以下是学习啦小编整理的哲理类英语美文欣赏:hold住自己的节奏 , 希望对你有所启发。
Who is setting your standards for you?
A true story has it that one elder man decided to jog around the local high school football field.As he huffed and puffed along, the team was in practice. The players soon started runningsprints up and down the field. The man told himself, “I'll just keep running until they quit.”
学习啦在线学习网 有这样一个真实的故事:一位年长者决定到当地中学的足球场去慢跑。当他喘着粗气跑步时,足球队正在训练。很快,那些队员们便开始从操场的一端跑到另一端练习全速冲刺。年长者对自己说:“他们停了我才停。”
So he ran. And they ran. And he ran some more. And they kept running. And he kept runninguntil he could finally run no more. He stopped in exhaustion. One of the players, equallyexhausted, approached him and said, “Boy, I'm glad you finally stopped. Coach told us we hadto keep running as long as the old guy was jogging!” He was watching them. They werewatching him. He was letting them set his standard. They allowed him to set theirs.
学习啦在线学习网 My question is this: Are you keeping pace with somebody else? Are you allowing other people toset your standards for you? What about your standards, or principles, for moral behavior? Orguidelines for what kind of attitudes you want? Do you keep pace with those around you, or doyou decide yourself just how you will live your life? The truth is... only you are qualified todetermine what your standards will be.
学习啦在线学习网 我的问题是:你是在跟着别人的节奏吗?你是在让别人来设定你的标准吗?那么你自己在道德水准上的标准和原则呢?你想采取什么样的态度准则来对待生活呢?你是跟着周围的人的节奏呢,还是自己决定你的生活呢?事实是……只有你自己才有资格决定你的标准是什么。
Set your standards too low, and you'll know only discontent. But set high standards and youcan live an immeasurably full and worthwhile life. For only when you reach for the best that iswithin yourself, will you experience great living.
Who is setting your standards?