学习啦在线学习网 跑步可以防病也可以治病,但应注意:跑步时穿合体适脚的衣裤鞋袜,鞋底应有一定弹性,软硬适中,跑步前要做好准备活动,跑步后不要立即停下来。小编精心收集了关于跑步的英语美文,供大家欣赏学习!
Jogging for just an hour a week can increase your life expectancy by around six years, reveal scientists.
学习啦在线学习网 Even better news is that a gentle jog is better for you than any sort of extreme workout, the study concludes.
The results challenge previous studies into jogging which questioned whether it is healthy or hazardous, with the debate kicking off in the 70s when middle aged men began taking an interest in the exercise. However, following the death of a few men who died while out on a run, the media suggested jogging might be too strenuous for middle aged people, casting doubts over the past-time.
学习啦在线学习网 此前,人们在关于慢跑对身体有无益处这个观点上有过争论。一位中年男子曾经在慢跑的过程中猝死,媒体认为慢跑对于中老年人不太适用,因为程度过于激烈。
学习啦在线学习网 As part of the Copenhagen City Heart study, a cardiovascular study of around 20,000 men and women aged 20 to 93, researchers set about quashing previous suggestions that jogging is bad for people's health. The study has so far resulted in over 750 papers, and has previously explored associations for longevity with different forms of exercise and other factors. Researchers believe jogging delivers multiple health benefits, improving oxygen uptake, lowering blood pressure, preventing obesity, improving cardiac function and improving psychological function, as well as many more benefits.
THE runner’s high: Every athlete has heard of it, most seem to believe in it and many say they have experienced it. But for years scientists have reserved judgment because no rigorous test confirmed its existence.
Yes, some people reported that they felt so good when they exercised that it was as if they had taken mood-altering drugs. But was that feeling real or just a delusion? And even if it was real, what was the feeling supposed to be, and what caused it?
学习啦在线学习网 Some who said they had experienced a runner’s high said it was uncommon. They might feel relaxed or at peace after exercising, but only occasionally did they feel euphoric. Was the calmness itself a runner’s high?
Often, those who said they experienced an intense euphoria reported that it came after an endurance event.
My friend Marian Westley said her runner’s high came at the end of a marathon, and it was paired with such volatile emotions that the sight of a puppy had the power to make her weep.
学习啦在线学习网 Others said they experienced a high when pushing themselves almost to the point of collapse in a short, intense effort, such as running a five-kilometer race.
But then there are those like my friend Annie Hiniker, who says that when she finishes a 5-k race, the last thing she feels is euphoric. “I feel like I want to throw up,” she said.
The runner’s-high hypothesis proposed that there were real biochemical effects of exercise on the brain. Chemicals were released that could change an athlete’s mood, and those chemicals were endorphins, the brain’s naturally occurring opiates. Running was not the only way to get the feeling; it could also occur with most intense or endurance exercise.
The problem with the hypothesis was that it was not feasible to do a spinal tap before and after someone exercised to look for a flood of endorphins in the brain. Researchers could detect endorphins in people’s blood after a run, but those endorphins were part of the body’s stress response and could not travel from the blood to the brain. They were not responsible for elevating one’s mood. So for more than 30 years, the runner’s high remained an unproved hypothesis.
学习啦在线学习网 But now medical technology has caught up with exercise lore. Researchers in Germany, using advances in neuroscience, report in the current issue of the journal Cerebral Cortex that the folk belief is true: Running does elicit a flood of endorphins in the brain. The endorphins are associated with mood changes, and the more endorphins a runner’s body pumps out, the greater the effect.
Leading endorphin researchers not associated with the study said they accepted its findings.
“Impressive,” said Dr. Solomon Snyder, a neuroscience professor at Johns Hopkins and a discoverer of endorphins in the 1970’s.
“I like it,” said Huda Akil, a professor of neurosciences at the University of Michigan. “This is the first time someone took this head on. It wasn’t that the idea was not the right idea. It was that the evidence was not there.”
学习啦在线学习网 For athletes, the study offers a sort of vindication that runner’s high is not just a New Agey excuse for their claims of feeling good after a hard workout.
