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学习啦在线学习网   奥运会本身即是一种传播媒介。奥运会和传统大众传播媒介之间是一种互动共生的关系,两者之间相互影响,彼此促进。学习啦小编整理了关于2016奥运会的英语小短文,欢迎阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   首支奥运难民代表团亮相里约

  The world’s first Refugee Olympic Team (ROT), which will compete at the Rio 2016 OlympicGames, is almost complete. On Friday morning (29 July), five athletes from South Sudan, whotoday live in Kenya, arrived in Rio de Janeiro ahead of their participation in the athletics eventsat Rio 2016. One of them, Paulo Lokoro, who will compete in the 1500 metres has one dreamin particular: to meet Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt.

学习啦在线学习网   世界首支奥运难民代表团几乎全员到齐,即将在里约奥运会赛场上一展风采。周五早上,五位来自南苏丹、现居肯尼亚的难民运动员在参赛项目开始前,到达了承办2016年奥运会的里约热内卢。其中有位名叫保罗•洛科罗的1500米长跑选手还有一个特别的梦想:见一见牙买加短跑健将尤赛恩•博尔特。

学习啦在线学习网   “I really want to meet Usain Bolt, he is someone I’ve only seen on television. I hope I can atleast see him in the Olympic Village,” Lokoro said, accompanied by his teammates Yiech Pur Biel(800m), James Nyang (400m), Anjelina Nadai (1500m) and Rose Lokonyen (800m). Along withthe athletes was the ROT chef de mission, Kenyan Tegla Loroupe, the first African woman towin the New York Marathon and who also has three Olympic Games under her belt.

学习啦在线学习网   “我真的好想亲眼见一下尤赛恩•博尔特,我以前只在电视上见过他。我希望我至少能在奥运村见他一眼。”洛科罗这样说,他的队友还有耶齐•普尔•比埃尔(800米选手)、詹姆斯•尼扬(400米选手)、安吉丽娜•纳达依(1500米选手)以及萝丝•洛孔延(800米选手)。与他们同行的还有难民代表团团长、肯尼亚人泰格拉•洛鲁普,身为首位赢得纽约马拉松冠军的非裔女运动员,她已将三块奥运会奖牌收入囊中。

学习啦在线学习网   With Syrian swimmers Yusra Mardini and Rami Anis already training at the Olympic AquaticsStadium, the refugee team awaits only the arrival of Ethiopian Yonas Kinde, a marathon runner(the last event at Rio 2016), who lives in Luxemburg and will arrive in Rio on the morning of 1August. Congolese judokas Popole Misenga and Yolande Mabika are already based in Rio.


学习啦在线学习网   “It’s really important because I know I represent thousands of refugees around the world,” saidteammate Anjelina Nadai who, just like all the team members that had come from Kenya, wasfull of smiles for journalists and onlookers gathered at the arrivals gate.

学习啦在线学习网   “我知道这很重要,因为我代表着世界上成千上万的难民们,”队员安吉丽娜•纳达依这样说。她像其他来自肯尼亚的队友一样,对机场出口的记者和围观者笑意相迎。

学习啦在线学习网   “What I can say is that we didn’t want to become refugees, but that’s what happened,” Nadaicontinued. “Now we want to do something positive for those people (refugees), so maybe thisis a chance to show the world our cause, so that there will be less and less refugees in theworld.”



  名将里约抓小精灵 玩出巨额话费

学习啦在线学习网   Japanese gymnast Kohei Uchimura apparently ran up a ridiculously expensive Pokémon Go billafter heading to Rio on July 20. However, what is really interesting is that you can’t playPokémon Go in Rio.


学习啦在线学习网   Aside from athletes being robbed, subpar accommodations, feces in the water, and the Russiandoping scandals, one of the big stories of the 2016 Rio Olympics is that you can’t catch anyPokémon in Brazil.


  British Olympian Joe Clarke posted a photo showing the lack of Pokémon in the area to hisTwitter account:


学习啦在线学习网   No Pokemon in Deodoro Olympic venue! Or in Brazil!?? @NianticLabs @PokemonGoApp@Pokemon #PokemonGO

学习啦在线学习网   德奥多罗奥运场馆没有小精灵!还是巴西都没有??@NianticLabs @PokemonGoApp @Pokemon#PokemonGO

  So when you hear Uchimura ran up a 500,000 yen, or ,000, phone bill while playing PokémonGo, the first question you probably have is: how?


学习啦在线学习网   Well, apparently Uchimura didn’t get the memo that there are no Pokémon to be caught in Rio,which means the gymnast must’ve been walking around building up crazy roaming charges, allwhile never catching anything.

学习啦在线学习网   好吧,内村显然不知道里约没有小精灵可抓。也就是说,他肯定在四处溜达时欠下了巨额漫游费,却什么也没逮住过。

  Luckily for Uchimura, he was spared from having to pay the entire bill after pleading with thephone company. Instead, the company agreed to charge him a flat rate of around per dayand waive the extra cost, according to USA Today.

