关于大学英语美文:Walk clean around the hill
NOW THAT I can look back across the years from the so-called vantage point of experience in two World Wars,travel throughout a large part of the world, and contact with many of the outstanding personalities of our time,it gives me a great deal of real reassurance each day to know that way down deep I learned some fundamental values when I was a boy in a small town in Nebraska.
学习啦在线学习网 I have found one thing to be so very true - the virtues I learned as a boy are still fundamental virtues.My point of view has changed,of course,over the years, and so has that of my friends,but so much of all this change of viewpoint is like a small boy gazing at a hill on the plains of Nebraska.The hill remains the same. The small boy only sees it from another angle as he grows up.
学习啦在线学习网 I have always tried to walk completely around every hill I have found in existence since, so that I could get a view from every angle. This,I think,reveals the difference between honsty and cynicism.When you see the hill from every angle, you have a much better chance at keeping life in focus.When you only see it from one angle you run the very great danger of becoming cynical.
学习啦在线学习网 Two of the fundamental virtues that have benn such a great comfort to me in my life, from the days of my boyhood in Wahoo,Nebraska, until now are loyalty and charity. There are other fundamentals I learned as a boy, but principally loyalty and charity.
学习啦在线学习网 Loyalty is not only just a term - it has been a way of life for me. I mean not only loyalty to my friends and family, but to the honest values on which our country was founded.And to me, this guidepost of loyalty of necessity means loyalty to one's own self.
学习啦在线学习网 When I was growing up, I rebelled against so many things, and fought against so many of the basic ideas of life - but I found ofter so much rebellion and walking completely around that hill on the Nebraska plains, in my mind's eye,that these virtues had not been tested over the centuries in vain.
Charity is another rule that has been of great comfort to me in so many trying situatuons. Charity is something you must learn.I have been very lucky in life because I have been in a position to give charity,and one should never expect and other reward from charity that the satisfaction it gives.
In taking part in any charity you must give from your heart.Any other type of giving is a terrible cheat on life itself.
学习啦在线学习网 Charity and loyalty are two things that have touched my life very deeply. They have been a source of tremendous satisfaction to me every day I have lives. This rule of loyalty has caused me to check back on the course of my activities at the close of rach day, to be sure I haven't knowingly hurt anyone in my day's activities.
I have tried to repair any hurts I have caused before the day's end. This undoubtedly is very selfish of me because I have learned that this rechecking of each day gives me a good night's sleep.
In walking around the hill on the plain each day of my life,the virtues I see - whether I am in London, Paris, Rome,Cairo,Now York,Hollwood or Wahoo,Nebraska - are always the same.
学习啦在线学习网 I am grateful for those old-fashioned virtues that I learned as a boy in Nebraska.And I hope I will have enough humility always to be thankful I was born in a country that give me this chance at life.
学习啦在线学习网 成长过程中,我曾几度叛逆,与生活中的很多基本观念背道而驰。但是,多次叛逆后,我想象着自己围绕内布拉斯加平原的那座山走了整整一圈,终于明白这些美德的确经得起时间的考验。
学习啦在线学习网 行善,必须真心诚意。否则,任何形式的给予皆是对生命本身极大的欺骗。
学习啦在线学习网 每天临睡前,我都会努力为自己对他人造成的伤害予以弥补。这无疑是种自私的行为,因为只有这样,每夜我才不会辗转难眠。
学习啦在线学习网 横看成岭侧成峰,人生亦是如此。无论是在伦敦、巴黎、罗马、开罗、纽约、好菜坞还是内布拉斯加的瓦胡镇,我所看到的美德始终不变。
关于大学英语美文:The Soundest Investment of All
by C. Jared Ingersoll
I feel very presumptuous and uncomfortable about trying to explain out loud the things Ibelieve in. But I do think that all human problems are in some way related to each other, soperhaps if people compare their experiences they may discover something in common in huntingthe answers.
I am a very fortunate man for I lead a full and what is for me a happy life. I say this eventhough I happen to have had, in the course of it, a couple of severe personal blows.
My first wife collapsed and died one day while she and I were ice skating, after eighteen years ofa most happy existence together. My only son, a sergeant in the army combat engineers, waskilled in Italy in the last war. Nevertheless, these tragedies did not throw me completely and Ihave been able to fill my life anew with happiness.
