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学习啦在线学习网   Hibernation is more than sleep. It is a very deep sleep. The animal's temperature drops to just over zero centigrade, and its heart beats very slowly. People who find hibernating animals asleep often think that they are dead: the body feels very cold, and the creature may breathe only once every five minutes. A hibernating animal cannot feel any pain. You can touch it, or even pull its tail, without causing it to move or wake up. In its hibernating state it can even live in a poisonous atmosphere for a long time without any ill effect.

  Hibernating in this way, the animal can sleep all through the winter. You might wonder how it manages to live without eating for so many months. The answer lies in two facts. The first is that it has stored supplies of fat in its body during the summer and autumn. The second is connected with the main use the body makes or rood——to supply the energy for movement. We have seen that hibernating animal reduces movement to far below the ordinary level. Even the movements or the heart and lungs are greatly reduced. The animal hardly makes any movement, hardly use any energy, and hardly needs any rood.

学习啦在线学习网   Some animals, including some bears only hair hibernate. That is to say, they sleep during the winter, but their sleep is not deep and their body temperature does not drop, as they are warm blooded animals. In the antumn the bear eats and eats and becomes very rat. His hair grows longer. Soon he has a thick covering or rat and fur. In November he rinds a place to lie down and goes to sleep. On warm winter days he may think spring has arrived;he gets up and wa[ks around. When he sees that the snow is still thick on the ground, he quickly goes to sleep again.

学习啦在线学习网   冬眠不仅仅是睡眠,而是一种沉睡。动物的体温降到刚好在零摄氏度以上,心脏跳动非常缓慢。人们看到处于冬眠状态的动物,常常以为它们是死的:身体摸上去冰凉,可能每5分钟才呼吸一次。冬眠的动物感觉不到任何疼痛。你可以摸它,拉它的尾巴,也不能使它动一动或醒过来。当它处于冬眠状态时,甚至可以长时间地生活在有毒空气中而无任何不良后果。


学习啦在线学习网   有些动物,包括有些熊,只是半冬眠。就是说,每到冬天它就睡觉,不过他们睡得不那么沉,因为他们属温血运动,所以体温不下降。在秋天,熊吃了又吃长得真是肥极了。它身上的毛也长得更长了,很快全身就包满了一层厚厚的脂肪和毛。到了11月,它找个地方躺下睡觉了。在冬天暖和的日子里,它可能以为春天已经来到了,便起来四处走走,当它看到地上积雪仍然很厚时,它很快又去睡了。


学习啦在线学习网   American researchers spent two summers studying polar bears on the Arctic sea ice. They found that sea ice, where polar bears spend much of their lives, is melting faster than experts predicted it would. The researchers say this change in the animals' home territory is threatening their survival.


  The scientists published a report on their study in the journal Science. The report says polar bears face a difficult future unless countries reduce air pollution.


  Polar bears live on the ice. It is where they hunt, mate and raise their young. But a team of researchers has found that the animals' ice habitat is warming up, and shrinking.


  The team was from the University of Wyoming. Its members worked in the Arctic between 2008 and 2010. Merav Ben David was among the researchers. She says they learned that polar bears often have trouble finding food. She says the lack of food can affect their mental health.

学习啦在线学习网   这个科研团队来自怀俄明大学,团队成员在2008年到2010年之间对北极进行了研究。梅-本-傣威是成员之一。她说他们发现了北极熊常常在寻找食物上陷入困境,而缺乏食物会影响他们的心理健康。

  "So if shortening of the spring hunting season, lengthening of the summer season where they are food-deprived and still experiencing difficulties in getting food in the winter, polar bears are stressed physiologically."

学习啦在线学习网   “因此,如果用于猎食的春季正在变短,而食物短缺的夏季正在变得漫长,冬季寻找食物又面临困难,北极熊的身体就会无法忍受。

  Ms. Ben David says if the animals do not eat enough food in the spring, they are in poor health when winter arrives.


学习啦在线学习网   The researchers traveled on helicopters and ships. They captured more than 20 polar bears, and tested their blood. Before releasing the animals, the researchers equipped them with devices to measure temperature. They then followed the movement of the polar bears on ice and on land.


学习啦在线学习网   Other studies had suggested that the bears could deal with a lack of food in the summer by reducing their activity -- like the animals do when they hibernate in the winter. But Ms. Ben David says the researchers discovered that did not happen.


  "We found that polar bears -- like their nearest relatives the brown bears -- are incapable of reducing their metabolic rate to the level that we see during winter hibernation. So there are limits on how long they can go without feeding in the summer."


学习啦在线学习网   Ms. Ben David says 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears live in the Arctic. She says the world should take action to protect them.

学习啦在线学习网   本-傣威女士疾呼,现在的北极,只有两万到两万五千头北极熊,为了保护它们,全世界都应展开行动。

学习啦在线学习网   "If we want to be responsible citizens of this planet, we have to do everything in our power to stop, reverse the trend of sea ice loss."


  She says countries must work to limit the greenhouse gases that studies have linked to rising temperatures. She says if that does not happen, polar bears could one day disappear from our planet.

学习啦在线学习网   她说,所有国家都必须投入到限制温室气体排放的工作中来,因为温室气体会引起气候变暖,如果不这样做,北极熊迟早会从地球上消失。


  I have a cute little parrot, it wears a pale "sweater", and with the pinch of grey feathers, like a crown on it a little head, on the opposite side of the head has two black eyes, always in loud gurgling, small eyes following is red face, as if a shy of the beautiful princess, its mouth is gray, lovely and beautiful, not only can eat can sing, small mouth or climbing up and down the secret weapon! .

  It is a "dancer", I bring it to practice playing the piano every day, every time it hears a "satisfactory", began to "big fan" parrot wings - kept jumping, not letter, you listen to me, the day I took it to my piano practice a bounce "listen to the mother about the thing of the past", it is the low standing there motionless, when I pop "childhood memories" wings it quivered, jumping like a dancing girl.

学习啦在线学习网   It is also a "sweet tooth" though it is in the bowl won't be free forever, but every time I take the lettuce leaves to feed it, it always also don't lift of binge eating, less than two minutes immediately into a beautiful lettuce leaf fan "broken".

学习啦在线学习网   Look! My little lovely parrot!!!!




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