学习啦在线学习网 So let's talk about happiness, or rather how we can go toward that goal. I think we can all agree that to be happy we should live a positive life. That makes sense. So, how then, can we make sure that we live positively? One way is to surround ourselves with positive things and positive experiences. Read good books, see good movies, have beautiful artwork hanging on our walls. We should eat delicious food, buy ourselves fresh flowers to greet us when we get home and attend all kinds of concerts frequently. . . .
学习啦在线学习网 让我们来谈谈幸福吧。到底怎样才算幸福呢?相信很多人都会赞成——要想幸福,就得积极乐观地面对生活。话虽如此,那到底怎样才算是“乐活”呢?或许,我们可以多去接触美好事物,比如,读本好书,看场精彩的电影,或者用不凡的艺术品装饰我们的家居;再比如,我们也可以享用美味大餐,买束鲜花美美地放在家里,抑或多赴几场音乐会……
学习啦在线学习网 It is important to remember why we are living on this earth. What are our priorities: our family and friends or getting that extra bonus by working 100 hours a week? Which really and truly makes us happier? We only have one life, so let's treat ourselves well, with massages and bubble baths. Never pass a playground without stopping to swing. Throw away our watches and maybe even try living without a planner for a day.
Find the little things, like sunrises and sunsets, or tequila shots and pet rocks, that make a day worth living. And always, always, always have a reason to get out of bed in the morning--whether it's the brownies you baked the night before or the realization that Thursday means "ER" is on at 10:00.
That way of positive living doesn't sound too bad, does it?
学习啦在线学习网 这种乐活方式听上去还不错,对吧?
But I'd like to introduce another way of living positively. This previous way is inward-looking. The goal is to bring positive or happy things of the world into our lives. A second manner of positive living is more outward-focused. The goal is to direct our own positivity (if I can take the liberty of inventing a word) on the world. To perhaps even seek out the negative things in this world and work to make them positive.
学习啦在线学习网 不过,我要讲的却是另一种乐活方式。前一种方式偏向于“内聚型”,要求人们把外界的美好正能量融入自己的生活中去;而第二种方式更侧重于“外散型”,就是把我们自身的正能量传播给外界,甚至需要我们善于发现负能量,然后努力把它转化为正能量。
This lifestyle might not appear so much fun, at first. We no longer can claim that it is for "positive" reasons that we don't read the bad news in the newspaper. To the contrary, we must open our eyes and ears to what is happening in all corners of this world that is our global community. Sure it does no good to numb ourselves to all the horrors of the world by repeated contact. But we cannot solve problems without knowing they are there.
In this life, maybe instead of going to a concert, you will perform for others. Maybe instead of buying cut flowers, you will plant flowers in a vacant lot for others to enjoy. Maybe you will teach, heal, counsel, or write policy that changes the world. Building a house with Habitat for Humanity may come before that weekend at the spa. But look at what you've made at the end of a day! When you take responsibility for the world, bubble baths sometimes have to wait.
学习啦在线学习网 你这一辈子,或许不必去参加别人的音乐会,而选择自己演一场给别人看;或许不必买剪切的鲜花,而是在空地上种一片花海,给别人带去赏心悦目;又或许,你可以教书育人、救死扶伤、咨询顾问,甚或编写改变世界的法规政策。周末在享受SPA之前,或许你可以加入“仁爱之家”,为他人添砖加瓦。等这一天结束后,你会发现生活是那么充实美好!当肩负起整个世界的责任后,你会发现泡泡澡也不是那么重要了。
But once again, I ask you to think about why we are here on earth and what is really important in life. What is the most positive way you can lead your life? As I said before, the key to a positive life is to always, always, and always have a reason to get up in the morning.