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学习啦在线学习网   经典美文可以陶冶情操,丰富想象,还可以培养学生对语言文字的兴趣,有益于培养他们的语文素养。小编精心收集了关于春天的经典英语美文,供大家欣赏学习!


学习啦在线学习网   Spring is the season of a year the most provoking thoughts.

学习啦在线学习网   Through the ages, how many poets in to write spring left wing chun, praise spring, spring, spring and moving poems.

学习啦在线学习网   Now again TaoGongLiuLu, bloomy spring season. The small road when going out to the countryside. We always see the brilliant flowers grass, they live overnight collapse of growing up; Playing, playing in the fields every day. The road line still thin clothes every day. The sky fly a bird, from time to time around you turn, the bird is also breathe the nature the breath of spring. Together in the trees, flowers and grass on the play, I saw the busy little bees, inan is honey on the wild flowers. Groups on the honey bees help each other, sometimes to play, play. All in use industrious hands, the honeycomb. Suddenly, the sky above the wind and cloud becomes angry, spring rain began to fall. Bird hide in the home, the bees out into the hive. Ah, the rain off birds, bees, atmosphere. I didn't think the rain stop more beautiful wild flowers open, bees, birds came out again, as if the more spirit.

  In the spring, see these in my heart for a desire.



学习啦在线学习网   现在又到了桃红柳绿,春暖花开的季节。每当走出户外来到乡间的小路旁。我们总会看到灿烂夺目野花野草,它们在一夜间活崩乱跳的长大;每天在田野里嬉戏、玩耍。路上行仍衣衫一天比一天薄了。天空不时飞来一只小鸟,在你身边转动,上鸟也正在呼吸大自然春天的气息。一起在在树上、野花、野草上玩耍,我一转眼便看见了勤劳的小蜜蜂,正在野花上采蜜。一群群上蜜蜂在采蜜时互相帮助,有时还一起玩耍、嬉戏。都在用勤劳的双手共筑蜂巢。忽然,天空上空风云变色,下起了春雨。小鸟躲在家中,蜜蜂出进了蜂巢。哎,这场春雨赶走了小鸟、蜜蜂、气氛。没想到雨一停野花开得更美了,蜜蜂、小鸟又出来了,仿佛更精神了。



  Morning, I just got up, I heard my mother shouting: "! Yao Yao, the rain," I feel very excited, because no rain next winter, and I quickly opened the window and saw the ground damp I then hand out the window, feel the rhythm of the rain dripped on my hands, very cool. Way to school, I saw the roadside grass alive, as if all looked up to find water to drink. Poplar branches came two days still bare, and now the tree has been covered with "caterpillar." Willow has also started slowly blooming bud, and green verdant. The rain was small, softly dripping on my face, hemp, exciting moment. A gust of wind blowing, I feel the winter wind to face is very bitter, but he could feel the spring breeze made me feel very comfortable. Some people raincoat, some umbrellas. He (she) had some to work, some to go to school, but their faces are smiling. I heard there was a grandfather, said: "drought for so long, long overdue rain, rain expensive as oil ah." This sentence makes me immediately think of the great poet Du Fu wrote the poem: "Good rain knows the season, when spring is here. wind sneaked into the night, moisten things silently. " This is really a good rain ah.



学习啦在线学习网   When Deadwood sprout again in little green, it means the arrival of spring.

  Liuya sharp, body transparent at the top of the opening and closing of the two halves, as if kissing the warm sun, crystal soft green, Johnson Tsui dripping, people can not help touching approached, shining in the sunlight flashing, giving a unique beauty.

学习啦在线学习网   Yang Liu Yiyi, fragrant grass.

  On the ridge, Yan Liu trip, Cuiye encrusted branches, crashed ringing, clearly visible veins, micro wave in the wind. The birds nest in the trees, peck in the dirt, like a naughty child, constantly among the leaves, revealing a small white head. And a breeze, like a sea of green has been summoned, dumping it. Thrown the slightest ripple in the center as they watch the birds. People think that this is not the leaves, but the real ocean.

  What a beautiful world! There are light yellow willow, green seedlings, white pear, yellow rapeseed; peach pink, green grass, there are so many bits and pieces of flowers, a film, a block, colorful, beautiful . Small birds sing branches, people great sense of joy. Green world! Day phase, finish like a lotus, sky blue, shiny, dazzling white cloud, leisurely across the sky. Like a fish tank, carefully holding the fish, out of fear that the whole thing. The cloud, like a glowing pearl, blooming splendor in the sun, hook engaging.

学习啦在线学习网   Green, climbed the mountain; green, climbed the ladder; green, diffuse into the heart.




学习啦在线学习网   田埂上,烟柳成行,翠叶缀满枝头,哗啦啦的响着,清晰可见的纹络,在风中微摇。鸟儿在树梢筑巢,在泥土上轻啄,仿佛是调皮的小孩,在树叶间探头探脑,露出一个白色的小脑袋。又一阵微风,绿色的海洋仿佛是受到了召唤,为之倾倒。泛起丝丝涟漪,以鸟儿为中心荡漾开来。让人觉得,这不是树叶,而是真正的海洋。

学习啦在线学习网   世界好美!有鹅黄的柳枝,嫩绿的禾苗,洁白的梨花,嫩黄的油菜;有粉红的桃花,嫩绿的小草,还有那么多星星点点的小花,一片片,一块块,花花绿绿的,美极了。小鸟儿枝头放歌,让人大感欣喜。绿色的世界!与天相接,余韵像莲花,天蓝的发亮,云白的刺眼,慢悠悠的滑过天空。彷佛一个鱼缸,小心翼翼的捧着鱼儿,生怕掉了似的。而云,又像一颗夜明珠,在阳光下绽放异彩,勾人心魄。


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