学习啦在线学习网 We can't articulate it, but we know a charming person when we see one. It's that person at the party who seems to know everybody. He works the crowd with such ease and has a positive aura about him, and everybody just seems drawn to him like steel to a magnet. He leaves people thinking “What a great guy!” and seems to have it all together.
学习啦在线学习网 I would be a fool if I wrote an article on how to be charming if I wasn't charming to begin with. I don't mean to say I'm the most charming man on the face of the earth, but I do have my moments. I've reflected back on those moments, studied other charismatic people, read books on the subject, and asked other charismatic people to share their insights on this elusive trait. You know what I learned? Charisma is not genetic. It can be learned. On to the 8 tips.
虽无法言传,但我们能一眼看出魅力十足的人:他在聚会上似乎万人熟;他在人群中游刃有余, 顶着光环,众人像铁之于磁石那样地被他吸引;他让人们觉得“多棒的家伙!”;似乎他拥有这一切特质。
学习啦在线学习网 1. Get your own life in order first.
When everything is going right in your life, the world is your oyster. You're in the zone, you're on top of the world, you feel invincible, like everything has fallen into place just for you. You don't have a single worry in the world and you feel like singing and dancing in the rain. With this kind of mental state, it's a double edged sword. It can lead you to become the most charismatic person in the world, or the most obnoxious and boastful person in the world (more on how to not be the latter later on in this article)。
You cannot fake charisma if you have problems going on in your life, whether it's trouble paying the bills, family issues, relationship problems, etc. That stuff will weigh you down.
Get your life in order. Pay the bills, save some money in the bank, forgive other people, don't hold grudges, be courteous to all, resolve any issues you have with people, have a passion in life, have a dream you're working on, eat right, exercise, etc. You will find that getting your act together will make it extremely easy for you to be charismatic, because then you can do the other half of what charismatic people do, and that is focus on the other person.
1. 先将生活纳入正规
学习啦在线学习网 让你生活走向正轨。付清账单、把钱存进银行、原谅他人、勿怀嫉妒、对所有人都彬彬有礼、解决掉人际关系中的所有问题、拥有生活的激情、拥有梦想并去追求、合理饮食、锻炼体魄等等。你会发现当你身体力行这些之后,拥有魅力真是小菜一碟,因为接下来你能去做其他有魅力的人所做的另一半事情——那就是关注他人。
2. Exercise
Exercise before attending any event or gathering (and please shower afterwards :) )。 It'll give you the energy you need to emanate your glowing charm throughout the room. It'll get you in the right mindset of a being a happy positive person because of the endorphins circulating in your body. It'll give you that confidence to start socializing. You'll be on your game. Everything will flow just right because you feel like a million bucks.
2. 运动
学习啦在线学习网 参加任何活动或聚会前,先运动一下(然后请洗下澡:) )。这会赐予你所需的能量,让你魅力四射。这也将让你处于快乐积极的精神状态中,因为内啡肽正在你的体内徘徊。这还会给你自信去开始社交活动。你将会发挥良好,诸事顺利,因为你感觉你像个大款。
3. Wear the clothes
学习啦在线学习网 You know what clothes I'm talking about. Everybody's got an outfit that makes them feel like a million bucks. We all know that clothes make you feel good. If you feel good, it'll be really easy to make others feel good. And the less worried you are about your appearance, the more you can focus on the other person. The more content you are with yourself (aka self confident), the more easier it will be to turn on the charm.
3. 着装
学习啦在线学习网 你知道我要说的是什么样的衣服。人人都拥有一套服装,穿上去觉得自己就像大款。我们都知衣饰能让你自我感觉良好。如果你自我感觉良好,那就容易让他人感觉良好。而且你对自己外形的担忧越少,就越能把注意力放在别人身上。你对你自己越满意(亦称自信),就越容易施展魅力。
学习啦在线学习网 4. Pre-socialize
I don't know why it is, but if I have socialized prior to attending a gathering or event, I find it way easier to turn on the charm. What I mean by pre-socializing is just striking up conversations with any person you meet on the way to the event; the store clerk, the people on the elevator, the security guard, etc. Just some light conversation. Nothing heavy. How are you? Busy day today eh? I like your jacket. Do you mind me asking where you got it? I think pre-socializing gets you into the groove of easily being able to talk to any person, one of the key skills in becoming charming.
