学习啦在线学习网 摘要:判断成功与否的标准并在于你能否逃避困难,而在于你如何处理以及防止事情再次发生的能力。
The measure of success is not whether you can evade tough problems, but how you deal with those problems and whether you can keep them from recurring.
As you gather experience as a leader, over time you acquire a tool kit of techniques and strategies that serve you well. Then when a conflict hits and you're under the wire, you don't have to reinvent the wheel but can instead turn to something tried-and-true.
学习啦在线学习网 判断成功与否的标准并在于你能否逃避困难,而在于你如何处理以及防止事情再次发生的能力。
One of the techniques you may find yourself turning to often is problem solving--so much so that developing a reliable method of problem solving is critically important. Details and personalities can vary widely from one situation to another, so the most effective problem solvers rely on a mental model to help them come up with the best solutions.
遇到重要决定时 不妨试试这6种方法
学习啦在线学习网 在这些技能里,你会发现你最常使用的便是解决难题的能力,以此开发一个可靠的解决方案是多么的至关重要。细枝末节与个人情感会因应情况而不同,所以最佳的问题解决方法则需要依靠一个帮助人们找出最佳解决方案的心理模式。
学习啦在线学习网 Try this simple six-step model the next time a problem crops up. As you work with the model, you may find ways to tailor it to your situation and way of thinking. That's fine, of course. The more you refine it, the better it will work.
学习啦在线学习网 当再次遇到问题的时候,尝试下面简单的6步模式吧。当你使用这种模式后,你就能找到把它运用到实际情况和思维方式的方式。那很好呀,你越不断完善,它的效果就越明显。
Step 1: Understand the problem.
学习啦在线学习网 Most people start out just looking for a solution. Any solution. But it's best at the beginning to make sure you have a solid grip on the relevant facts and issues. Gather all available information; think about the situation from all perspectives. Make a list of those involved, along with their needs and expectations.
Step 2: Define the problem.
学习啦在线学习网 步骤2:明确问题的性质
Ask yourself the same "Five Ws and an H" that journalists use:
Who is involved?
What happened?
学习啦在线学习网 When did it happen?
学习啦在线学习网 Where did it happen?
学习啦在线学习网 这件事情发生在哪里?
Why did it happen?
How did it happen?
学习啦在线学习网 Once you have the information, make notes. Document your sources, and mark any discrepancies in their versions of the story.
学习啦在线学习网 当你掌握了这些信息,请记得把它们记下来。然后把它们写进文档,记录这些信息不同版本的差异。
Step 3: Know your role.
Reflect on the information in light of your own standards and values. Is there really a conflict, or is it just a bunch of noise? Does something need to be resolved? Do you have to get involved? Can you leave this up to the parties involved? Think clearly about whether and how you wish to take a stand on the issue.
Step 4: Identify the root causes.
List all the underlying factors you can think of that contributed to the problem--system issues, personalities, old grudges and simmering conflict, plain bad luck. Then list them in rank order according to facts and observation, and spend some time thinking about where the problem really lies.
学习啦在线学习网 把所有你能想到的与问题相关的潜在因素列出来:无论是系统问题,还是个人性格,宿怨,激烈的冲突,或仅仅只是运气不好。然后根据事实和观察的结果把它们按照顺序排列,花点时间思考一下到底问题的根源在哪里。
学习啦在线学习网 Step 5: Select a solution.
学习啦在线学习网 As you weigh possible solutions, keep in mind that you're aiming for something that
学习啦在线学习网 当你在衡量可能的解决方案的时候,请记住,你的目标解决方案必须是:
Satisfies everyone involved
Makes it so people feel understood and heard
学习啦在线学习网 容易被大家接纳的
Is sustainable
学习啦在线学习网 Worthy of the situation
Compelling enough to get complete buy-in
Compatible with your standards and values
Step 6: Check in and monitor.
After you've selected a solution and implemented it, continue to monitor the situation and check in occasionally to ensure that the problem has truly been resolved.
A system for problem solving can help you avoid unnecessary conflicts, disputes, and friction. You can know that you're making decisions based on facts, not personalities or snap judgments, and you can give less of your precious time to putting out fires. Try this technique and let me know what happens.
学习啦在线学习网 解决问题的模式能够帮助你避免不必要的冲突,争吵和摩擦。你会了解到你所做的决定都是基于事实情况,而不是个人观点或草率的判断的,你还可以省下自己宝贵的时间免于陷入困境之中。试试这个方法让笔者知道你的进展如何吧。