有责任感学会倾听 步入中年的人生感悟
学习啦在线学习网 1. Take accountability for your mistakes. If you find yourself blaming others, look for your partand take ownership.
1. 自己犯的错要承担责任。在责怪别人之前先找找自己的过错,承担责任。
2. Sometimes life puts you through circumstances that show you who's really there for you.Focus on the ones who are there and who love and support you, rather than the ones thataren't, or can't be.
2. 有时候生活会告诉你谁才是真正在乎你的人。把目光放在那些在乎你、爱你、支持你的人身上,不要在意那些不关心你也不会关心你的人身上。
3. Listening is so much more important than talking. You already know what you know whenyou open your mouth. When you open your ears that’s when true learning takes place.
学习啦在线学习网 3. 倾听比说话重要得多。用嘴巴说的时候你知道的不会增加,用耳朵听的时候你就真的是在学习。
4. Our energy is one of our greatest resources, so it's important to be careful who surroundsus. It's okay to close the door on negativity. You'll soon see how this preserves your positiveenergy.
4. 能量是我们最重要的资源,所以我们要留意身边的人。把负能量拒之门外没有错,你很快就会发现这会保护你的正能量。
5. Travel makes you richer - even if it's not far from home. Opening your eyes to the world andall the wonders in it will enrich the quality of your life.
学习啦在线学习网 5. 旅行会使你更富有,就算只是去附近的地方旅行。放眼世界,世界的精彩会让你的生活变得美好充实。
学习啦在线学习网 6. The older we get, the faster time goes: the only way to slow it down is to be grateful foreach moment.
6. 年龄越大,时间走得越快。放慢时间的唯一方法就是感激每一刻。
学习啦在线学习网 7. Be patient with the world around you, give others the benefit of the doubt, for you are theone who suffers most when you're irritated.
7. 耐心对待身边的人和事,要先假定他人没有错,因为你要是生气,最难受的还是你自己。
学习啦在线学习网 8. Comparing yourself to others is the fastest way to put limitations on your potential. Stickwith competing with the person you were yesterday.
学习啦在线学习网 8. 在你拿自己和他人比较的时候,你就限制了自己的潜力。坚持和昨天的自己竞争吧。
9. It is inevitable that bad things will happen, to you or to someone equally undeserving ofpain. These moments are meant to measure our reactions to the event, and that's where you'llsee how strength is truly defined.
9. 不管是在你身上还是别人身上,不管应不应该,不愉快的事情总会发生。这样的事情是用来衡量我们的应对能力的,从中你会发现什么是真正的强大。
10. Support your friends dreams and encourage them whenever you can. An added benefit isthat you'll be happy to be surrounded by people who love their lives.
学习啦在线学习网 10. 尽你所能支持朋友的梦想,鼓励他们。这样有一个好处,就是你身边会充满热爱自己生活的人。
11. If you want things to change, start by changing yourself.
11. 如果你想要让事情有所改变,先改变自己。
学习啦在线学习网 12. If you genuinely don't want to do something or go somewhere, be honest. No one wants tospend time with you when you wish you were somewhere else.
学习啦在线学习网 12. 如果你确实不想做某件事或者去某个地方,坦白拒绝吧。如果你的心在别处,没人会想花时间和你在一起的。
13. Follow your dreams. Don't be afraid of them...or what other people think of them. Give it allyou've got and you can never fail.
13. 追随你的梦想,不要惧怕梦想,不要惧怕别人的看法。全力以赴,你就不会失败。
14. Tell people your dreams, as often as they are willing to listen. Goals become more tangiblewhen we say them aloud.
学习啦在线学习网 14. 把你的梦想告诉别人,只要别人没有厌烦,说得越多越好。当你把梦想大声说出来,目标就会变得切实明确。
15. Align yourself with like-minded people, people who motivate and inspire you, and thosethat make you feel genuinely happy when they are around. Treat them with love and respect.
学习啦在线学习网 15. 和志趣相投的人做朋友,和会激励你、启发你的人做朋友,和在你身边会让你感到高兴的人做朋友。要用爱和敬意对待他们。
学习啦在线学习网 16. Be a role model: let your actions and your words be unified. Be someone you'd look up to.
16. 成为楷模,言行一致,成为一个自己敬仰的人。
学习啦在线学习网 把握自己 谦虚与自信都要适度
"These aren't even that good. I think I could do better." That's one of the reasons I started writing. Because I was reading other articles and that thought came to mind. I've even thought that about books. Famous books. Brilliant books.