I do not mean to sound calloused. Those blows hurt me deeply. I guess that two basicallyimportant things helped me most to recover. One is the fact that I have come to see life as agamble. The other is a belief in what some people call the hereafter. I try to live fully so thatwhen and if my luck changes there will be little room for regret or recrimination over time lost ormisspent. My belief in the hereafter is wrapped in the intangible but stubborn thoughts of alayman. Very likely I would get lost in trying to describe or defend, by cold logic, my belief inGod but nobody could argue me out of it.
学习啦在线学习网 I have come to believe that I owe life as much as it owes me, and I suppose that explains thisfine satisfaction I get out of endeavoring to do a job to the best of what ability I have, and outof helping somebody else.
学习啦在线学习网 As a kid I used to ride a rake in the hayfields. I got a tremendous kick out of trying to sweepevery field clean as a whistle. Here I made a surprising and happy discovery: that there couldbe actual enjoyment in the exercise of thoroughness and responsibility, and that duty didn’thave to be a drudge.
学习啦在线学习网 I don’t know exactly why, but I like to do things for other people. Not only familyresponsibilities, work on a hospital board, and various church organizations but also the mostinconsequential things that might hardly seem worth the time. My office happens to be onIndependence Square and now and then I have occasion to direct a tourist to the Liberty Bell orfill him in on a little of the history of Philadelphia. The tourist doesn’t seem to mind and it makesme feel good. I’m afraid I’m not very profound. I have tried to comprehend why somethingso simple and so sound as the Golden Rule is so often forgotten or held in disrepute. I canonly say—and I say this quite selfishly—that I have found it a good investment. It has paid me avery high return, undoubtedly more than I deserve.
学习啦在线学习网 C.贾里德.英格索尔
学习啦在线学习网 我是一个幸运的人,因为我的生活充实而幸福。不管怎样,我依然会这么说,即使曾经的多次不幸给我带来了沉重的打击。我与第一个妻子共同度过了18年幸福的婚姻生活,然而在我们去滑冰的那天,她突然倒下,撒手人寰。我唯一的儿子是一名工兵军士,二战期间,在意大利阵亡。然而,我并没有被这些不幸彻底打倒,而是再次让我的生活充满幸福。
学习啦在线学习网 我并不是想让大家觉得我冷酷无情。这些不幸确实对我造成了很大的伤害。我想我之所以能够重新振作起来,其中有两个重要的原因:一是我认为生活其实就是一场赌博,二是我对人们所说的来世深信不疑。为了在晦运时,不至于因虚度时光而后悔或自责,我努力让自己充实地生活。作为一个普通信徒,无形而坚定的思想正是我信仰来世的来源。我信仰上帝,也许我难以用冷冰冰的逻辑来描述这个信仰或为它辩护,但谁也无法说服我放弃它。
学习啦在线学习网 我很喜欢为人服务。我不仅为家庭负责,在一家医院的理事会及各种教会组织中工作,我还会去做一些看似浪费时间的最无关紧要的琐事。我的办公室正好在独立广场,因此我偶尔会为去独立钟的游客带路,一路上给他讲一些费城的历史。虽然游客并不在乎这些,但我却乐此不疲。我自己并非知识渊博之人。我常常想弄明白,像黄金定律那样简单而合理的箴言为何总被人们遗忘或不屑一顾。我只能说,也自私地说,我发现为人服务是一项最成功的投资。毫无疑问,它给予我的回报远远高于我的应得。
George Soros wants to be the Bono of the financial world.
学习啦在线学习网 乔治·索罗斯想成为金融界的博诺(U2乐队主唱)。
学习啦在线学习网 The speculator whose assault on sterling ejected Britain from the European exchange rate mechanism that September of 10 years ago has a mission--to use his esti-mated £5 bn fortune and his fame to help tackle what he sees as the failures of globalisation.
洲汇率机制的投机商有一项使命---利用他大约 50 亿英镑的财产和他的声名 来帮助解决他所认为的全球化失败问题。
The idea that a man who made billions betting on the financial markets sides with the anti-globalisation movement might strike some as ironic. Soros is clearly genuinely appalled at the damage wrought on vulnerable economies by the vast sums of money which flow across national borders every day.
学习啦在线学习网 一个靠在全球金融市场上的投机赚了几十亿的人会 支持反全球化运动,这对许多人来说是具有讽刺意义的。这位在 10 年前的那个9月份攻击英镑 迫使英国退出欧很明显,对于每天在各国之间流动 的大量资金给经济脆弱国家造成的伤害,索罗斯从心底感到震惊。
"The US governs the international system to protect its own economy.