学习啦在线学习网 For athletes and nonathletes alike, the results are opening a new chapter in exercise science. They show that it is possible to define and measure the runner’s high and that it should be possible to figure out what brings it on. They even offer hope for those who do not enjoy exercise but do it anyway. These exercisers might learn techniques to elicit a feeling that makes working out positively addictive.
The lead researcher for the new study, Dr. Henning Boecker of the University of Bonn, said he got the idea of testing the endorphin hypothesis when he realized that methods he and others were using to study pain were directly applicable.
The idea was to use PET scans combined with recently available chemicals that reveal endorphins in the brain, to compare runners’ brains before and after a long run. If the scans showed that endorphins were being produced and were attaching themselves to areas of the brain involved with mood, that would be direct evidence for the endorphin hypothesis. And if the runners, who were not told what the study was looking for, also reported mood changes whose intensity correlated with the amount of endorphins produced, that would be another clincher for the argument.
Dr. Boecker and colleagues recruited 10 distance runners and told them they were studying opioid receptors in the brain. But the runners did not realize that the investigators were studying the release of endorphins and the runner’s high. The athletes had a PET scan before and after a two-hour run. They also took a standard psychological test that indicated their mood before and after running.
学习啦在线学习网 The data showed that, indeed, endorphins were produced during running and were attaching themselves to areas of the brain associated with emotions, in particular the limbic and prefrontal areas.
学习啦在线学习网 The limbic and prefrontal areas, Dr. Boecker said, are activated when people are involved in romantic love affairs or, he said, “when you hear music that gives you a chill of euphoria, like Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3.” The greater the euphoria the runners reported, the more endorphins in their brain.
“Some people have these really extreme experiences with very long or intensive training,” said Dr. Boecker, a casual runner and cyclist, who said he feels completely relaxed and his head is clearer after a run.
学习啦在线学习网 That was also what happened to the study subjects, he said: “You could really see the difference after two hours of running. You could see it in their faces.”
In a follow-up study, Dr. Boecker is investigating if running affects pain perception. “There are studies that showed enhanced pain tolerance in runners,” he said. “You have to give higher pain stimuli before they say, ‘O.K., this hurts.’ ”
And, he said, there are stories of runners who had stress fractures, even heart attacks, and kept on running.
Dr. Boecker and his colleagues have recruited 20 marathon runners and a similar number of nonathletes and are studying the perception of pain after a run, and whether there are related changes in brain scans. He is also having the subjects walk to see whether the effects, if any, are because of the intensity of the exercise.
The nonathletes can help investigators assess whether untrained people experience the same effects. Maybe one reason some people love intense exercise and others do not is that some respond with a runner’s high or changed pain perception.
Annie might question that. She loves to run, but wonders why. But her husband tells her that the look on her face when she is running is just blissful. So maybe even she gets a runner’s high.
学习啦在线学习网 跑步的人很兴奋,每位运动员都听到过这种说法,多数人看来相信这种说法,许多人说他们有过类似的经历。但是多年以来科学家们保留对此的态度,因为没有严格的实验证明它的存在。
学习啦在线学习网 没错,一些人说他们在运动时感觉那么好,仿佛是服用了改变情绪的药物一般。但是这究竟是一种真实的感觉还只是一种幻觉?即使这种感觉是真实的,它应该是种什么感觉,又是什么引起的这种感觉呢?