Who the fuck am I to think that?
学习啦在线学习网 我是谁呀?怎么有资格那么想?
That's my ego.
学习啦在线学习网 这就是我的自我价值感。
学习啦在线学习网 And I'm grateful for it.
Because I never would've started writing without it. I never would've found something I love to do without it. I never would've been able to quit my 9-5 without it.
学习啦在线学习网 因为要不是自我价值感,我绝不会开始写作,绝不会发现自己喜爱的事,绝不会放弃朝九晚五的生活。
Sometimes I get too caught up in it. I'll let other people's accomplishments get inside me and make me feel bad. I become jealous. I become resentful.
I let myself be tricked into think I'm not good enough, or doing enough, or being enough. That's when my ego becomes unhelpful.
学习啦在线学习网 我开始这样想:我不够好,或做得不够,或有很多不足。就在那时我的自我价值感开始变得全无益处。
I don't think having an ego is good or bad.
学习啦在线学习网 I think it's good and bad.
Most of us feel exhausted after working for at least eight hours a day, five days a week. Whenwe get home, we watch at least two episodes on Netflix because it's damn well-deserved andthe only time we get to "relax" before we go to sleep.
学习啦在线学习网 对于我们大多数人来说,在至少一周5天、一天8小时的工作之后都感觉很疲惫。回到家我们又至少要在Netflix上看两集电视剧,因为我们太应该放松一下了,而且那是睡觉之前唯一的放松时间。
Wake up and repeat. And repeat and repeat and repeat. No wonder you feel tired.
学习啦在线学习网 So how do you get out of this vicious cycle? How do you restart your life? Hint: NOT by addingsomething new to your life. But by making sure your body is ready and able to actually handlenew hobbies.
The first 3 things to check to make sure you have right:
学习啦在线学习网 首先,有三个方面你要确保自己做对了:
学习啦在线学习网 "Oh man, another one of these self-improvement things. I hope I can do it, but I've triedthese things before, and I just never stick with it."
This was something I used to say to myself every time I try to start something new for myself.There's a fear-driven side of your brain which tells you, "You can't do this."
What can you do? Well, the tip here is to talk to yourself like you're talking to a friend, or acoworker, or a child who is being told by a bully they can't do something they want to try. Sothe next time you try something new, be kind to yourself like you would be kind to others. Youare your own worst critic. But you can also be your staunch defender. Stand up for yourselfagainst yourself.
学习啦在线学习网 Without sufficient sleep, we're basically going through the day drunk. This means tiredness,difficulty to respond quickly and smartly to anything that comes up.
学习啦在线学习网 如果睡眠不足我们一天都会昏昏沉沉的,意味着会疲劳、很难对发生的事做出快速敏捷的反应。
学习啦在线学习网 The sleeping hours needed for an average adult ranges from 7 to 9 hours. Just keep in mindthat your body is not wired in the same way your computer is. You cannot have instantaneouschange. Let yourself have at least 1 to 2 weeks minimum to start sleeping a little earlierregularly. And this sort of timeline is meant for small changes, like 15 minutes to 30 minutesearlier than your current sleeping schedule.
But this is an absolutely must. Without sleep, your body and mind is weak, slow, and definitelynot energetic enough to accommodate any new activities you want to do.
学习啦在线学习网 这些是你必须要做的,睡眠不足身体和精神就会虚弱、反应慢,一定没有足够的精力去参加你想参与的新活动。
学习啦在线学习网 3. YOUR FOOD
学习啦在线学习网 If you are looking at what you eat for the reason to feel energized, then the general rules are:
学习啦在线学习网 1) Eat when you're hungry. Don't eat when you're not.
学习啦在线学习网 饿了吃,不饿不吃。
2) Be mindful when you eat. Chew at least 20 times. Let yourself taste and digest your food.
3) Don't do three things at once when you're eating. Your body wasn't made for that.
学习啦在线学习网 吃饭时不要同时做3件事,你的身体没有那个功能。
4) Preferably, eat "real" food. Eat food your great-grandmother would realize as food.
Don't let your days roll by in the continual humdrum. Start by re-examining these key habitsin your life already to build a body that can start doing things you want.
学习啦在线学习网 不要让自己的生活处于持续的无聊状态,开始重新审视一下自己生活中这3个主要习惯,打造出健康的身体去做你想做的事。