a CD like he did every day and once again she went to the back of the store and came back with it wrapped. He took it and when she wasn't looking, he left his phone number on the desk and ran out...
学习啦在线学习网 RRRRRING!!!
学习啦在线学习网 “铃铃铃铃铃铃…”
One day the phone rang, and the mother picked it up and said, "Hello?"
学习啦在线学习网 一天,电话响了起来。男孩的母亲接起电话说道,“你好?”
It was the girl!!! The mother started to cry and said, "You don’t know? He passed away yesterday..."
The line was quiet except for the cries of the boy's mother. Later in the day, the mother went into the boy's room because she wanted to remember him. She thought she would start by looking at his clothes. So she opened the closet.
学习啦在线学习网 电话里安静了下来,只听到男孩母亲啜泣的声音。之后,男孩的母亲来到了他的房间,缅怀她的儿子。男孩的母亲想先看一看男孩的衣物。于是她打开了男孩的衣柜。
She was face to face with piles and piles and piles of unopened CDs. She was surprised to find all these CDs and she picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one. Inside, there was a CD and as she took it out of the wrapper, out fell a piece of paper. The mother picked it up and started to read it. It said: Hi... I think U R really cute. Do u wanna go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.
学习啦在线学习网 在她的面前,是一摞又一摞的CD。看到这么多的CD,男孩的母亲感到很惊讶。她随手拿出一张,坐在了男孩床上。她拆开了包装,把CD拿了出来。一张纸条掉了出来。男孩的母亲捡起了纸条,开始读起来。上面写着:你好…我觉得你真的很可爱。你想和我出去约会吗?爱你的,乔瑟琳。
The mother was deeply moved and opened another CD...
Again there was a piece of paper. It said: Hi... I think U R really cute. Do u wanna go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.
学习啦在线学习网 又发现了另一张纸条。上面写着:你好…我觉得你真的很可爱。你想和我出去约会吗?爱你的,乔瑟琳。
Love is... when you've had a huge fight but then decide to put aside your egos, hold hands and say, "I Love You."
学习啦在线学习网 爱就是…当你万般挣扎过后,把自我放到一边,握住对方的手,说:“我爱你。”