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学习啦在线学习网   经典美文与英语写作是两项相对独立但又相互依赖、相辅相成的关系,这一结论对写作教学有很大启发。本文就经典美文对英语写作的促进作用谈几点看法。学习啦小编整理了关于八月十五月亮的英语美文,欢迎阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   The Fascinating Moonrise

学习啦在线学习网   There is a hill near my home that I often climb at night. The noise of the city is a far-off murmur. In the hush of dark I share the cheerfulness of crickets and the confidence of owls. But it is the drama of the moonrise that I come to see. For that restores in me a quiet and clarity that the city spends too freely.

  From this hill I have watched many moons rise. Each one had its own mood. There have been broad, confident harvest moons in autumn; shy, misty moons in spring; lonely, white winter moons rising into the utter silence of an ink-black sky and smoke-smudged orange moons over the dry fields of summer. Each, like fine music, excited my heart and then calmed my soul.

  But we, who live indoors, have lost contact with the moon. The glare of street lights and the dust of pollution veil the night sky. Though men have walked on the moon, it grows less familiar. Few of us can say what time the moon will rise tonight.

  Still, it tugs at our minds.

  If we unexpectedly encounter the full moon, huge and yellow over the horizon, we are helpless but to stare back at its commanding presence. And the moon has gifts to bestow upon those who watch.

学习啦在线学习网   I learned about its gifts one July evening in the mountains. My car had mysteriously stalled, and I was stranded and alone. The sun had set, and I was watching what seemed to be the bright-orange glow of a forest fire beyond a ridge to the east. Suddenly, the ridge itself seemed to burst into flame. Then, the rising moon, huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods. Distorted thus by the hot breath of earth, the moon seemed ill-tempered and imperfect. Dogs at nearby farmhouse barked nervously, as if this strange light had wakened evil spirits in the weeds.

  But as the moon lifted off the ridge it gathered firmness and authority. Its complexion changed from red, to orange, to gold, to impassive yellow. It seemed to draw light out of the darkening earth, for as it rose, the hills and valleys below grew dimmer. By the time the moon stood clear of the horizon, full-chested and round and of the colour of ivory, the valleys were deep shadows in the landscape. The dogs, reassured that this was the familiar moon, stopped barking. And all at once I felt a confidence and joy close to laughter.

  The drama took an hour. Moonrise is slow and serried with subtleties. To watch it, we must slip into an older, more patient sense of time.

  To watch the moon move inflexibly higher is to find an unusual stillness within ourselves. Our imaginations become aware of the vast distance of space, the immensity of the earth and the huge improbability of our own existence. We feel small but privileged.

  Moonlight shows us none of life’s harder edges. Hillsides seem silken and silvery, the oceans still and blue in its light. In moonlight we become less calculating, more drawn to our feelings.


学习啦在线学习网   在我家的附近有座小山, 我常在晚间爬上山去。此时,城市的喧嚣成了遥远的低语。在这黑夜的静谧中,我尽情地分享蟋蟀的欢乐,感受猫头鹰的自信。不过,我上山是来看月出的,因为这可以让我的内心重新感到被城市消耗殆尽的平静与清新。


学习啦在线学习网   但我们这些深居室内的人,已与月亮失去了联系。城市中耀眼的街灯和污染性烟尘遮住了夜空。虽然人类已在月亮上行走过,但月亮对我们却更加陌生了。现在已很少有人能说出今晚月亮何时升起。


学习啦在线学习网   如果我们偶然遇见一轮黄灿灿的满月高高挂在空中, 我们都会禁不住抬头凝望她那高贵的仪容。而月亮会向那些注视她的人赐予厚礼。

学习啦在线学习网   我得到她的厚礼是在山间七月的一个夜晚。我的车突然无缘无故地熄了火,将我孤身一人困在山中,束手无策。太阳已经落山,我注视着东边山头涌起的一团桔红色的明光,好像森林起火一般。突然,山头自己也似乎燃起火焰,一会儿,一轮又大又红的月亮从树林中慢慢现出身来,夏天空气中弥漫的灰尘与湿气令它显得异常怪异。大地灼热的呼吸扭曲了它,它变得非常暴躁,不再完美。附近农舍的狗紧张地狂吠起来,因为这团奇怪的光亮叫醒了野草中的魔鬼。


学习啦在线学习网   这奇特的景观持续了一个小时。月出是缓慢而充满神奇的。观看月出,我们必须回到一种古老的、耐心的时间观念中去。观看月亮不可阻挡地升上天空,会让我们找到内心的无比安宁,我们的想象力能让我们看到宇宙的辽阔和大地的广袤,能让我们忘掉自己的存在。我们觉得自身渺小,但又深感大自然的厚待。

学习啦在线学习网   月色下,我们看不到生活中坚硬的棱角。山坡在月光下如同笼上了一层柔和的银纱;大海在月光下宁静碧蓝;我们在月光下也不再像白日那般心计来往,而是沉醉于自然的情感中。


  The Moon

学习啦在线学习网   Thy beauty haunts me heart and soul,

  o thou fair moon,so close and bright;

学习啦在线学习网   Thy beauty makes me like the child

  that cries aloud to own thy light:

  The little child that lifts each arm

学习啦在线学习网   to press thee to her bosom warm.

  Though there are birds that sing this night

  with thy white beams across their throats,

  Let my deep silence speak for me

  more than for them their sweetest notes:

  Who worships thee till music fails

  is greater than nightingales.


学习啦在线学习网   你的美丽缠绕了我的心和魂,

学习啦在线学习网   你美好的月哦,那样近,那样明;

学习啦在线学习网   你的美丽使我像个小孩儿



学习啦在线学习网   要把你捉来抱的紧紧。




学习啦在线学习网   比他们的最美的歌声更有风韵;

学习啦在线学习网   对你的崇敬到了沉默无声,



学习啦在线学习网   你看到超级月亮了吗

  Si les nuages se poussent un peu, le ciel de la nuit de dimanche à lundi pourrait révéler une Lune plus lumineuse et large que jamais. En passant à seulement 357.000 kilomètres de la Terre, la Lune apparaîtra 14% plus grande et 30% plus lumineuse que d’habitude, unphénomène astronomique appelé Lune «périgée-syszigie» par les scientifiques ou «super Lune».

学习啦在线学习网   如果云层能散开一些,那么星期天到星期一这个晚上的月亮将会变得前所未有的明亮和大。距离地球只有357000千米,月球比远地点时面积增大14%,亮度增加30%,这种天文现象被科学家称为近点朔望月或者“超级月亮”。

  Même si ce phénomène n’est pas rare, cette pleine Lune sera bien visible ce dimanche. Elle correspond à un moment où la Lune passe près de la Terre et surtout s’aligne avec notre planète et le Soleil. Ceci se produira cinq fois en 2014, mais seulement trois fois lorsque la Lune sera pleine, les deux autres étant des nouvelles Lune non visibles. La «super Lune» a donc pu être observé le 12 juillet dernier, elle le sera ce soir et à nouveau le 9 septembre. Ensuite, il faudra patienter jusqu’au 29 août 2015.

学习啦在线学习网   尽管这种现象并不是罕见,这个星期天将能看到满月。超级月亮对应这样一个时刻:月亮距离地球最近同时又在日地联线上。在2014年这个现象将会发生5次,但是这其中只有3次月亮会是满月,另外两次是新月,是不可见的。“超级月亮”曾经在7月12日出现,同样会在今晚以及会在9月9日再次出现。之后,需要一直等到2015年8月29日才能再次看到超级月亮。

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