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  Donald Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort resigned on Friday in the wake of acampaign shake-up in revelations about his work in Ukraine. Manafort's resignation comes aday after the Associated Press reported that confidential emails from Manafort's firmcontradicted his claims that he had never lobbied on behalf of Ukrainian political figures in theUS.

  US Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte apologized for his behavior surrounding a late-night incidentat a Rio de Janeiro gas station, saying he should have been more careful and candid about howhe described what happened. Lochte claimed he and three teammates were victims of an armedrobbery, but Brazilian police say the swimmers had vandalized a gas station after a night ofpartying and that they were confronted by armed security guards.

  Two American astronauts ventured out on a space walk to install a new door for visitors at theInternational Space Station. The pair quickly began hooking up a docking port that will be usedby future commercial crew capsules.

学习啦在线学习网   Two young albino lion cubs are being cared for in Yalta Zoo in Crimea. The pair was born earlierthis week in a safari park. But their mother is blind and in poor health, so the cubs weretransferred to the zoo for proper care.

  关于道歉的英语短文篇:向女孩道歉 真诚和技巧同样重要

  Apologising to a girl over a sensitive subject can be very difficult. Follow the advice in this video to achieve a successful apology and avoid common mistakes that can upset the person you want to apologise to.


  And now, some tips on how to apologise to a girl. One of the most important things, if you are going to apologise to a girl,is to be absolutely sure that you want to apologise and that you know why you're apologizing. It's very important when apologising to a girl to be sincere, and to be clear and sure that you've understood what has happened and the need and the reason for apologising in the first place.


学习啦在线学习网   It will be important when you do apologise that you empathize. In other words, that you're able to show that you can see the problem, the issue, the reason for the apology from the girl's point of view. Let me say here that if you can't see why you're apologising, if you can't understand the need or the reason, it's actually better not to apologise.


  If you're insincere about it, it has no value, it's a waste of time and a waste of energy, and that will be up to you to decide. Bear in mind that when you do apologise, avoid any extremes in what you're saying. For example, "I always do this" or "Everybody does that".


  That's generalizing, it's not dealing with the issue at hand. Also, be very, very careful about using the word "but". If you apologize and follow it with the word "but", you're actually negating, you're cancelling everything you said before the "but" so it's meaningless.

学习啦在线学习网   这样太笼统了,并没有针对具体的问题。同时,一定要小心,不要使用“但是”这个词。如果你道歉了,紧接着又说“但是”,你之前说的话全都白费了,没有任何意义了。

学习啦在线学习网   Finally, after you've made the apology, you need to let go of the outcome. Whatever reaction, whatever response you get, it is what it is. You cannot control the other person.

学习啦在线学习网   最后,道歉之后,不要太在意结果。无论对方是何反应,无论你得到什么回应,结果就是这样了,你无法控制对方。

学习啦在线学习网   You do not know they are going to take what you say. And it's very important that you just take what they say and let it go.



  Donald Trump was forced to defend himself after being caught bragging in crude terms about aggressively groping women, issuing a rare apology but immediately accusing Hillary Clinton of bullying the female “victims” of her husband, former president Bill Clinton.

  唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)被迫为自己辩解,此前曝光的视频证据显示他曾用粗鄙的语言吹嘘自己放肆地猥亵女性。他罕见地作出道歉,但随即指控希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)欺凌她的丈夫、前总统比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)的女性“受害者”。

学习啦在线学习网   The Washington Post on Friday published a video from 2005, in which Mr Trump boasted about trying to have sex with married women and grabbing their genitals. He claimed attractive women wanted to kiss him because he is a star.

学习啦在线学习网   《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)周五公布一段2005年的视频,显示特朗普吹嘘自己试图与已婚妇女性交,抓她们的私处。他声称,有魅力的女性想吻他,因为他是一个明星。

  “You can do anything,” he claimed in the recording, which drew swift rebukes from his Democratic rival and his Republican party colleagues alike, undercutting his efforts to launch a comeback in this Sunday’s second debate against Mrs Clinton.

学习啦在线学习网   “你可以做任何事情,”他在录像中声称。此言迅速招致他的民主党对手和共和党同僚的同声斥责,削弱他在本周日对希拉里的第二场辩论中卷土重来的努力。

  “I have said and done things that I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade old video are one of them,” Mr Trump said in a video statement released late on Friday night. “Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologise.”


  Mr Trump admitted to saying “foolish things” but said he had been less egregious than Mr Clinton. “There is a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women, and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed, and intimidated his victims. We will discuss this more in the coming days,” he said.


学习啦在线学习网   The revelation comes a month before the election and less than two weeks after the first presidential debate, in which the New York property mogul came under attack from Mrs Clinton for previously referring to a Latina beauty queen as “Miss Piggy”.


  In recent weeks, the Clinton campaign has successfully framed the 2016 race as a referendum on Mr Trump’s attitude to women and his character. The lewd and often explicit remarks in the unearthed video recording will almost certainly reinforce existing impressions about the Republican candidate.


  With the polls having moved sharply against him over the last week, Mr Trump had been hoping that Sunday’s debate would give him a chance to regain momentum. Mrs Clinton called the recording “horrific” and tweeted that “we cannot allow this man to become president”. Her running mate Tim Kaine said Mr Trump’s behaviour “makes me sick to my stomach”.

  鉴于过去一周民调结果出现对特朗普不利的大幅变动,他本来希望周日的辩论将给他一个夺回势头的机会。希拉里称这段录像“可怕”,并在Twitter上写道,“我们不能让这个人成为总统”。她的竞选搭档蒂姆•凯恩(Tim Kaine)表示,特朗普的行为“让我感到反胃”。

  More worrying for Mr Trump, he faced unprecedentedly sharp criticism from his own party. Everyone from Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP nominee, slammed him over the comments.

  对特朗普来说更令人担忧的是,他面临着党内空前尖锐的批评。从众议院议长保罗•瑞安(Paul Ryan)到2012年共和党总统候选人米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney),共和党重量级人物纷纷抨击他的言论。