4. 预交际
我不知道为什么要这样,但如果我在参加聚会或活动之前先交际一下,我就能更容易地找到办法来施展魅力。我说预交际的意思就是在你去参加活动的途中先随便找个什么人交谈一下,如店员、电梯里的人、保安等等。就只是一些轻松的对话。不要是沉重话题。你怎么样?今天很忙,是吗?我喜欢你的外套。可以问一下你在哪儿买的吗? 我认为预交际让你处于一种可以和任何人交谈的最佳状态,这是展现魅力的不二法门之一。
5. Pretend you're the host and talk to EVERYBODY
This is a very cool paradigm to try out. Instead of standing in the corner, sipping your drink and hoping somebody will come talk to you, take the initiative and start talking with EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE. You can do this if you pretend to be the host of the event. Start by looking out for people who are trying to act cool, but are desperately wishing that someone would go talk to them. You know exactly who they are. Rescue them from their worries and you'll see their face light up and thank you for approaching them. Work the crowd, ask how everyone's doing. They will all light up and respond favorably. Get to know people and introduce people to other people. Most people don't have the guts to approach strangers, so when you do it for them, they'll be extremely grateful.
学习啦在线学习网 Don't discriminate based on social groups. People are all the same. Talk to the skater, the artist, the economist, the stock broker, the lawyer, the doctor, the entrepreneur, the bartender, the guy standing in the corner, the waiter, everybody. Talk to everyone and make them feel welcome. You just need to get the ball rolling. Once you start talking to one stranger and get in the rhythm, you'll be an unstoppable social butterfly.
5. 装作主人的样子跟所有人交谈
不要根据社会圈子做出区别对待。所有人都是等同的。溜冰健将、艺术家、经济学家、 股票经纪人、律师、医生、企业家、站在角落里的家伙、服务生以及所有人,都同他们交谈。和所有人说话,并让他们感到宾至如归。你需要做的只是让事情开始运作起来。一旦你开始和生人说话,并能侃侃而谈,你就会成为一只永不停歇的社交蝴蝶。
6. You, not I.
学习啦在线学习网 Charming people focus on the other person. Rarely are they themselves the topic of discussion. When you're out there schmoozing, listen to people when they talk to you and give them feedback to indicate that you are listening and that you understand. Be genuinely interested in the other person. Ask all about them. Always think of how you can help them. Send business their way. Hook them up with other people at the party you think they might get along well with.
6. 是你,而非我
学习啦在线学习网 有魅力的人会关注他人。他们自己很少是讨论的话题。若你在那儿看他们闲谈,当他们对你说话时,你要仔细听,并作出回应以表明你在正在听而且明白他们的意思。要真诚地对他人感兴趣。问有关他们的所有事情。总是想着怎样才能帮他们。按照他们的方式行事。为他们和聚会上你认为合得来的其他人进行牵线搭桥。
学习啦在线学习网 7. Make them feel good.
Give people genuine compliments. Everybody needs compliments like food and water because everybody's self esteem can always use a little boost. Don't go for the cliché compliments like everyone else. Remember, you're the charismatic one. You've got to step it up a notch. Think of a genuine killer compliment.
Also, don't forget to use the power of touch. A hormone called oxytocin is secreted when you touch someone and studies have shown that promotes bond and trust between people. Oxytocin is also a feel good hormone so when they get hit with it, they associate that good feeling with you as well. Obviously, use your better judgment here. Don't go up and start molesting people. Be tactful with your touch. You will find that women are the masters of this. They will lightly tap your forearm when making a point or playfully hit your shoulder when engaged in conversation with you.
学习啦在线学习网 People tend to remember conversations with people who use the power of touch. I remember going to one event and being charmed off the socks with this one guy. He had it going. He was working the crowd, he saw me, introduced himself, and started to ask all sorts of questions about me. I, in turn, shamelessly succumbed to his charm and divulged a lot of information and we both had good laughs. You know why I remember him out of all the other people I interacted with that day? It's because he squeezed my arm when he shook my hand. No joke. That's how I remembered him. As the charming guy who squeezed my arm. Touch is a very powerful thing. Use it wisely.
7. 让他们得意
学习啦在线学习网 真诚地去恭维别人。恭维如同水和食物,每个人都需要,因为每个人的自尊总能获得些许提高。不要向其他人那样使用些陈词滥调。要记住,你是个富有魅力的人。你必要要高人一等。要想出一个真正的有杀伤力的奉承话。
学习啦在线学习网 8. Be positive.
学习啦在线学习网 Smile. Charming people are known for making people feel way better after interacting with them. They have a light feathery touch to them that brings smiles and good feelings to everybody they come in contact with.
Talk about positive things. Avoid negative things. You'll always run into people who turn a good conversation into a bad one by bringing up some negativity. If that happens, try to tactfully point out the positive aspects of the situation. If that fails, excuse yourself from the group and move on. There's no need to be part of the down group.
Get your stuff together, exercise, put on those nice clothes, get in the habit of socializing with everyone, talk with everyone, really listen and keep the focus on them, make them feel good, only associate yourself with positive things and people, and you'll find yourself being that one person who's always lighting up the room.
8. 正面积极
学习啦在线学习网 综合运用上述技巧:运动、优雅着装、养成习惯与所有人交际、和所有人说话、真正地倾听并关注他们、让他们感觉良好、只在自己和积极的事物和人联系在一起。这样你就会发现自己正在成为那个总是让厅堂熠熠生辉的人。