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学习啦在线学习网   道歉是人们日常生活中一种常见的言语行为,这一言语行为在人际交往中是必不可少的。冒犯者使用“对不起”“请你原谅”之类的表达来向被冒犯者致歉。要想实施道歉这一言语行为,冒犯者需要利用某些方法或者技巧来表达其歉意,这些方法或者技巧就被称为“道歉策略”。本文是关于道歉认错的英语美文,希望对大家有帮助!


学习啦在线学习网   An apology can’t fixeverything, and Benedict Cumberbatch seems to know that. “Thedamage is done,” he said in a statement to People magazine afterreceiving criticism for using the term “colored people” in anon-air interview with PBS’s Tavis Smiley。


  But an apology can, atleast, make a strong case that someone really is sorry. Bysignaling awareness of why what they did was wrong, of how it mighthave affected people, and how they will do better in the future,apologizers don’t quite erase their errors but do demonstrate thatthey see them as errors. Cumberbatch basically did all of thosethings in his statement:


  I’m devastated to havecaused offense by using this outmoded terminology. I offer mysincere apologies. I make no excuse for my being an idiot and knowthe damage is done. I can only hope this incident will highlightthe need for correct usage of terminology that is accurate andinoffensive. The most shaming aspect of this for me is that I wastalking about racial inequality in the performing arts in the U.K.and the need for rapid improvements in our industry when I used theterm. […]


  I feel the complete fool Iam and while I am sorry to have offended people and to learn frommy mistakes in such a public manner please be assured I have. Iapologize again to anyone who I offended for this thoughtless useof inappropriate language about an issue which affects friends ofmine and which I care about deeply。


  His apology’s thoroughnesswouldn`t be worth noting if most public figures’ mea culpas weren`tso shoddy. The Internet has countless lists of famous folksbotching it, sometimes by passive-aggressively expressing remorseonly for people’s offense instead of the action that caused it, orby trying to explain away the mistake。


  Apologies like these canactually make things worse. When Don Lemon basically asked a rapeaccuser why she didn`t bite Bill Cosby and then responded tobacklash with, "If my question to her struck anyone as insensitive,I am sorry," it muddied the issue, implying that anyone who tookissue with the question was overly touchy。


  Cumberbatch does nearlywalk into the chagrinned-white-person trope of referencing hisnon-white “friends,” but it’s not to excuse his own words—it’s todemonstrate awareness of why his mistake might matter. And it couldseem a little self-serving for him to hope that the “incident willhighlight the need for correct usage of terminology that isaccurate and inoffensive,” but he`s actually correct to do so. Theword “colored” was in popular usage not too long ago; it’s in thevery name of the NAACP. Some people may not realize that it’s beenlargely phased out because of its racist lineage and because somepeople of color feel it dehumanizes them. The publicity aroundCumberbatch`s slip-up could help remedy that in a smallway。

  在提及自己的非白人“朋友”时,康伯巴奇虽也为措辞不当表示悔恨不已,但这并不是为了给自己找借口,而是为了说明深知错误的严重后果。他表示希望自己的失言能够提醒大家,正确使用准确且无冒犯之意的词语是十分重要的。这也许听起来有点以自我为中心,但事实上,他说的不错。就在不久前,“有色人种”这个词还被广泛使用,它甚至出现在了美国全国有色人种协进会(NationalAssociation for the Advancement of ColoredPeople)的机构名称中。而现在,这个词已不再使用,因为它和种族主义有着历史渊源,并且令一些非白人感到受到了侮辱。但有些人可能还未意识到。而此次康伯巴奇的说错话受到了社会关注,这在某种程度上起到了纠正作用。

学习啦在线学习网   There’s another upside tothis apology, in that it offers a reminder of how messy progresscan be. In the Smiley interview, Cumberbatch was talking about thedifficulties that nonwhite actors face in finding roles—an issuethat he and a lot of other people think deserves more attention. Soon one hand, you have a white man speaking out for racial equality;on the other, you have him employing a word that’s long helpedenable inequality. All in all Cumberbatch said he’s sorry, probablyin the best way anyone could hope for。


  关于道歉认错的英语美文:Admitting guilt


  Giving advice is a lot easier than receiving it.

学习啦在线学习网   给予建议比接受建议更容易。

  Telling someone that he was wrong is a lot easier than admitting that you made a mistake.


学习啦在线学习网   Writing a timeout everyday is not easy but trying to live up to all of my timeout goals and ideas, gosh!


学习啦在线学习网   It's almost impossible.


  I know someone who is great at giving advice but when you point out some area where he can improve him getdefensive.


  The more you try and tell him about a mistake he made the more defensive he gets.


学习啦在线学习网   So for that person I've given up trying.


学习啦在线学习网   All of my friends have. I can't give up on my kids though.


学习啦在线学习网   If my son makes a mistake and I pointed it out, the first thing that comes from his lips is 'No!' It's a blame refusal to admit his mistake.

学习啦在线学习网   如果我儿子犯了一个过错而且经我指出,他嘴里说出的第一个词就是“不!”。这是一种承认他错误的奇怪拒绝。

  It's never 'Yes, daddy, you are right.' Or 'Okay mummy, sorry.' It's 'No, it's not my fault' or 'It's wasn't me.'

学习啦在线学习网   他从来没有说过“是的,爸爸,你是对的。或好妈妈,对不起。”一直都是“不,这不是我的错或者绝对不是我。”

学习啦在线学习网   I do the same things sometimes.


  Perhaps it's human nature.


  Perhaps my son got his habit from me.


  No! It couldn't be my fault, could it?

学习啦在线学习网   不!不可能是我的错,可能吗?

  Talk about it:

学习啦在线学习网   谈论下面的话题:

  Are you good at accepting advice?

学习啦在线学习网   你善于接受建议吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Are you quick to admit guilt?

学习啦在线学习网   你很快就会承认错误吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Do you apologize quickly?

学习啦在线学习网   很快你就会道歉吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Have you ever defended your actions even though you knew you were wrong?


  Do you know someone maybe in your family who tends to be great at giving advice but terrible at receiving it?


  Do you give good advice to your friends and family?

学习啦在线学习网   你给你的家人和朋友提出了很好的建议吗?

  What kinds of problems do people talk to you about?


  How does feeling guilty affect us?

学习啦在线学习网   感到内疚会如何影响我们?

  相关文章拓展阅读:Apologizing and Giving Explanations

学习啦在线学习网   Miss Green:Mary, what happened to you? You are twenty minutes late today. We all worry about you, you know.

学习啦在线学习网   Mary Brown:Sorry, Miss Green. But can I explain what happened ?

学习啦在线学习网   Miss Green: Yes, please.

  Mary Brown:OK. I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop when an old man standing nearby fell to the ground suddenly and lost his senses. I was so surprised that I didnt know what to do at first.Then I guessed that he must have had a heart attack. So I called the nearby police station.

学习啦在线学习网   Miss Green:Did they come?

学习啦在线学习网   Mary Brown:Yes, they soon came over and sent the old man to a hospital.

  Miss Green:Good. Now I see what happened. You are a good girl, Mary.







学习啦在线学习网   玛丽:是的,他们不久就来了,然后把老人送进了医院。






