学习啦在线学习网 摘录:老年人低估年轻人的时候,他们是多么愚蠢和健忘。——阿不思。邓布利多《哈利·波特与混血王子》
1."Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it."—Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
学习啦在线学习网 在痛苦中麻木一小会儿会让你在最后感受到痛苦的时候疼得更厉害。——阿不思·邓布利多《哈利·波特与火焰杯》
4."Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure."—Rowena Ravenclaw
2."It matters not what someone is born ,but what they grow to be."—Albus Dumbledore ,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
学习啦在线学习网 一个人的出生并不重要,重要的是他长大之后会变得怎么样。——阿不思·邓布利多《哈·波特与火焰杯》
3."If you want to know what a man's like , take a good look at how he treats his inferiors , not his wquals."
—Sirius Black , Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
5."Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike."—Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
学习啦在线学习网 冷漠和忽视比直接表露厌恶的伤害大得多。——阿不思·邓布利多《哈利·波特与凤凰社》
6. “"There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other ,and knocking out a twelve-foot moutain troll is one of them."—Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
学习啦在线学习网 有些事件人们一旦共同经历,他们便一定会互生情愫,打昏一个十二英尺高的巨怪就是这样的一个事件。——阿不思·邓布利多《哈利·波特与魔法石》
7."We are only as strong as we are united ,as weak as we are divided."—Albus Dumbledore ,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
学习啦在线学习网 只有团结一致我们才能强大无比,四分五裂只会让我们软弱无力。——阿不思·邓布利多《哈利·波特与火焰杯》
学习啦在线学习网 8."Of course it is happening inside your head……but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"—Albus Dumbledore,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
学习啦在线学习网 当然这些都是在你大脑中发生的变化,但这并不意味着它们就是不真实的。——阿不思·邓布利多《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》
9."Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth."—Albus Dumbledore,Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince