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学习啦在线学习网   春天来了,春姑娘在封冻的河面上蹦呀跳,冰层裂成了碎块,化成流水;春姑娘在大地上踩呀踩,青草伸出了头,春姑娘抱住花枝摇呀摇,花苞含笑绽放。小编精心收集了关于春天的英语美文作文,供大家欣赏学习!


  Oh! Spring is coming.

学习啦在线学习网   Look! All the things are reviving. The world is colorful. The trees and grass are green. Flowers are beautiful. Some are red. Some are yellow. Some are purple. The birds are flying in the blue sky. The bees are singing. They are very busy. They are making honey. The butterflies are dancing in the garden. The children are playing games.

学习啦在线学习网   I like spring.


学习啦在线学习网   看!万物复苏,世界是彩色的,树木和小草是绿色的,花儿非常漂亮,有红的,黄的,紫的。鸟儿在翱翔在蓝天,密封在歌唱,它们非常忙,忙于采蜜。蝴蝶在花园里跳舞,孩子们在玩着游戏。



学习啦在线学习网   Spring came with ail its glories. The new grass exposed its green colour. The pretty flowers opened their blossoms. We were tempted to go for an outing.

  It was Sunday, the 20th of April We set out very early on bikes, carrying bottles of champagne, beer and bags of cakes, bacon and cooked eggs. We rode along the winding paths in the fields, across the meadows and down the roads. The willow were fresh and green. The swallows were flying to and fro, up and down the sky. The birds, like musicians, snang their melodious songs in the trees, and the butterflies, like colorful dancers, were fluttering here and there. We breathed the fresh air deeply and laughed heartily.

  At 10 a.m. we arrived at the foot of the Shushan Hill. We left our bikes with a bike repairing shop and began to climb up the Hill. Near the top, under a big tree with luxuri ant foliage we had our picnic. We drank and ate, talked and laughed. After the picnic we stood in the breeze with our hands on our waists, enjoying the fine landscape. Then we lay on the grass talking about our life and studies.

  At about 4 p. m. , we returned with balmy greenness on our backs and freshness in our hearts.



学习啦在线学习网   上午10点我们到达蜀山山脚下。我们离开我们的自行车与自行车修理店,开始爬山。接近山顶,一棵茂密的大树下坐下来我们有我们的野餐。我们喝的和吃的,有说有笑。野餐后,我们站在微风中与我们双手叉腰,享受着美丽的风景。然后我们躺在草地上,谈论着我们的生活和学习。



  找春天-Looking for Spring

学习啦在线学习网   It's already February. Spring is coming. But where is spring? I raise my head and look at the sky. It's still gray. I come to the garden. There is no bud at all. The trees there are not coming into leaf. Then I come to the lakeside. Ice on the lake surface has been melt already. There are many ducks swimming in the distance. Branches of the willows beside the lake are turning GREen. I jumped with joy. This is spring. I found it!


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