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  生活是一杯美酒,令人沉醉;生活是一段憧憬,令人向往。花香是浓烈的,要用鼻子来感受;生活是美好的,要用心灵来感悟。 以下是学习啦小编整理的英语文章:命的意义 拥抱生命的喧嚣 ,希望大家能有所收获。

学习啦在线学习网   Around the time I turned 40, I went to see a therapist, a man who knew me well. I tended call him once or twice a year on an as-needed basis. I had reached the point of being able to sort through most problems on my own. But life had -- as it occasionally does -- grown suddenly complicated.

学习啦在线学习网   我40岁生日前后,我去看理疗师,那个医生很了解我。我试图一年按需电话他两三次。我都快可以自己解决所有问题的时候,生活突然变得复杂起来----有时候,生活就是这样。

  I had been trying with no success to have a second child. My husband and I werecontemplating egg donation and surrogacy. We had made an abrupt move from New York City to rural Connecticut in the wake of 9/11. My mother had recently died. My little boy had been seriously ill, and I was still reeling from a difficult and frightening year. I found myself questioning everything.

生命的意义 拥抱生命的喧嚣

学习啦在线学习网   我一直想要生第二个小孩,但一筹莫展。我丈夫和我开始考虑捐献卵子和____。911事件后,我们匆匆从纽约搬到康涅狄格州的乡村。那时,我母亲刚过世不久,我儿子还小,却病入膏肓,那年我过得痛苦不堪、心惊胆战,一直缓不过来。我觉得我质疑周遭的一切。

  I went through a box of tissues during that hour with my occasional therapist, and as he walked me to the door at the end of the session, I turned to him and asked urgently: does any of this make sense?


  Everything about you makes sense, he said.


  I found these words enormously comforting. I so badly wanted the narrative of my life to make sense. Two brief failed marriages -- one at 18 the other at 28? Makes sense. My uneasy relationship to faith and doubt, having been raised in a strict, religious home? Makes sense. The emptiness I continued to feel at the early loss of my father? Makes sense. My impossibly fraught relationship with my mother? Sense. My fear and guilt at the increasing odds that my son would be an only child just like I had been? Sense.


  Our lives grow so complex, so unwieldy, so difficult to explain as we get older. Haven't we all had the experience of making a new friend in our 30s, 40s or 50s and wondering how in the world we can possibly explain ourselves? Our heartaches and our joys, our failures, losses, accomplishments, regrets? Who we've loved? Who we've wounded? What we'd do over -- if we possibly could -- if given the chance? As the trajectory of our lives stretches out from childhood well into adulthood, the arc is rarely smooth or clear.


学习啦在线学习网   My husband, a screenwriter, is often asked to adapt biographies for film, and the struggle, he often says, is that lives have first acts, but they don't have third acts (until they're over) and second acts are just one damned thing after another. So how to understand the narratives of our lives? How to trust that everything about us makes sense?


  Lately I've been wondering if perhaps the answer to this is not to even attempt to smooth things out. Sure, there are the fortunate few from whom the journey has thus far been smooth sailing, but for the vast majority of us, there are fits and starts, hiccups, confusion, mistakes, wrong turns, U-turns, gracelessmoments. Life's road is nothing if not strewn with pebbles, potholes, unexpected surprises, both happy and not-so-happy ones.

学习啦在线学习网   最近,我一直在想,也许这一问题的答案就是,不要试图去解决一切事情。诚然,少数幸运儿的人生迄今一帆风顺,但我们对大多数人而言,生命里会有断断续续、会有中断的时候、会有困惑、错误、会拐错弯、掉错头,还有颜面尽失的时候。若非有小石子儿、坑坑洼洼在,若非有意外与你不期而遇,或惊喜或惊愕,生命之路会一文不值。

学习啦在线学习网   As one of my dearest friends, the Buddhist teacher Sylvia Boorstein says, "We are alwaysaccommodating to a new situation." That ever-changing new situation is, in fact, what makes up the shape of our lives. And that shape assumes its own kind of integrity, over time. This is how it is, how it has been. The truth of who we are is all we have to offer each other. And so often we want to edit it, to hide it, to cut and paste the story so that it will read like something intentional, something that we all meant to do all along.


  And so it seems that the answer may well be to embrace the complexity of our lives. A beautiful piece of Buddhist wisdom known as "The Eight Vicissitudes" goes like this: pain and pleasure, praise and blame, fame and disrepute, gain and loss. All lives contain all of these. Not at once, not in order, not in equal amounts -- but nonetheless, all lives contain all of these. I find great solace in this. We are all here, trying our best, muddling through. We make choices, we re-group, we deepen. We learn from each other. We all make sense.

