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  以下是小编整理的情感类英语美文欣赏:我的挚友阿诺德, 希望对你有所感触。

  I recently lost my best friend Arnold in an automobileaccident while moving my family to our new home inArizona. Arnold was an 8-month-old pot belly whotaught me so much about love, devotion andcompanionship. I am devastated by his loss, butthank God daily for blessing me with the joy ofhaving Arnold for his short life.

学习啦在线学习网   Anyone contemplating a pot belly as a pet shouldknow that if you are a true pet lover and devoteyourself to them, a pot belly will make the mostwonderful friend. You will be assured of endlesshours of fascination and entertainment as you both grow together in understanding thehuman/pot belly relationship. Words cannot describe this relationship and it can only be fullyunderstood by experiencing it.

学习啦在线学习网   Arnold didn’t know he was a pig -- he thought he was just another member of our family --modeling his behavior through observing me, my wife, my two daughters and our beagles. Hewas convinced he was loved by all; and he was, even when he was ornery trying to just getour attention. He learned his name, how to sit and how to use the litter box all in the first weekwe had him (at 7 weeks old!).

学习啦在线学习网   He loved to sleep on your lap as you sat on the couch watching TV. He didn’t care if hegrew to weigh 45lbs, he still expected you to hoist him onto your lap at precisely 8:00 pmevery evening where he would fall fast asleep within seconds after snuggling his wet nosebetween your neck and shoulder. If you didn’t respond to his initial "honks" letting you knowit was his nap time, he would bump your legs with his nose until you picked him up. With hisweight as it was, you couldn’t hold him all evening as he preferred, so you had to slide him offonto the couch next to you where he would sleep for hours with all four legs and his nosesticking straight up in the air. He would snore as long as he could feel you next to him butwould immediately wake up if you tried to leave the couch. We had hours of fun balancingobjects like a salt shaker on his flat nose while he slept soundly.

学习啦在线学习网   Arnold helped me in all my chores around our five acres in the country. Just being there atmy feet, interested in what I was doing made even the most mundane tasks enjoyable. Whenhe was out roaming and foraging and you would call out his name, he would come running attop speed, honking the whole way until he got close to you where he would dodge you,zigzagging around with a few victory roles turning in circles before settling down and calmlywalking up to you with his tail wagging as if to say (winking) "hah, got-cha."

  He even helped me build a kit aircraft and a customized trailer to haul it around in. I wasplanning on taking him flying with me some day. He loved to play with my sockets and rolledthem around on the shop floor. Just as I would struggle and get frustrated with some difficulttask, Arnold would show up underneath the trailer, with his wet nose in my ear and honking --seeming to say, "take a break and laugh with me for a while, that should make it all better." Andit did, every time. God’s marvelous creations minister to us in the most special ways if we canjust stop for a few moments and observe them. God used Arnold to teach us this veryimportant lesson in life which we will never forget.

学习啦在线学习网   My wife and two daughters began to say that Arnold and I were so close that he hadbecome the son that I never had in our family. It seemed that we could no longer have any kindof conversation in our family or with our friends without Arnold being a main topic. Theneighborhood kids would make appointments to come visit Arnold and couldn’t wait to comeover and play with him.

  Arnold went most everywhere with us--Pet’s Mart, Wal-Mart, birthday parties, Christmasvacation to Grandma’s. He loved riding in the car/shopping basket and was a big hit everywherehe went. Arnold had become such an important part of our life that when we found out that ourfamily would have to move to another state, we insisted that the contract on our new housebe contingent on the homeowners’ association approval of Arnold in writing before we wouldagree to purchasing in our prestigious neighborhood.

学习啦在线学习网   On the day we left our old home town, we had a going away lunch with our friends fromchurch. Everyone there just had to go out to the truck where Arnold and all our other pet wereand say goodbye. Arnold trusted me to take care of him and get him to his new home.Tragically, along the way, the wind blast from a semi knocked our trailers out of control andpushed our truck off a 40’ bridge. We lost a big part of our family that day when our petsArnold, Sweeti and Leanna were killed. I feel terrible for not being able to protect Arnold theway he trusted me to. However, I will be forever grateful for the fond memories of him which Iwill cherish forever.

学习啦在线学习网   Thank you for reading this and allowing me to share some of Arnold’s life with you. If youdecide that a pot belly is the right choice for you both, I pray that you will be rewarded in thesame way my family was with Arnold.


学习啦在线学习网   凡是考虑想养宠物猪的人都应该知道,如果你真心疼它,全身心地伺候它,小猪就会成为你最棒的朋友。在这个与小猪一起探索相处的过程中,你一定会非常着迷,发现其中有无穷的乐趣。言语是无法描绘这种关系的,只有亲身经历才能充分体会。



学习啦在线学习网   在我们那方圆五英亩的乡下地方,我做什么家务杂事阿诺德都会帮我一把。只要他挨在你脚跟,兴致勃勃地看你在忙,就足以让最索然无味的杂务变得有趣起来。他在外面溜达觅食的时候,只要你喊他的名字,他就会以最快的速度朝你奔来,“鼾鼾”地一路叫着,跑到离你不远的地方他又会跟你玩起迷藏来,左转右转地走着,绕着圈,一副凯旋而归的模样,然后才静下来慢慢走到你跟前,摇摇尾巴,好像眨着眼跟你说“哈,总算找到你啦!”





学习啦在线学习网   谢谢你们读这篇文章,让我和你们分享阿诺德的生活点滴。拥有阿诺德,我们得益匪浅,如果你也决定要养只小猪做宠物,那我祝愿你