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学习啦在线学习网   A burglary is often described as being a violation. And it's a good word for it because it's not just about what is physically taken, it's about what is emotionally done to the person being robbed. I had suffered no physical assault, but when I sat down to describe what I could to the police over a strong cup of tea, I felt as though I'd been beaten up.The upset wasn't to do with the things that had been stolen - most of that is replaceable and insured, it wasn't the ransacking of personal property, or the time-consuming pain of having to fill out claim forms. It was more the unsettling questions that the burglary had stirred up: What if they'd been armed? What if they come back? Why did this happen?There was a fear that lingered long after the thieves have fled. Even when writing this on the laptop that wasn't stolen I was more conscious of noises coming from the street, suspicious of a person walking a little too slowly up my road. I even bolted the door. I can get all the super-duper alarm systems I like, but will they take away my fear? I'm angry at those thieves for taking my things but I'll be more annoyed if they rob me of my peace.




  These well-informed young people had a very modest interest in the print media. Unlike me, they didn't feel their day was incomplete without reading a newspaper.Total newspaper circulation has been declining by roughly a million copies each year. And yet a review of the main stories in the national papers continues to be a regular feature of this programme. Items in broadcast news frequently take their cue from reports in the press. I wonder how low circulations will have to fall before such regard for the print media disappears.My guess is it may take a long time. We all seem to give greater authority to what is written than what is spoken. We know we can say things unthinkingly and stupidly. As the letter of James in the New Testament says "the tongue is an unruly member". But cruel words spoken in an outburst of temper are less hurtful than the same words written in a letter and sent by post. The written word has a very deliberate intention behind it. We speak about seeing things in black and white. On receiving a helpful letter we may say of someone "she's taken the trouble to write".

学习啦在线学习网   这些见多识广的年轻人对纸质媒体兴致不高。我要是一天不看报纸就会觉得这一天不完整,他们则不会。报纸总发行量以每年大约一百万的速度在递减。然而,本栏目还是一直在各大报纸上查阅大事要事。新闻联播经常从发行物中寻找灵感。我想,发行量要跌到多低,人们才会不再关注发行物。我猜,这需要相当长的时间。我们都觉得书面的比口头的更具权威性,因为我们会不经大脑的胡言乱语。《新约》中James的信中写道:“舌头难驾驭”。但是盛怒之下脱口而出的尖酸刻薄远远不如将这些诉诸书面并寄给对方来的伤人。书面文字隐含着深思熟虑的刻意。我们喜欢说白纸黑字。当我们收到一份非常有帮助的信件时,我们会说“她拨冗写了这封信。


学习啦在线学习网   灵魂—我们心中的神仙

  It's hard enough to describe the synergy between the idea of a soul and the material world.Talk of eternity is even more difficult. How does a person gain the whole world and lose hissoul? And how does a soul die?Is the soul the phantom me, which floats off to heaven or is itinextricably who we always are?These are huge questions. It's so much easier to limit soul to acategory of music.But oddly I'm with Da Vinci in one respect. The soul is indeed an intricatepart of God's grand design in our humanity. It's what it means to be made in God's image andlikeness. But the soul, which some believe to be stronger than death itself, is never immunefrom the limitations, myths and meanings in our physical world.It can pollute behaviour orelevate us to better ways of being human.Meshed in a coil of intuitions, instincts, emotions andvalues by which we live, the soul lives in the material world but should never be defined by it.When it does it dies.


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情景美文在思品教学中加以应用,能更有效地实现情感态度价值观目标。学习啦小编整理了优秀高中英语美文,欢迎阅读! 优秀高中英语美文篇一 入室行窃的心理创伤 A burglary is often described as being a violation. And its a good word


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