学习啦在线学习网   所幸的是,在向手机运营商解释之后,内村不必支付全额账单。据《今日美国》报道,运营商同意只收取他每天30美元的固定费用,免除了额外收费。

学习啦在线学习网   “I really lucked out,” Uchimura told Kyodo News, a Tokyo based news company.


学习啦在线学习网   For all the other Olympians going to Rio, let Uchimura serve as a lesson. Keep the Pokémon Goapp closed while you’re in Brazil. There is nothing to catch.



学习啦在线学习网   里约8.5万人维持治安 犯罪依旧猖獗

  RIO DE JANEIRO — If battling pickpockets were an Olympic sport, the Brazilian authorities might qualify for a medal.


学习啦在线学习网   In the face of soaring street crime, the state government has deployed a security force of 85,000 in Rio, among them 23,000 soldiers who stand sentinel at busy intersections or cruise the streets in military jeeps, their weapons aimed menacingly at the sidewalk.

学习啦在线学习网   为了应付日益猖獗的街头犯罪,政府在里约部署了多达8.5万人的安保力量,其中有2.3万名军人,他们在繁忙的十字路口站岗,或是开着军用吉普车在街头巡逻,手中的武器威胁地指向人行道。

学习啦在线学习网   In one of the more intriguing displays, a Brazilian naval ship has been patrolling along the city’s famed Ipanema Beach.

学习啦在线学习网   还有一些更有意思的展示,比如在这座城市著名的依帕内玛海滩(Ipanema Beach),有一艘军舰沿着海岸线巡逻。

学习啦在线学习网   Still, the overwhelming show of force has not exactly vanquished crime. The chief of security for the opening ceremony was mugged at knifepoint on Friday night as he left Olympic Stadium; a stray bullet landed in the equestrian arena’s media tent on Saturday, just missing a New Zealand sports official; and on Saturday night, Portugal’s education minister was assaulted as he strolled along Rio’s upscale lagoon, site of the rowing competition.

学习啦在线学习网   然而,大量的武力展示并没有完全击败犯罪。开幕式的安全主管周五在离开奥林匹克体育场时遭到了持刀抢劫;星期六,一颗流弹击中了骑马赛事场馆外的媒体帐篷,差点击中一位新西兰体育官员;星期六晚上,葡萄牙教育部长在里约的高档环礁湖一带散步时遭遇袭击,这里也是赛艇赛事的主办地点。

  In their preparation for the Olympics, Brazilian officials confronted a number of challenges that had spooked some international visitors, including fears over the Zika epidemic, the threat of terrorist attacks and unflattering news media reports that drew attention to the city’s polluted waters.


  But it is the recent surge in street crime that has most unnerved city officials and residents, who worry that an embarrassing spike in lawlessness could dent the pride and euphoria that have taken hold here since the Summer Games began on Friday night.

学习啦在线学习网   但最近涌现的街头犯罪,才是最令这个城市的官员与居民们焦虑的问题,不法行为的激增令人尴尬,自从周五夏季奥运会开幕以来,这座城市里一直萦绕着骄傲与狂欢的气氛,他们担心这样的气氛会遭到破坏。

学习啦在线学习网   Despite the most recent incidents, including a bomb scare Saturday near the finish line of a men’s cycling race, most visitors and residents say they feel safe. “This must be the safest place in Brazil right now,” said Isabela Carvalho, 46, an ice cream vendor, as military police officers sped by on motorcycles, sirens wailing.

  尽管有最近的那些事故,包括周六发生在男子自行车赛终点线附近的炸弹恐慌,大多数游客和居民还是说,他们觉得很安全。“现在,这里可能是全巴西最安全的地方了,”46岁的冰淇淋小贩伊莎贝拉•卡瓦略(Isabela Carvalho)说,这时街头有一群警察骑着摩托车,鸣着警笛呼啸而过。

学习啦在线学习网   But the show of force has also drawn criticism from human rights activists who fear that overly aggressive policing might lead to abuses, especially in the city’s low-income communities, known as favelas.


  Last week, a joint police and military operation in one such neighborhood, Complexo do Alemão, left two people dead.

  阿莱茂住宅区(Complexo do Alemão)就是这样的一个社区,上星期,军方和警方在这里举行了一场联合行动,两人丧生。

学习啦在线学习网   Officials have sought to reassure visitors, pointing out that the security force is more than twice the number dispatched during the London Olympics of 2012. They also note that Rio has successfully hosted other large sporting events, including the 2014 World Cup.


学习啦在线学习网   The city’s security woes have been exacerbated by a severe budget crunch, which has hampered the government’s ability to pay police officers. The sense of crisis was underscored in June, when the state government declared a “financial calamity.”


