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  No apology : Fury in China after Australian calls swimmer a drug cheat


  Australia has refused to apologize after an Olympic swimmer sparked outrage by accusing China's Sun Yang of being a "drug cheat." Speaking to the media after beating Sun by a mere. 16 of a second to win the 400m freestyle gold , Mack Horton described his win as one "for the good guys."


学习啦在线学习网   The Australian's comments sparked fury in China after an emotional Sun broke down in the post-race press conference, accusing Horton of deliberately trying to psych him out. A hashtag "Sun Yang Don't Cry" quickly went viral on the Chinese web, and Horton's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts were flooded with comments attacking him and demanding he apologize to Sun.

  这名澳大利亚运动员的言论引起了中国网民的愤怒,在赛后的新闻发布会上,孙杨情绪激动地指责霍顿故意在心理上试图使他崩溃。一个名为“孙杨不哭”的标题迅速在中国互联网传播开来,霍顿的脸书,推特和instagram 被攻击要求其向孙杨道歉。


学习啦在线学习网   孙杨爆冷出局 无缘1500米自由泳决赛

  Chinese swimmer Sun Yang has bid a farewell to Rio after his surprise elimination from themen's 1,500m freestyle preliminary competitions.


  The London gold medalist in the event clocked 15 minutes 1.97 seconds on Friday. It was morethan 30 seconds slower than the world record he made four years ago and more than 17seconds off the pace set by Italy's Gregorio Paltrinieri here.

学习啦在线学习网   这位伦敦奥运会金牌得主在周五的比赛中游出了15分01秒97。这一成绩要比他在四年前创造的世界纪录足足慢了30秒,比同组意大利选手格雷戈里奥·帕尔特里涅利要慢了17秒。

学习啦在线学习网   Sun said he was struck down by illness after winning the 200m freestyle on Monday and blamedthis for today's failure.


  "I felt weak and it was difficult to exert strength. Even now, my arms and legs are hard tomove. Age may be one factor, but I think I'm still young and there is still room to improve mycapability. There had been reports about my withdrawal before the match. So no matter howslow I was today, it's encouraging that I completed it."


学习啦在线学习网   Sun Yang said the failure would drive him to work harder and cited US swimming legend MichaelPhelps as a source of inspiration. He also tweeted on his Weibo account, promising a strongcomeback four years later in Tokyo.

学习啦在线学习网   孙杨表示,这次的失败会鞭策自己更加努力,并且他还引用了美国游泳传奇迈克尔·菲尔普斯的例子作为鼓舞。随后他也在个人微博上承诺,自己会在四年之后的东京王者归来。


  禁药引发的奥运冷战 孙杨再陷争议

学习啦在线学习网   RIO DE JANEIRO — The president of the International Olympic Committee made a plea for unityat the opening ceremony of the Rio Games last week. But that hope is fraying as a growingnumber of athletes are openly criticizing competitors who have a history of usingperformance-enhancing drugs.

学习啦在线学习网   里约热内卢——国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)主席上周曾在里约奥运会开幕式上呼吁所有人团结一致。但随着越来越多的运动员对曾经使用提高成绩药物的对手发起公开批评,他的希望正在破灭。

  The friction has been most pronounced at the swimming competition, where Yulia Efimova ofRussia and Sun Yang of China, who have served suspensions for doping, have been vilified byrivals. Whether it is vigilantism or anti-doping activism by athletes who do not trust the Olympiccommittee, the denouncements have overshadowed some of the athletic performances.

  这种摩擦在游泳比赛中最为严重,曾被怀疑使用兴奋剂的俄罗斯选手尤利娅•艾芬莫娃(Yulia Efimova)和中国选手孙杨已经遭到了对手的抨击。不管属于自作主张的侠义之举,还是一些对奥委会缺乏信任的运动员发起的反兴奋剂行动,这种抨击都已经让某些运动员的成绩蒙上了一层阴云。

  Where once there was polite, if sometimes awkward, silence, there is now directconfrontation. Much of it is along old political fault lines from the Cold War as, coincidentallyor not, athletes from the West go after once-barred athletes from Russia and China.


学习啦在线学习网   “Anti-doping is all about trust: trusting your competitors, trusting the drug testers, trustingthe sports admin types,” said Richard Ings, a former anti-doping official from Australia. “What Ibelieve you are witnessing is evaporated trust. Remember, nearly 100 positives have now beenfound at the Beijing and London Games.”

  “信任是反兴奋剂的要义所在:信任参赛者,信任兴奋剂检测者,信任各类体育管理机构,”来自澳大利亚的前反兴奋剂官员理查德•英格斯(Richard Ings)说。“我想你正在见证信任的消失。别忘了,现在有将近100人被发现在北京和伦敦奥运会的尿检呈阳性。

学习啦在线学习网   “Sochi was corrupted,” he continued, referring to the 2014 Winter Games. “Russia had state-sponsored doping, and the International Olympic Committee caved in, unlike the InternationalParalympic Committee.”

