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学习啦在线学习网   摘录:当你发现了造就你的伟大的特质,你就能看清眼前的世界,就能明白是什么样的机遇在等着你。它一直在这里等了你,等着你醒悟过来,认识到成功所需的一切品质都一直都蕴藏在自己的灵魂里。你会想要告诉整个世界自己的发现,你会想要告诉大家每个人蕴藏着的伟大,可是他们不会明白,因为伟大需要每个人自己去发现,去把自己的发现宣告给这个世界。


学习啦在线学习网   “伟大”并不是什么特殊的人才能体会到的特质,也没有那么精妙奇异、难以捉摸,甚至被神化。他真实地存在于我们所有人当中。每个人所表现出来的方式又因人而异。

学习啦在线学习网   Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, elusive god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste. It is something that truly exists in all of us. The way it manifests itself in all of us differs from person to person.

学习啦在线学习网   For those of us who are compassionate we sway others to our causes with our empathy.

学习啦在线学习网   那些富有同情心的,凭着自己的执着,号召他人加入自己的事业。

  For those of us who are resourceful we complete our tasks without the resources we need.

学习啦在线学习网   那些足智多谋的,无需借助太多外力就能达成目标。

  For those of us who are creative we find the solutions that no one else can think of.

学习啦在线学习网   那些勇于创新的,能找到独一无二的方法解决问题。

  Creativity, communication, cooperation, decisiveness, leadership, love, passion, we are all born with different attributes that make us great, and it is our duty to discover that greatness. Discovering it is half the battle.

学习啦在线学习网   创造力、沟通能力、合作能力、决断力、领导力、爱与激情,我们与生俱来这些不同的特质,从而造就我们的伟大,发掘伟大的潜质是我们的责任。一旦发现了自己的潜质,我们就已经成功了一半。

学习啦在线学习网   When you do find out what it is that makes you great you will see the world before you and understand what opportunity lies in wait. It was waiting there for you all along, waiting for you to come to the realization that everything you needed to succeed in life was within you all along, and you will want to tell the whole world what you found, you will want to tell people about the greatness inside each of them, but they won’t understand because each person must discover it and declare it on their own.


