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学习啦在线学习网   Animals are human most loyal partner, composition of my favorite animals. Animals add fun in our lives, for our portal. So we should kind to animals, because animals also have feelings, if you this life is also a small animals, you will want to human how to you? So we have to learn to draw, to friendly treat every small animal in the world!

  My favorite little animals must belong to the dog. Why do you say that? Because I owned a small animal since I can remember the home, the dog dog. As if I was eight or nine years old, I went to my grandparents' house, there have been a dog. Because during the summer vacation, so I just on grandpa's grandmother lives in a few weeks. Feel bored, just have a little puppy dog play. Dog's body a snow-white, a few small tail swaying, weenose straight around eyes, cute little nose smell east west smell. From time to time, but also his little tongue scattered heat! Due to the puppy whole body is white, it is to give it named "nothing".

  When I finished the fixed work, I have made and in play together, we often play the game of throwing bones, is to throw the bone out, let all be to pick up, every time to time in vain, and again the last compare is improved or declined. When eating every time, always in vain "hide" under my legs, from time to time, still can hear the dog barks in vain quack! For nothing, or keep a faithful as my grandparents' house, when to enter the home, a stranger said nothing would keep yelling, until the stranger away.

  I like small animals, I prefer white white! Hope all the world to take care of small animals, with a sincere heart to love them, protect them. Take good care of small animals is responsibility and obligation to people all over the world.


  动物是人类最忠实的伙伴,作文 我最喜欢的小动物。动物给我们的生活添加了乐趣,动物替我们看守门户。所以我们要友善的对待动物,因为动物也是有感情的,如果你今生也是一只小动物,你会希望人类怎样对你?所以我们要学会将心比心,去友好的对待世界上的每一只小动物吧!

学习啦在线学习网   我最喜欢的小动物非小狗莫属。为什么这么说呢?因为我从我记事起家里就养过小动物——狗狗。好象是我八岁或九岁时,我去爷爷奶奶家,就在那里养过一只狗狗。因为正值暑假,所以我就在爷爷奶奶家住上几个星期。觉得无聊,才养了一只小狗狗玩。小狗的全身一片雪白,一条短短的小尾巴摇来摇去,黑溜溜的眼睛直转悠,可爱的小鼻子东闻闻西闻闻。不时还伸出小舌头散散热呢!由于小狗全身都是白色,就给它取名叫“白白”了。

学习啦在线学习网   每当我写完固定作业量,就和白白在一起玩,我们经常玩扔骨头的游戏,就是把骨头扔出去,让白白去捡,每次都要给白白计时,再和上一次比一比是提高了还是下降了。每次吃饭时,白白总是“藏”在我的腿下,不时还能听见白白汪汪地叫声呢!白白还是爷爷奶奶家最忠实的守位,当有陌生人表示要进入家时,白白就会不停地大叫,直到把陌生人吓跑为止。



学习啦在线学习网   Today, my mother bought me a lovely kitten, I give it named sweet.

  Sweet is a roll of a roll of white MAO, the ear is the sky blue, tail is pink. Its eyes a like shining stars in the sky, the desk lamp of a burn like a blue, big, round, intense, above the eyes and yellow flower, very lovely.

  It is not only beautiful, but also very naughty!

学习啦在线学习网   Once, when I was in painting, sweet in my crayons on the pigment of stepped on a few feet, and then stepped on a few feet on my paper, I saw a piece of paper for a few more plum flower, sweet feet is the plum flower form, became a beautiful plum flower, on a paper to the eye.

  I also play games with it, it then is gone. A look, originally it to look for food. It's a lovely and naughty cat!

  This is my cat, sweet, I like it.




学习啦在线学习网   它不仅很美丽,还很调皮呢!





学习啦在线学习网   This time, I saw a panda in the zoo, the panda is really a very beautiful and lovely animal. The life of it laugh. Let me to introduce to introduce you to our country's national treasure, the panda. The panda is very pleasing, but pandas in the world is on the verge of extinction, the panda is a rare animal, we have to take care of the panda. Upon its short limbs, action is slow, there are only two kinds of color, black and white, in which the fuzzy embedded on the face of a pair of black eyes, show the very cute.

  The panda's life is very carefree. It likes a leisurely stroll on flat ground, happy to play. Sometimes it will lift up, looked at us, think about why do we need to look at it, sometimes sitting on the grass, with his head down as if meet what sad thing, as if in anger, give it a mystery! When it is happy, somersault on the lawn, is just like a big ball rolling on the ground, see this scene, really make people laugh to tears. The panda is very lazy. Pandas sleep, belly up, sometimes, it will use front PAWS patted his stomach; Also sometimes it stamped their feet, and turn over, I thought it's time to wake up! I didn't think to sleep again.

  Turn it up, with the hand rub sleepy eyes, curious looking at the people, and with tottering steps walked to the other side of the railing sat down, as if to clear his mind. Didn't expect it and lay down to sleep, ah panda really can sleep! The panda is very speak hygiene, it after dinner, it also get sink down the body, hands on pool, low head, drink saliva embellish throat, plump plump to drink up, look it that appearance, I can smile to break belly! The panda is one of the world baby, it's every move, add unlimited to tens of thousands of visitors for fun



学习啦在线学习网   熊猫的生活是很悠闲的。它喜欢在平坦的地面上悠闲的散步,快乐的玩耍。有时候它也会抬抬头,望着我们,想想我们为什么要看着它,有时候又坐在草地上低着头,好象遇见什么伤心的事了,有好象在生气,让人对它百思不得其解啊!当它高兴的时候,就在草地上翻筋斗,就像一个大皮球在地上滚来滚去的,看到这个场景,真让人笑破肚皮。熊猫也是很懒的。熊猫睡觉时,腹部朝天,有时候,它会用前爪子轻轻拍拍肚子;也有时候,它两脚一蹬,就翻个身,我还以为它要起床了呢!没想到又睡了。

学习啦在线学习网   它翻身起来,用手揉揉惺忪的眼睛,好奇的望着人们,又迈着蹒跚的步子走到栏杆的另一边坐了下来,好象要清醒一下头脑似的。没想到它又躺下睡着了,哎熊猫真能睡啊!熊猫也是很讲卫生的,它吃过饭后,它还得到水池边伏下身子,双手靠着池边,低着头,喝口水润润喉,咕咚咕咚地喝起来,瞧它那模样,真让人笑破肚皮!熊猫是世界上的宝贝,它的一举一动,给成千上万的游人增添了无限的乐趣。

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