学习啦在线学习网   “索契那届很腐败,”他在提及2014年的冬奥会时说。“俄罗斯曾经实施得到政府支持的兴奋剂计划,而国际奥委会无所作为,这与国际残疾人奥委会(International Paralympic Committee)很不一样。”

  The IOC did not apply a blanket ban on Russian athletes for the Rio Games after the releaseof a damning report by the World Anti-Doping Agency; the Paralympic committee did bar theRussians from this year’s Paralympics, which begin next month.

  在世界反兴奋剂机构(World Anti-Doping Agency)发布了一份能够证明俄罗斯实施兴奋剂计划的报告以后,国际奥委会没有全面禁止俄罗斯运动员参加里约奥运会;国际残委会则全面禁止俄罗斯人参加将于下月揭幕的本届残奥会。

  More and more athletes have clearly had enough, turning typically pro forma news conferencesinto morality plays.

学习啦在线学习网   越来越多的运动员显然已经受够了,几乎把原本走过场的新闻发布会变成了一出出道德剧。

学习啦在线学习网   On Saturday, Australian freestyler Mack Horton was in the warm-down pool before thecompetition when Sun, his main rival, vigorously splashed him, as if to get his attention.

学习啦在线学习网   周六赛前,澳大利亚自由泳运动员马克•霍顿(Mack Horton)在温水池里时,他的主要竞争对手大力地向他溅起水花,似乎要引起他的注意。

学习啦在线学习网   “I ignored him,” Horton, 20, said, “because I don’t have time or respect for drug cheats.”


  Sun served a three-month suspension in 2014 for taking a banned stimulant.

学习啦在线学习网   孙杨在2014年曾因服用一种违禁药品而被禁赛三个月。

  That night, Horton out-touched Sun for the gold medal in the 400-meter freestyle. Horton didnot acknowledge him in the water and later called it “a win for the good guys,” although heand Sun did shake hands during the medal ceremony.

学习啦在线学习网   那天晚上,霍顿战胜孙杨获得了400米自由泳金牌。霍顿在水中没跟孙杨打招呼,后来还说这“是一场为好人赢得的胜利”,不过两人在颁奖仪式上握了握手。

  Members of the Chinese swimming team expressed outrage about Horton’s actions, with theteam manager Xu Qi calling for an apology. None has been forthcoming.


  “Mack obviously has very strong views about the need for clean sport, as every single one of usdoes,” said the Australian delegation’s chef de mission, Kitty Chiller. “He has every right toexpress his views and his displeasure in that sense.”

  “关于推广纯净体育的必要性,霍顿显然有鲜明的观点,”澳大利亚奥运代表团团长凯蒂•奇列尔(Kitty Chiller)说。“在这个意义上,他绝对有权表达自己的观点和不满。”

  Sun went on to win the gold medal in the 200-meter freestyle Monday night.

学习啦在线学习网   周一晚上,孙杨赢得了200米自由泳金牌。

学习啦在线学习网   “They don’t belong in a sport,” Camille Lacourt, a star French swimmer, said Monday night incomments reported by French newspaper L'équipe. “They should make up their federation ofdopers and have fun among themselves. It disgusts me to see people who’ve cheated standingon podiums. Sun Yang, in the 200 free, he pees purple.”


学习啦在线学习网   American swimmer Lilly King, 19, cited Horton as an influence when she spoke out Mondayabout Efimova.

学习啦在线学习网   现年19岁的美国游泳运动选手莉莉•金(Lilly King)周一发表对艾芬莫娃的看法时,承认受了霍顿的影响。

  King entered the Rio Games with the top time in the world this year in the women’s 100-meterbreaststroke. The next fastest swimmer in the lead-up to the competition was Efimova, a 24-year-old Russian whose place at these Olympics was not confirmed until Saturday.


  Efimova, the reigning world champion, had served a 16-month doping suspension handeddown by swimming’s global governing body, known as FINA, a ban that ended in early 2015.Early this year, Efimova failed a test for the newly banned drug meldonium, but the result wasoverturned when she appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, arguing that she hadalready served her penalty.

  卫冕世界冠军艾芬莫娃曾因服用兴奋剂被管理游泳项目的全球性体育组织国际泳联(FINA)禁赛16个月,禁赛期于2015年初结束。今年初,艾芬莫娃没有通过新近才被列为违禁药物的米屈肼的检测,但她向体育仲裁法庭(Court of Arbitration for Sport)上诉称,她已经受到过处罚,检测结果随后被推翻。

学习啦在线学习网   Every time Efimova has raced inside the Olympic Aquatics Stadium, she has been booed. Kingdemonstrated her disapproval in another way. After posting the fastest time in qualifyingSunday afternoon, King wagged her finger to remind everyone who was No. 1.


