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学习啦在线学习网   It was two years ago when I first met him. At that time, he was a roamer who had、 just come to this city, single and had no thought of settling down. I still remember that he used to describe himself as a lost child drifting in the world, seeking things to till his heart, he could never stop, for he would lose his way, then die in silence.


  It was like a crystal, though, our relationship, beautiful. pure but fragile. Sometimes we just like old friends. talking and laughing. But I knew that, there is always a separate yvorld in which only he exists, and he never let other people in.


  "True relationship takes work," I told myself time and time again. I could wait, wait for the day he let me in, and wait for the day we became true friends. For a while, I believed that, until his leaving.


  It was hidden and with an awful finality`'.Till then did I know that, I was a little part of his time on earth, a little understanding of his physical being. I was a little piece of him. Maybe to his drought-like heart, our relationship was just a drizzle, useless and disappointing.

学习啦在线学习网   悲惨的结局突然而至,直到那时我才明白,我终究只是他生命时光的一小段,对他有形之身仅有小小一解,也许对于他焦渴的心灵,我们的恋情只是一场毛毛雨,于事无补而且令人失望。

学习啦在线学习网   Time slid away from fingers while I was trying to get on with my lifc. I locked our memories in a box and put it at the bottom of my heart, pretending nobody had turned up in my life,nothing had happened.


  His appearing again split my peace again. Vivid memories came flooding back from the box deep in my heart. For a while, I was vaguely conscious, it was just like there hadn't being any distance, any separation between us, and his one-year left was just an alter of eyes.

学习啦在线学习网   他的再度出现又一次撕裂了我的平静,鲜活的记忆从心灵深处涌了出来,一时间我陷人了一种幻觉,仿佛我们之间不曾有任何距离,仿佛我们未曾分开过,她一年的离开不过是眨眼之间的。

学习啦在线学习网   When he told me that he had found the harbor for his wondering heart, I felt like drowning in a lake, cold and breathless. He kept talking but I could not hear a word. Perhaps nobody could be immune to `' such felony.

学习啦在线学习网   当他告诉我,他漂泊的心灵已经找到了港湾,我感到自己像掉人了寒冷的湖里,令人窒息的冰湖。他不停地说着,但是我听不进一个字。也许,没有人经受得起这样的打击。

  That night, he and his true love haunted my dream. They were flying far across the fields and woods,, leaving me far behind. I ran and ran, but could not catch up. I was the one left behind.


  At that time, I realized, even perfect love couldn't promise you forever, sometimes, forever means to let him go.

学习啦在线学习网   那时候.我意识到.即使是完美的爱情也不能保证天长地久,有时,永恒意味着放手。


  I traveled through time last week.


  Okay, all I really did was clean out a closet. But what I found took me back nearly three decades, to a day I never could quite explain.

学习啦在线学习网   这当然是开玩笑,我所做的只是清理壁橱。但是我的发现把我带到30年前我难以启齿的一天.

学习啦在线学习网   The envelope was worn and the letter dog-eared and cnimpled. It was written in pencil by a passionate young soldier who looked like Richard Gere. It was written to me.


  Mark was on an airplane when he wrote it, leaving Oregon for his Army post on the eastern seaboard. In simple, transparent words, he put his heart on paper, and mailed it off to me.


学习啦在线学习网   He planned to talk with my dad and come to an "understanding". Mark was an optimist. It would've taken a diplomat to resolve their difference. Mark and my father were

  both soldiers. Neither was a diplomat.

学习啦在线学习网   他计划着和我爸爸聊聊,想要达成“谅解”。马克是个乐观主义者要解决他们之间的分歧恐怕需要一个外交官。但马克和我爸爸都是军人,都不是外交官.

学习啦在线学习网   As I read the letter, I closed my eyes and began to journey back.


  And then, quietly, it was that day once more:

学习啦在线学习网   然后,静静地,又回到那一天:

  Several weeks had passed since I'd received the letter from Mark. I was at work at a small accounting firm. At midday, I climbed into my car to drive home for lunch. I backed out of the long lane, which ran past the parking lot for a local cocktail lounge. Suddenly, my breath caught in my throat. There Mark sat, on his beloved motorcycle.

学习啦在线学习网   距我收到马克的来信已过了好几周我在一家小会计公司工作。中午,我钻进车,开车回家吃午饭。我把车从长巷里倒出来,巷子经过停车场一直通到一家鸡尾洒吧突然,我的呼吸屏住了。我看见马克坐在那儿,在他心爱的摩托车上。

  But it couldn't be Mark, he'd left on a plane. So I didn't stop, because I knew I had to be seeing things, but still, I couldn't keep myself from looking back.


  All logic shouted no. it was an incredible imitation-right down to the resolute jaw, the smoldering look in his eyes, the exact color of his hair, and, of course, the motorcycle.


  It couldn't be him. But my stare was locked, and I saw Mark looking so intently at me, so strangely sad.


  I looked out the window all through lunch, expecting a motorcycle to boil into the drive with a furious Mark abroad. I expected a tongue-lashing for not even stopping to talk. Even as I expected all that, my practical mind dutifully reminded me that it could not have been my young wild-hearted love.

学习啦在线学习网   午饭时,我一直望向窗外,期待马克骑着摩托车呼啸而来。我期待他斥骂我,骂我不停下来和他说话。尽管我如此期盼,我务实的头脑却尽职地提醒我,那个人不可能是我那狂野的年轻爱人。

  When I drove back to work, the young man and his motorcycle were gone. After work, I hurried home, thinking there might be a message from him. It didn't make sense, but I still expected it.


  My father met me at the door with three words. "Mark is dead." I felt my legs go weak and my head began to spin.


