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  I sit on cany chair constantly shake, often bubble up a pot of pu-erh tea, alone, in the evening, the bath of tea flavor, taste of tea I this is uninteresting, bitter taste without any sweet, but I don't know who is benefic to the word "people grow up, you need to learn from taking pains", let me have a crush on tea are sweet.

学习啦在线学习网   不知是4岁还是5岁的时候,家里有着许多的书,个个面带严肃,郑重地伫立在书架上,这些书大部分都是父亲的,是陪伴了父亲青春的老书,许多本都已破损了,不是边角破损,而是书从中断裂成了两半,但都已被胶水修补过了。虽是老书,书皮金黄色的图案依然折射着光芒,刺眼的光芒里,我似乎看见了父亲埋在书堆之中的童年。而今,父亲早已迈进了中年,这些书也理所当然地被我“继承”了。当时,父母都是老师,虽然有了个白白胖胖的儿子,但他们还是把极大的精力放在了工作上,放在了那批高考在即的学生上。我也只得独自一人待在空旷的家中,无趣的度过一天又一天,有时也曾想不满地大喊一声,但我知道,回答我的,只有那一本本旧书。于是,书成了我唯一解闷的玩伴,父母走后,我便费力的爬到了书架上,用着稚嫩的小手在书架中费力抽取出我发现的一本连环画——《西游记》,因为书中有着一幅幅精美的图案,但那苦涩的文言文让我实在是捉摸不透,也只能似懂非懂的翻阅着,我常常一看就是大半天,直到父母回家。

学习啦在线学习网   Don't know is 4 or 5 years of age, the home has many books, all the noodles take seriously, solemnly stood in the bookshelf, these books mostly father, is the father of youth with older books, many this has worn out, not edge horn is damaged, but the book from the fracture in half, but has been the glue repair. Though it was old books, book covers the golden pattern still refraction shining and dazzling ray of light, I seem to see the father buried in spur of childhood. Now, father had entered middle age, these books also were rightly I "succession". At that time, parents are all teachers, although had a vain fat son, but still they put great effort on the work, in the university entrance exam that batch in students. I also had to stay alone in an empty house, dull to get through the day and day, sometimes also once think everywhere yell 1, but I know, answer me, and only those YiBenBen old books. Hence, the only book became my sorrows playmates, parents left, I then arduous climb to the shelf, use the childish hands in bookshelf wade extract I found a comic -- "journey to the west", because the book with plenties of exquisite design, but that the bitter wen-yen let I really dark horse, and can only be indefinitely was browsing through, I often a see be big until her parents got home.


学习啦在线学习网   In the human growth process, will experience a lot of things: success, failure ... ... I seem to grow very common experience, however, that the failure made me a benefit for life, want to know why? I still listen to it carefully Road Come on!

学习啦在线学习网   Today, the math teacher to his tone has always been tough for us to talk about yesterday's test. I got the test paper, looked at the score, red, my tears almost to flow out, "70" points, my God! You know, I've never had such a low test scores, Moreover, or math! Topic teacher on the stage, came under the rustling of error correction, my hands are moving, can not the brain is actually sad. Gomi knocked over my heart like a bottle, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, together came to my mind.

  Dark clouds out the window, my heart has long been raining cats and dogs, God seemed to sympathize with me, and finally, the teacher announced that school, I still wood

  Ran just sat there, gave me a shot at the same table, "how not walking up?" "You go first!" I bitter to say that, while his heart was sad. Teachers in the empty I only heard sobbing.

学习啦在线学习网   When I picked up the bag, and slowly out of the classroom, the classroom is already a heavy rain. I walked slowly into the rain and fog, the rain suddenly surrounded me, he did not feel, until I stopped crying, found that he had become a "Rain Man." Walking, walking, I suddenly felt slipped and then fell to the ground was a mud pit! Passers-by from time to time will react, "you say that this young man ... ..." "hey! Not be saved ... ..." I heard these words, my heart is not a taste of.






  关于孤单寂寞的英语美文:Loneliness is a contagious disease


  ON THE surface, Framingham, Massachusetts looks like any other American town. Unbeknown to most who pass through this serene place, however, it is a gold mine for medical research. Since 1948 three generations of residents in Framingham have participated in regular medical examinations originally intended to study the spread of heart disease. In the years since, researchers have also used Framingham to track obesity, smoking and even happiness over long periods of time. Now a new study that uses Framingham to analyse loneliness has found that it spreads very much like a communicable disease.