学习啦在线学习网   As King looked on from the ready room, where swimmers gather before they race, Efimovawon the first semifinal and mimicked King’s move. King went out and won the second semifinaland shook her finger again.


  In a postrace interview with NBC, King said, “You wave your finger No. 1, and you’ve beencaught drug cheating?”


学习啦在线学习网   She added, “I’m not a fan.”


学习啦在线学习网   All the finger wagging set the stage for the final Monday night, when their score was settled inthe pool. King occupied Lane 4. Efimova was in Lane 5. It was a duel at 100 meters. Kingturned first at the 50 and hung on to win with a time of 1 minute 4.93 seconds. It was her besttime and an Olympic record. Efimova was second in 1:05.50, 0.19 seconds ahead of King’sAmerican teammate Katie Meili.

  摇手指大战为周一晚上的决赛做足了铺垫,那天,两人的成绩在泳池中见了分晓。金占据了第四泳道,艾芬莫娃则在第五泳道上。这是一场100米的对决。金在50米处冲到了前头,随后一路领先,以1分04秒93的成绩赢得比赛。这是她个人的最好成绩,创造了新的奥运会纪录。艾芬莫娃以1分05秒50的成绩排名第二,比金的美国队友凯蒂•梅里(Katie Meili)快0.19秒。

  After the race, King hung on the lane line that separated her from Efimova and splashed twicein Efimova’s lane. King said she did not do it on purpose. But she also studiously avoided anycontact with Efimova.


学习啦在线学习网   “I don’t think she really wants to be congratulated by me,” King said.


  What is striking is that the anti-doping chorus in Rio has consisted of newcomers andveterans alike, with Olympic rookies like Horton, of Australia, and King joining the 31-year-oldLacourt and Michael Phelps, who is also 31 and is the most decorated athlete in Olympichistory.

学习啦在线学习网   值得注意的是,不论新人还是老将,都加入了里约的反兴奋剂大合唱,金和澳大利亚的霍顿等奥运新秀,与现年31岁的拉古以及同为31岁的奥运史上获奖牌最多运动员迈克尔•菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)站在了同一阵线上。

学习啦在线学习网   “I think what you’re seeing is the desire of Olympic athletes to uphold the values of the OlympicGames without exception,” Adam Nelson, an American shot-putter and activist for athletes’rights, said in an email Monday.

  “我想你已经看到,奥林匹克运动员无一例外地怀有维护奥运价值观的热望,”美国铅球选手、运动员权利倡导人士亚当•纳尔逊(Adam Nelso)周一在一封邮件中表示。

  Nelson was named the winner of the 2004 Olympic shot-put competition eight years after itwas contested when the original champion, Yuriy Bilonog of Ukraine, retroactively testedpositive for a banned substance.

学习啦在线学习网   纳尔逊曾在2004年参加奥运会铅球比赛。8年后,由于原来的冠军、乌克兰选手尤里•比洛诺格(YuriyBilonog)没能通过针对一种违禁物质的尿样复检,纳尔逊被追认为那场备受争议的比赛的冠军。

  “These athletes know, when an athlete cheats, he or she will experience a residual physicalbenefit for many years,” Nelson added. “But there’s also a residual sentiment that negativelyimpacts the sport moving forward. The clouds of suspicion that linger over doped athleteswho return to competition continue to take a toll on the value of the clean athlete.”


学习啦在线学习网   There is not yet conclusive evidence on the long-term benefits to performance for athleteswho took banned substances earlier in their careers. And as Thomas Bach, the IOC’s president,has repeatedly pointed out, lifetime bans from sports for doping offenses have not provedlegally defensible. In the cases of men like Sun and Justin Gatlin, the once-barred Americansprinter who has been another target of athletes’ criticism since his return, they are being calledout even though the system in place gives them every right to resume competing.

  目前尚没有确凿的证据能够表明,运动员如果在早前的运动生涯中使用过违禁物质,从长期来看会让成绩得到多大提高。此外,正如国际奥委会主席托马斯•巴赫(Thomas Bach)反复指出的那样,对使用兴奋剂者处以终身禁赛眼下在法律上还站不住脚。以孙杨和贾斯汀•加特林(Justin Gatlin)为例——后者是美国短跑选手,也曾被禁赛,自回归以来便被运动员们当成又一个批评的靶子——他们一直受到批评,尽管在现行体制下他们绝对有重回赛场的权利。

学习啦在线学习网   Still, Nelson defended the right of athletes to criticize once-barred competitors.


  “It’s not undermining the system,” he said. “It highlights a major flaw in the system. Ms. Kingcould have lost out on an Olympic gold medal future had the events turned out differentlyyesterday, and she would have had to accept the fact that a known doper beat her. Where’sthe spirit of Olympism in that outcome?”









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