

时间: 韦彦867 分享



  Life is a long,long journey. College life is the most beautiful movement in my life. This time of life is cheerful and enjoyable. At university I learn to recharge my battery and reposition myself.

  Learning is one thing that goes though all one’s life, and the circumstance of university is quite in favor of study. So how could not I absorb more and more knowledge at my prime time for learning? As for me, to some extent, I learn much from my classmates and lecturers who filled with rich knowledge, especially from my roommates, They play a paramount important role on my English study. We get up early to read English and chat with each other in English.Therefore my English improves a lot. Even more I meet many people who like to learn, which is the way to make an interesting sacial experience and develop communication skills with them. Meanwhile I equip myself with knowledge

学习啦在线学习网   Also, I learn to be strong and brave. In the past I was so timid that I can’t speak to strange persons. When I was in trouble, I felt frustrated. What’s more, I can’t make myself adopt to the new surrendings. But now when I meet with difficulties and failure, I on longer turn to others for help because I know that a person who can help me in the future is myself and the poor situations improves as well. And I also remember the saying the best has been made even better. I will think twice why I will fail and I will try my best to find out the reason, not to be blue or disappointed. I also know the true meaning of tolerance, consideration and forgiveness. Furthermore, I try to do something that I am not interested in. This society appreciate all-around person. Just like British statesman W.Churchill put it, “it is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do.” Now I take to life at university like a duck to water.

  I always consider that inside each and everyone of us at the very core of our being is a winner wating to be awaked and unleashed upon the world. I will keep persuiting. Otherwise how can I awaken my inside winner?


学习啦在线学习网   When students go to college, they have to live in the dormitory which often holds four students. As most students never stay away from partners before, so they don’t get used to live in the dormitory and they will try to move out and live in the department alone. In my opinion, dormitory is the better choice to live in.

  当学生上大学了,他们不得不住在容纳4个学生的宿舍。由于大部分学生从来没有和父母分开过, 因此他们不适应住在宿舍,尝试着搬出去,独自住在公寓里。在我看来,宿舍是居住的更好选择。

学习啦在线学习网   One the one hand, students can learn to get along with each other. No one can live alone, people need to communicate with others, it is an important lesson for college students to learn. Most students have depended on their parents so much, so they don’t have the consciousness to be tolerant and considerate. Living in the dormitory helps the students to be independent and considerate, which will make them to be successful.


  On the other hand, living in the dormitory will save students a lot of money. As more students share a room, so it will be very cheap for a student to pay for the room. The students haven’t earned the money, they need to spend their parents’ money, so they should save the money and relieve their parents’ burden.


学习啦在线学习网   In all, living in the dormitory is a good choice for a student.



  My campus life is rich and colorful.

  The university life different secondary school life.And it is a problem that how should I adapt to college life.

学习啦在线学习网   I go to attend claeveryday morning excluding weekend .In the class I just listening to lectures, and my teachers and classmates discuss the problem.After class, ofen i go to play basketball or badminton with my friends.

  In the evening,i have two hours for study by oneself in scheduled time, and then go back to my dormitory and surf on the internet.At the weekend,i take part in some part-time jobs and go to the Einglish Corner sometimes.

  All in all,life in the University is beatiful and substantial for me.And I believe I will achieve my self-value through the university life .

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自欧洲中世纪大学成立以来,大学的职能得到了逐步拓展和延伸。从最初只具有传播知识职能的行会性组织,发展成为具有传播知识、发展知识和社会服务等职能的一个复杂组织。本文是关于大学的英语美文,希望对大家有帮助! 关于大学的英语美


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