  Feeling lonely is more than just unpleasant for those who yearn to be surrounded by warm relationships—it is a health hazard. Numerous studies show that loneliness reduces fruit-fly lifespans, increases the chances of mice developing diabetes, and causes a host of adverse effects in people, including cardiovascular disease, obesity and weakening of the immune system. Simply being surrounded by others is no cure. In people, the mere perception of being isolated is more than enough to create the bad health effects. However, in spite of its significant impact, precious little is known about how loneliness moves through communities.

学习啦在线学习网   孤独感不仅仅令那些渴望与周围人建立良好关系的人产生不快,而且还会威胁他们的健康。众多的研究表明孤独感会减少果蝇的寿命,增加老鼠得糖尿病的几率,对人们健康造成一系列不利影响,其中包括心脑血管疾病,肥胖症以及减弱免疫系统。仅仅有人在身旁并不能起到治疗的作用。对人们来说,仅仅感到被孤立就足以产生对健康不利的影响。尽管孤独感有如此重大的影响 ,但是它是如何在人群中传播的——却不为人知。

  a host of :许多;大量 eg:Plants offer a host of health benefits 植物提供有关健康的许多好处。

学习啦在线学习网   more than enough :绰绰有余

学习啦在线学习网   Keen to shed some light on the mystery, John Cacioppo of the University of Chicago and his colleagues turned to the Framingham data. They found that all participants in the study were routinely asked to list people who would probably know their whereabouts in the next two to four years. Most importantly, they were asked to describe their relationship with each person as friend, spouse, sibling, neighbour or colleague. The original purpose of such questions was to help the researchers behind the heart-disease project stay in touch with participants even when they moved out of Framingham. But the loneliness team immediately recognised them as a way to identify social interactions.


  Between 1983 and 2001, even more useful information was collected when participants were regularly asked to state how many days a week they felt certain feelings. One of the options they were presented with was “I felt lonely”. The answers, when combined with the data on where participants were living and who their friends and family were, allowed Dr Cacioppo and his colleagues to analyse the formation and transmission of isolation.


  They report in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that loneliness formed in clusters of people, and that once one person in a social network started expressing feelings of loneliness, others within the same network would start to feel the same way. The effects spread as far as three degrees of separation. Those who had immediate contact with lonely people were around 50% more likely than average to feel lonely themselves. In people who knew people who had direct contact with lonely people, the figure was 25%. Those with three degrees of separation showed roughly a 10% increase.

  他们在《人格和社会心理学》杂志上发表的研究报告称:孤独感产生于人群当中,一旦一个人在社交圈中开始表现出孤独感,在此社交圈的其他人也会有同样的感受。这种影响会蔓延到3个不同的程度。和孤独症患者有直接接触的那些人,自己也感到孤独的几率比正常情况下要多出50%;知道身边的人接触过孤独症患者的那些人,几率则多出正常的25%。 三种程度的人群数量都表现出大约10%的增长率。

  The reason for the spread, the team argues, is because loneliness causes people to act towards others in a less generous and more negative fashion. As someone becomes lonely, he is more likely to interact with his friends negatively, and they are then more likely to interact with other friends negatively. If these interactions are repeated, the ties of friendships fray and people become lonelier and more isolated.

学习啦在线学习网   研究小组认为,造成孤独感传播的原因是:孤独感会使人在对待他人时缺少肚量,更加消极。一旦一个人具有孤独感,他很有可能在和朋友进行交往时表现得很消极,而这些朋友也很可能会消极地影响他们的朋友。如果这种相互影响重复进行,朋友之间的关系就会变得紧张,人们就会变得更加孤独,更加自闭。

  The effects were more noticeable among friends than family, and stronger among women than men. The researchers argue that this is because the costs of abandoning relationships are lower for friends than they are for family members, and because women look to friends for emotional and social support more than men do. When they fail to receive it, they are more likely to become lonely.

学习啦在线学习网   这种影响在朋友间比在家人之间更为明显,女人之间比男人之间更明显。研究者认为这是由于舍弃一段友情的代价要比舍弃一段亲情的代价小。并且,相较于男人,女人在情感和社会上求助于朋友的次数要多得多。一旦他们无法接受什么,就很可能变得孤独。

学习啦在线学习网   Yet these findings are only the first step. The team of researchers is starting to look at other towns and cities, to see if there are any public policies or city-planning techniques that thwart the spread of loneliness. No solutions have been discovered so far, but through the process of studying other communities the researchers have discovered that when it comes to having clusters of lonely people, Framingham, unfortunately, is very much like any other town in America.


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知识是死的,可以传授和学到;智慧是活的,只能悟到和偷到、学习知识可以获得一切,包括愚蠢;孤独寂寞可能失去一切,除了智慧。本文是关于孤单寂寞的英语美文,希望对大家有帮助! 关于孤单寂寞的英语美文:越长大,越孤单 我坐在藤椅上不