VanityIn conventional parlance, vanity is the excessive belief in one's own abilities or attractiveness to others. Though vanity is portray as an negative aspect of the human nature, many people indeed possess this special ability and are proud of it. Vanity derives from one's greed, it had people buying, earning and even robbing flashy items to decorate themselves so as to attract attention from the crowd. Although we all agree that vanity could have many fallen into the bottomless pit of greed, there are helpful aspects of this intrinsic evil that could not be ignore. Someone with a heart full of vanity could work really hard to get the attention he wants and the things on his wish list. Therefore, the nature of vanity could be more than what we though it could be.
学习啦在线学习网 In recent decades, international trades and improving living standards have largely contributed to the large scale of purchase of products. The reason behind this commercial behaviors either comes from individual’s needs for them or from envy of those who have already possessed them. From my perspective, the essential motive behind the scene would be for individual purposes.
Admittedly, people would sometimes buy the products because friends or classmates have them. it is not rare to see that after a high school studens has bought a newly-released iPad and bring it to the class, other friends would be at first gathering around him to witness how the product runs and then beg their parents to buy the one for them. For them, buying the newest generation iPad might bring them attention from others, which has nothing to do with the functionality of product. However, on balance, this only happens for within a small number of people, especially young students and women. For other consumers, they would be wise in choosing what they want. In this regard, more people are buying products out of their needs.
To begin with, for college students, they are inclined to buy what they really want. In other words, due to limited living expenses monthly, most of them could not buy whatever they want. According to the recent survey conducted on Sina Weibo, after polling 500 students in universities from Beijing, most of them claim that each month they have to manage their living expenses within 1500 yuan. Not only does this sum of money have to cover meal bills, clothing and fees for textbooks, but it also have to deal with emergencies. Under this circumstance, normally they have to make a plan for money use, and try to avoid buying things with little practical use. This explains why college students in Beijing rarely buy the newest generation of iPhone or pay for monthly travel, and they have to put the money either on textbooks or living necessities.
In addition, male adults are another group of consumers who make purchase based on real needs. For example, for those who decide to buy a car, the motive is mostly because the car could help family member to tackle emergencies or drive them to the suburb for a relaxing weekend. Also, for those who decide to equip with a new Macbook, the motive might have something to do with work requirement, which asks them to process the data faster and more accurately. Moreover, for those who deicide to spend money on applying for MBA in business school, the motive might be related to career development. A wider caree insight cultivated from MBA would give them a broader window of success in the work. Seeing from this, it is the utilitarian purpose that makes male adults buy real products.
学习啦在线学习网 To sum up, although it is normal to see some customers making impulsive purchase since, most of the rational customers would buy products out of their needs.
学习啦在线学习网 美国最伟大的运动员
The railroad station was jammed. Students from Lafayette College were crowding onto the train platform eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Carlisle Indian School's track and field squad.
学习啦在线学习网 火车站挤得水泄不通。拉斐德学院的学生们一齐拥上站台,热切地等待着卡莱尔印地安人学校田径队的到来。
NO one would have believed it a few months earlier.
A school that nobody had heard of was suddenly beating big, famous colleges in track meets.
学习啦在线学习网 一个谁也没听说过的学校,会在田径场上突然大败许多有名的大学。
Surely these Carlisle athletes would come charging off the train, one after another,like a Marine battalion .
学习啦在线学习网 The train finally arrived and two young men——one big and broad,the other small and slight——stepped onto the platform.
学习啦在线学习网 火车终于到站了,两个年轻人——一位,个儿高,体态魁梧;另一位,个儿矮,长相瘦弱——踏上了站台。
“Where is the track team?” a Lafayette student asked.“This is the team,” replied the big fellow.
“Just the two of you?”“Nope, just me,”said the big fellow.“This little guy is the manager.”
学习啦在线学习网 “就你们两个?”“不,就我一个,”大个子说。“这位小兄弟是领队。”
The Lafayette students shook their heads in wonder.
Somebody must be playing a joke on them.
If this big fellow was the whole Carlisle track team, he would be competing against an entire Lafayette squad.
He did. He ran sprints, he ran hurdles, he ran distant races.He high-jumped, he broad-jumped.He threw the javelin and the shot.
学习啦在线学习网 确实如此。他短跑、跨栏、长跑、跳高、跳远。他又投标枪又掷铅球。
学习啦在线学习网 Finishing first in eight events, the big fellow beat the whole Lafayette team. The big fellow was Jim Thorpe, the greatest American athlete of modern times.
