Rio 2016 organisers have revealed the medals that will be competed for at this summer's Olympics.
学习啦在线学习网 A total of 2,488 medals, each weighing 500g, have been produced - with 812 gold, 812 silver and 864 bronze.
They were made with "sustainability at their heart", say organisers.
学习啦在线学习网 组委会表示,奖牌制作是“从可循环使用的目标出发的”。
The gold medals are free from mercury, the silver and bronze medals are made from 30% recycled materials, and half of the plastic in their ribbons is from recycled plastic bottles.
学习啦在线学习网 金牌不含汞,银牌和铜牌所用的材料有30%是再生材料,奖牌绶带所用的塑料有一半来自回收的塑料瓶。
The designs feature laurel leaves - a symbol of victory in ancient Greece - surrounding the Rio 2016 logo, and organisers say they celebrate "the relationship between the strengths of Olympic heroes and the forces of nature".
学习啦在线学习网 In line with the ecological theme of the Games, the podiums on which the athletes will receive the medals are made from organic materials and have been designed to be reused as furniture after the Games.
学习啦在线学习网 和奥运会的生态主题相一致,运动员们接受奖牌时将登上的领奖台由有机材料制成,根据设计理念,领奖台在奥运会结束后可改造成家具循环使用。
There are 2,642 Paralympic medals: 877 gold, 876 silver and 889 bronze and each has a device inside that uses tiny steel balls to make a sound when they are shaken, allowing visually impaired athletes to identify the colour by increasing in volume from bronze to gold.
学习啦在线学习网 The bronze medals have 16 steel balls and make the lowest sound, the silver medals have 20 balls and the golds have 28, producing the loudest noise.
All of the medals also have the words 'Rio 2016 Paralympic Games' written on them in Braille.
学习啦在线学习网 所有奖牌也都刻上了“里约2016残奥会”的盲文字样。
Chinese badminton player Lin Dan smiles during the Lin Dan & YONEX Cooperation Announcement in Beijing, China, 7 January 2015.
The 31-year-old athlete made his intentions known at a ceremony that was held to announce Dan's endorsement with sports gear manufacturer Yonex.
学习啦在线学习网 Lin and Yonex both refused to give details about the deal, although there had been rumors that it would run through 2025 and was worth 100 million yuan (about 16.33 million US dollars).
学习啦在线学习网 The southpaw player had spent long spells away from badminton since the London Olympics, and was out of the top 100 earlier last year before recovering to his current ranking of sixth following his triumph in the Asian Games in Incheon.
The 32-year-old Malaysian has been suspended from competition after testing positive for the banned anti-inflammatory dexamethasone, and could be barred for up to two years.
学习啦在线学习网 直击里约奥运:领奖台之外的趣闻轶事
The gold medals and moments high of drama are all very well, but what about the strange little details that have marked out the Rio Olympics?
学习啦在线学习网 选手夺冠瞬间和金牌颁发时刻是奥运会全场瞩目的焦点,但其他那些同样让里约奥运大放异彩的细节,你又知道多少呢?
Here are some of the curiosities and lesser-spotted oddities witnessed so far at the Games.
US gymnasts' leotards are bedecked with thousands of crystals
学习啦在线学习网 美国体操选手们的连体紧身衣镶嵌了上千颗水晶
Simple lycra is not enough for Team USA. At this tournament, many of the women gymnasts' leotards are adorned with close to 5,000 Swarovski crystals.
学习啦在线学习网 "Obviously, sparkles are not an element in the scoring," former Olympic gymnast Samantha Peszek, told the New York Times. "But it's part of the 'look good, feel good, do good' aspect."
In the last century, Olympic leotards didn't differ much from the outfit your sister would wear to ballet class. Then the sparkling fad began.
学习啦在线学习网 在上个世纪,奥运会的紧身衣和你家中姐妹上芭蕾舞课穿的那套并无二致。然而千禧年后,比赛紧身衣饰以闪亮配饰开始成为潮流。
In 2008, Nastia Liukin's leotard for the Beijing games had 184 crystals on it. By 2012, Gabby Douglas had 1,188 on hers. Now that figure has nearly quadrupled. "We're in a crystal arms race," Swarovski's Alexander Wellhoefer has said.
学习啦在线学习网 The cost of those dazzling Team USA outfits?
学习啦在线学习网 这些闪闪发亮的美国队服价值多少?
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