学习啦在线学习网   "He was killed in a traffic accident." It happened that day, he said, in south Carolina.


  My heart broke, and my tears fell like rain on the hard concrete of the driveway.


学习啦在线学习网   Because I had lost him.

学习啦在线学习网   因为我已失去他。

  Because I had seen him.


  Because I had passed him by.

学习啦在线学习网   因为我和他擦肩而过。

  Although Mark and my father never did reach their understanding, I now visit them in the same Cemetery in Portland-a very honorable place for two soldiers to be.


学习啦在线学习网   Even rugged soldiers need flowers sometimes. So I bring them. And I remember.

学习啦在线学习网   即使是粗狂的军人,有时也需要鲜花,因此我记得给他们带来了。


  My father met my mother in a poker game. He said she was the best bluffer he'd ever seen.She sat with 5 men at a table under an elm tree that shaded them from the hot Kansas city sun. Hey talent for subterfuge lay hidden behind her sHect. serene smile. She beat them all. My father couldn't take his eyes off her.


学习啦在线学习网   It was her company's annual picnic, and he walked her home. The next week, from his home in Chicago. he sent her a post card: Kernembcr me Please do. because be calling you one of these days.-David.

学习啦在线学习网   在她公司一年一度的野餐聚会后,他陪她步行回家。紧接着下个星期,父亲从芝加哥给她寄了一张明信片:“记得我吗?千万别忘r我,最近我会给你电话。大卫。”

  She still has that post card am not sure what made her save Though he already had his heart set on her. She hadn't chosen him yet, at least not consciously.


  As my father often told us while we were growing up, it was blind luck that he was at the picnic that day.A salesman for a big electronics company. he was in town to meet with clients and happened to stop by the branch office that Saturday morning to make some calls. The telephone rang: it was the manager of a local radio station with whom my father had done some busines,. "Dave! Glad you're town!' he said, and invited him to come right over to their annual picnic.


学习啦在线学习网   My mother was a writer at that radio ,ration. If my tiithcr hadn't stopped by the office that morning, he told us, or if he'd gotten there two minutes later... we shivered with a delicious horror at the opportunity, the life-our lives- -that would have been missed.


学习啦在线学习网   My mother saw him when he was in town, but she dated other men, including a car salesman who entered our family lore. Soon after she inet my father, the car salesman gave her a watch for her birthday. In those days the gift of a watch meant the relationship as moving towards an engageement. But she returned the watch, and one night a few months later. she woke her mother and told her she was going to mmry Dave.


  A few months after the wedding. my father was transferred east. They settled in New York, in the house where I grow up.

学习啦在线学习网   婚礼后不久,父亲调往东部工作井在纽约定居下来,我就是在那儿长大的.

学习啦在线学习网   I was eight years old him when l met my fulurr husband. He was in high school,a friend of my brother's. I remember him only peripherally. as I was much more interested in my brother's other friend-Francois, a Swiss exchange student, dark. mysterious and polished.

学习啦在线学习网   我8岁的时候就遇见了我未来的丈夫他当时在读中学,是我哥哥的一位朋友。我对他的印象并不深,因为我对哥哥的另一个朋友更着迷,他是瑞士籍的交换学生,皮肤黝黑,个性神秘,举止优雅.

学习啦在线学习网   15 years later the man I would eventually many came back to town for Christmas and stopped by my parents' house to pick up my brother for an evening out. When he saw me in the next room, he hissed, "Who is that''"

学习啦在线学习网   15年之后,我最终要与之共度一生的男人回城过圣诞节。他顺便来我父母家,接我哥哥出去玩通宵,当他看到隔壁房间里的我时,低声问道“那是谁?”

学习啦在线学习网   My brother looked at him strangely and said. 'It was Lisa.'


  He walked into the roots, reintroduced himself and pretended he didn't know how to wrap his Christmas gifts. 1 pretended to believe and helped. He came around a lot over the next few days. "I don't know who he 's interested in,"my mother told me, "you or your sister." I knew. But later that week I flew across the country to spend New Year's Eve with another man. Though I'd been chosen, I wasn't ready to admit it yet.


学习啦在线学习网   If the timing had been different,the distance less daunting and my heart not already--albeit unknowingly--engaged,I could have ended up with that man whom I went off to visit.Or if not him,them with someone else.

学习啦在线学习网   如果他不是在圣诞节来访,我同原先那个朋友又非远隔关山,而我又非早已心有所属—虽然我还没意识到这一点,我就可能嫁给远方的男友了,即使不是嫁给他,那也一定是另外一个男人.

学习啦在线学习网   Sometimes I think about at. How time ,weeps us along and puts us in a certain place where we're faced with one option or another , by chance and by the choice we make,we leave behind whole other live, we could have lived .full of different passions and joys, different problems and disappointments.

学习啦在线学习网   有时我琢磨,时间是怎样把我们拢到一块,并置我们于某一特定的场合,让我们面对这样或那样的一种选择,我们放弃了其他很多条我们自己所作的抉择,我们放弃了其他很多我们可能走的充满不同激情和欢乐,不同困惑与失意的人生之路。

  My father could have missed that picnic. Or my mother could have picked the car salesman She would have had other children and an entirely different future.

学习啦在线学习网   我父亲本来有可能错过那次野餐,我母亲也有可能选择那位汽车推销商做终身伴侣,这样她就会有另外的孩子和一个完全不同的未来.

  Other times--particularly w0hen I came home late to a sleeping house, nay husband and daughter curled around each other after drifting off during the third reading of Jane Yolen's Owl Moon-I thank about the lives we would not have had if chances or choices had brought us to a different place. And I shiver, much the way I did as a child at the story of my father's near miss, at the thought that I might have missed this life, this man, this child, this love.


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