学习啦在线学习网   In recent weeks, police officers who said their salaries had been delayed or only partially paid demonstrated at Rio’s international airport, holding up signs for arriving passengers that read, “Welcome to hell.”


  Fábio Neira, a civil police commissioner, said the late paychecks had dampened morale. “This creates a huge financial difficulty for us because you have to pay your bills, electricity and rent at the beginning of the month,” he said in an interview.

学习啦在线学习网   一位名叫法比奥•内拉(Fábio Neira)的警局局长说,欠薪令警察们士气低落。“这给我们带来了极大的财政困难,要知道月初时你还得付账单,交房租和电费,”他在采访中说。

学习啦在线学习网   Although the federal government subsequently provided an 0 million bailout to pay for security costs during the games, Neira said the money did not cover overtime worked in May or June.

学习啦在线学习网   尽管联邦政府后来拨了8.5亿美元的紧急财政援助,用于奥运会期间的安保费用,内拉说,这些钱连支付在五六月期间超时工作的工资都不够。

学习啦在线学习网   Working conditions, he added, remain abysmal, noting that some police stations lacked pens, toilet paper or money for gas.

学习啦在线学习网   他补充说,工作环境仍然糟糕透顶,有些警察局连笔和手纸都没有,甚至没钱给车子加油。

学习啦在线学习网   Although the Brazilian news media tends to focus on brazen street robberies or violence that occurs in the city’s wealthier neighborhoods, experts say it is Rio’s poor residents who bear the brunt of increased crime.


  Professor Julita Lemgruber, coordinator of the Center for Studies on Public Security and Citizenship at Candido Mendes University in Rio, said the rise in street crime was partly tied to failed efforts to improve public security in the city’s favelas.

  里约坎迪杜•门德斯大学公共安全与公民研究中心协调员朱莉塔•伦格鲁贝(Julita Lemgruber)教授说,街头犯罪的上升,部分与官方未能成功改善贫民窟地区的公共安全有关。

  In 2008, the state of Rio de Janeiro began an ambitious initiative, creating Police Pacification Units, which were responsible for combating drug gangs that had been operating with impunity. The program, which also relies on community policing and social work, is cited in Olympic documents as an important factor in addressing the city’s long-standing security concerns.

  2008年,里约热内卢州开展了一项雄心勃勃的行动,它创立了“警方平定小队”(Police Pacification Units),旨在打击有恃无恐的贩毒团伙。这个计划还有一系列治安管理和社会工作作为基础,奥运会文件中曾经大量引用这项行动,证明这个城市有安全方面的长远打算。

  Atila Roque, the executive director of Amnesty International in Brazil, said the program has been riddled with abuse and had exacerbated tensions between the police and residents, some of whom have called for an end to the effort.

  国际特赦组织(Amnesty International)驻巴西执行总管阿蒂拉•罗克(Atila Roque)说,这项计划中充满滥用权力,激化了警察和居民之间的矛盾,有些人已经呼吁早日结束这个行动。

学习啦在线学习网   Last year the police were responsible for 20 percent of the city’s homicides, according to Amnesty International, which used data from the state’s Public Security Institute. There were 645 police killings last year, compared with 400 in 2013. The number of those who died at the hands of the police between April and June of this year doubled from the same period last year, according to the data.


学习啦在线学习网   Most of the dead were young black men.

学习啦在线学习网   其中大多数死者是年轻的黑人男性。

  One of the communities hit hard by police violence is Maré, a sprawling favela that sits between Rio’s international airport and the affluent neighborhoods of Ipanema and Copacabana. The authorities have long struggled to contain the violence spawned by warring drug traffickers and militia groups. In the months before the World Cup, the army occupied the community for a year.

学习啦在线学习网   马雷(Maré)是遭受警察暴力尤为严重的社区之一,这个杂乱无章的贫民窟坐落在里约国际机场与依帕内玛和科帕卡巴纳的富人区之间。这里的贩毒团伙和民兵组织之间经常发生暴力冲突,政府早就想控制局面。世界杯之前的几个月,军队占领了这个社区,驻扎一年。

  Eliana Sousa Silva, who was raised in Maré and is the founder of a local nonprofit group, said police operations there became more frequent as the Olympics approached. Late last month, journalists living in the neighborhood reported three straight days of police operations that involved heavy gunfire.

  埃利安娜•索萨•席尔瓦(Eliana Sousa Silva)在马雷长大,是本地一个非盈利组织的创始人,她说随着奥运到来,警察的行动也愈来愈频繁。上月月底,住在附近的记者报道,警察的行动持续了整整三天,还出动了重型武器。

学习啦在线学习网   “The Olympics, like the World Cup and other mega events in Rio, are always a tense moment for residents of Maré,” she said, adding that police operations are often heavy handed. “The government needs to ensure nothing happens, in order to show Rio to the world.”