It is not in charge of protecting other economies, "he says. "So when America goes into recession, you have anti- recessionary policies.
学习啦在线学习网 它并不负责保护其它国家的经 济。因此,当美国陷入衰退后,美国会出台反衰退政策。
When other countries are in recession, they don't have the ability to engage in anti-recessionary policies because they can't have a permissive monetary policy, because money would flee. "In person, he has the air of a philosophy professor rather than a gimlet-eyed financier.
而其他国家陷入衰退时,却无力这 样做,因为这些国家不能实行自由开放的金融政策,否则资金就会外流?"索罗斯本人并不像 一个目光敏锐的金融家,他更具有哲学教授的气质。
In a soft voice which bears the traces of his native Hungary, he argues that it is time to rewrite the so-called Washington consensus--the cocktail of liberalisation, privatisation and fiscal rectitude which the IMF has been preaching for 15 years.
带着匈牙利母语口音,他轻声地说,现 在是修改所谓的"华盛顿共识"的时侯了。他指的是国际货币基金组织 15 年来宣扬的自由化、 私有化和财政透明的综合体制。
Developing countries no longer have the freedom to run their own economies, he argues, even when they follow perfectly sound policies.
学习啦在线学习网 他说,发展中国家即使执行非常合理的政策,也不能再自由 地控制本国经济。
He cites Brazil, which although it has a floating currency and manageable public debt was paying ten times over the odds to borrow from capital markets.
他援引巴西的例子说,尽管巴西实行了浮动汇率制和可控国债,但它向资 本市场借款还是付出了比正常条件下高出10倍的成本。
学习啦在线学习网 Soros, who at one stage after the fall of the Berlin Wall was providing more assistance to Russia than the US government, believes in practising what he preaches.
学习啦在线学习网 索罗斯在柏林墙倒塌后一段时间内向俄罗斯提供的援助曾一度超过美国政府的援助。
学习啦在线学习网 His Open Society Institute has been pivotal in helping eastern European countries develop democratic societies and market economies.
他 坚定地实施自己宣扬的观点。他的"开放社会研究所"在帮助东欧国家发展民主社会和市场经 济方面发挥了重要作用。
学习啦在线学习网 Soros has the advantage of an insider's knowledge of the workings of global capitalism, so his criticism is particularly pointed.
索罗斯具有业内人士的优势,了解全球资本主义的运行,因此他的 批评会受到特别关注。
Last year, the Soros foundation's network spent nearly half a billion dollars on projects in education, public health and promoting democracy, making it one of the world's largest private donors.
去年索罗斯基金网络在教育、公共卫生、促进民主项目上花费了近5 亿美元,使索罗斯基金成为世界上最大的私人捐助集团之一。
Soros credits the anti-globalisation movement for having made companies more sensitive to their wider responsibilities."
I think [the protesters] have made an important contribution by making people aware of the flaws of the system, "he says."People on the street had an impact on public opinion and corporations which sell to the public responded to that."
他说:"我认为(反对者 们)作出了重要贡献,使大众意识到这个体系的缺陷。大街上的人们对舆论会有所影响,而 向公众推销商品的公司也会对舆论作出反应?"
学习啦在线学习网 Because the IMF has abandoned billion dollar bailouts for troubled economies, he thinks a repeat of the Asian crisis is unlikely.
学习啦在线学习网 由于国际货币基金组织已经拒绝向经济困难 的国家提供数十亿美元的救济,索罗斯认为亚洲经济危机不会重演。
The fund's new"tough love"policy--for which Argentina is the guinea pig -- has other consequences.
国际货币基金组织"既 爱又严"的新政策---阿根廷是该政策的试验品---带来了其他后果。
The bailouts were a welfare system for Wall Street, with western taxpayers rescuing the banks from the consequences of unwise lending to emerging economies.
学习啦在线学习网 西方纳税人挽救了银行因 不理智地向新兴国家提供贷款造成的恶果,而国际货币基金组织的那些救济金则成了华尔街 的福利制度。
Now the IMF has drawn a line in the sand, credit to poor countries is drying up."It has created a new problem--the inadequacy of the flow of capital from centre to the periphery, " he says.
学习啦在线学习网 现在国际货币基金组织对贫困国家的贷款正在枯竭。索罗斯说:"这就产生了 一个新问题---资金从中心向周边流动不足。"