学习啦在线学习网 那些说过自己经历过强烈陶醉感的人经常说,这种感觉出现在长时间的活动后。
学习啦在线学习网 我的朋友玛丽安·威斯利说,她那次跑步者的兴奋是在一次马拉松后。那种感觉下她是如此多愁善感,看见一只小狗,也能让她感伤落泪。
学习啦在线学习网 这项新研究的首席研究员,波恩大学的海宁·勃克博士说,当他意识到可以直接使用他和同事们用来研究痛感的方法时,他想出了检测内啡肽假说的方法。
学习啦在线学习网 勃克博士及其同事们招募了10名长跑选手,告诉他们说正在进行大脑中鸦片感受器的研究,但是这些长跑选手不知道研究人员正左研究内啡肽的释放和跑步者兴奋的关系。运动员们先做了一次PET扫描,在2个小时的跑步后又进行了一次扫描。他们还接受了一次标准的心理测试,以标明他们在跑步前后的情绪变化。
学习啦在线学习网 勃克博士说“一些人在经过很长时间或强烈的训练后,获得这样的极端经历“。他本身就是一位自行车爱好者,偶尔跑跑步。他说,他在跑步过后觉得彻底放松、头脑清醒。
学习啦在线学习网 在一项后续研究中,勃克博士正在调查跑步是否影响痛感。他说,“有些研究表明跑步者的疼痛耐受力增强了,你必须给予他们更大的痛刺激,他们才会说‘对了,这很疼’。“
学习啦在线学习网 安妮也许怀疑这一点。她喜欢跑步,却不知道为什么。她丈夫告诉她,当她跑步时她脸上的表情幸福无比。或许,她也得到了跑步者的兴奋
学习啦在线学习网 并不是热爱跑步的人才能成为奔跑者
The first time I ran, like really ran, was during middle school gym class. It took me 11 minutes and 47 seconds to finish a mile. I've been running ever since.
学习啦在线学习网 Running is the kind of thing where you put in the time and expect to see results, and let me be the first to tell you: It is supremely discouraging when you don't. It's discouraging when you run a five-mile race with your entire family and come in a solid 15 minutes behind everyone else, and it's discouraging when that time is no faster or slower than your five-mile time five years ago.
学习啦在线学习网 跑步是一种你会投入时间并期待成效的运动。让我做第一个告诉你这个的人:你没有做到的时候,你会刚到非常沮丧。当你和所有家人一起来一场5英里赛跑却落后了每个人15分钟的时候,是十分让人沮丧的;当你跑完5英里的时间并没有比5年前更快或更慢的时候,也是十分让人沮丧的。
学习啦在线学习网 And yet, my alarm is already set for 6 a.m. tomorrow, even though it's probably going to be rainy and definitely going to be cold and even though most of the time, I really hate running.
学习啦在线学习网 但是,我已经把明天的闹钟设置为早晨6点钟了,哪怕可能会下雨且一定会变冷;哪怕大多数时间,我真的讨厌跑步。
Don't ask me why. All I know is this: As much as I hate running, I love being a runner.
There's some kind of camaraderie between people who spend more money each year on running shoes than on all their other shoes combined, and there's some fundamental similarity between people who can cross 10 miles without pausing.
学习啦在线学习网 On days that I run, I exert myself purely for exertion's sake. If you run too, you get why.
学习啦在线学习网 在我跑步的日子里,我只不过为了努力而努力。如果你也跑步,你会懂的。
When you're a runner, your people are the girls with hair elastics on their wrists and the boys with shorts shorter than yours. They might be better, faster or stronger than you, but you belong with them.
学习啦在线学习网 当你做奔跑者的时候,你的同伴会是那些手腕上有用来扎头发的橡皮筋的女孩子们以及那些穿着比你裤子还短的短裤的男孩子们。他们也许比你更好、更快或者更强壮,但你和他们是一起的。
学习啦在线学习网 It took me almost 10 years of plodding along at an 11-minute mile before I realized that I could call myself a runner, no matter how slow I go or how many races I lose.
学习啦在线学习网 我花了将近10年时间才做到在11分钟内跑完1英里,后来我才意识到,我可以称自己为一名奔跑者,无论我跑得多慢、无论我输掉了几场比赛。
学习啦在线学习网 I've laced up my shoes at least once a week since the first day I stepped foot on a track in middle school. Some weeks it's every day, some weeks it's not. Some days, I'll barely go more than a mile, and some days, I'll walk more than I jog. I may not have medals, but I have fresh air, time alone, and creaky knees and tight quads.
学习啦在线学习网 自从我在中学踏上跑道的第一天起,我至少每周会束紧鞋带跑一次步。有些时候我那周的每天都绑紧鞋带去跑步,有些时候不是。有些日子里,我很少跑超过1英里的距离;有些日子里,我散步的次数会比慢跑多。我可能没有奖章,但是我能呼吸新鲜空气、拥有独处的时间并有吱吱作响的膝盖和结实的股四头肌。
For me, that's enough. I run, so I am a runner.