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学习啦在线学习网   1、But a man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated

学习啦在线学习网   人不是生来要给打败的,你尽可把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他

  2、It is silly not to hope, he thought.


学习啦在线学习网   3、Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.


  4、But none of these scars were fresh. They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert. Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.


  4、They were strange shoulders, still powerful although very old, and the neck was still strong too and the creases did not show so much when the old man was asleep and his head fallen forward.

学习啦在线学习网   这两个肩膀挺怪,人非常老迈了,肩膀却依然很强健,脖子也依然很壮实,而且当老人睡着了,脑袋向前耷拉着的时候,皱纹也不大明显了

  5、His shirt had been patched so many times that it was like the sail and the patches were faded to many different shades by the sun.


  6、The clouds over the land now rose like mountains and the coast was only a long green line with the gray blue hills behind it. The water was a dark blue now, so dark that it was almost purple

学习啦在线学习网   陆地上空的云块这时候像山冈般耸立着,海岸只剩下一长条绿色的线,背后是些灰青色的小山.海水此刻呈现蓝色,深的简直发紫了

  7、The boy loved the old fisherman and pitied him. If Manolin had no money of his own, he begged or stole to make sure that Santiago had enough to eat and fresh baits for his lines. The old man accepted his kindness with humility that was like a quiet kind of pride.

学习啦在线学习网   孩子喜欢并且可怜这个老渔人。曼诺林要是自己没有挣到钱,就会乞讨或偷窃以保证桑提亚哥有足够的食物和新鲜的鱼饵。老人谦卑地接受孩子的好意,谦卑中带有某种隐而不露的自豪感。

学习啦在线学习网   8、As the sun rose he saw other boats in toward shore, which was only a low green line on the sea.

学习啦在线学习网   阳升起时,他看到别的一些船只都头朝着海岸,在海上看来海岸象是一条接近地平线的绿带子。

学习啦在线学习网   9、The old man shivered in the cold that came after sunset. When something took one of his remaining baits, he cut the line with his sheath knife.


学习啦在线学习网   10、Close to nightfall a dolphin took the small hook he had rebaited. He lifted the fish aboard, careful not to jerk the line over his shoulder.


  11、An hour later he sighted the first shark. It was a fierce Mako, and it came in fast to slash with raking teeth at the dead marlin. With failing might the old man struck the shark with his harpoon. The Mako rolled and sank, carrying the harpoon with it and leaving the marlin mutilated and bloody.


  12、When the third appeared, he thrust at it with the knife, only to feel the blade snap as the fish rolled.


  13、But the old man thought only of his steering and his great tiredness. He had gone out too far and the sharks had beaten him. He knew they would leave him nothing but the stripped skeleton of his great catch.


学习啦在线学习网   14.What a great fish he is and what he will bring in the market if the flesh is good. He took the bait like a male and he pulls like a male and his fight has no panic in it. I wonder if he has any plans or if he is just as desperate as I am? 这是一个多么庞大的鱼,如果到时候还新鲜的话,他就拿到市场卖了。他像一个男子汉那样,拿著诱饵还有拉著线,无畏的搏斗著。我想知道,他是否有任何的安排,或者,他只是像我一样,绝望了。

  15.All my life the early sun has hurt my eyes, he thought. Yet they are still good. 生命中的旭阳刺痛了我的眼睛,他想。(据本人理解应为指早年初恋女友,那个护士的背叛)呵呵,还好这双眼睛现在还挺好。

学习啦在线学习网   16.Perhaps I should not have been a fisherman, he thought. But that was the thing that I was born for. 或许我不应该成为一个渔夫,他想。但是那是我生来的源由。

学习啦在线学习网   17.“ Fish,” he said softly, aloud, “ I ‘ll stay with you until I am dead.” “鱼,”他柔和地说著,却很响亮 ,“我会一直陪伴你直至我死去。”

  18.He could feel the steady hard pull of the line and his left hand was cramped. It drew up tight on the heavy cord and he looked at it in disgust.

  “What kind of a hand is that,” he said. “Cramp then if you want. Make yourself into a claw. It will do you no good.” 他能感觉到支架艰难的拉著,但是他的左手却被夹住了。它被沉重的绳索卷住了,老人嫌恶的看著左手。


学习啦在线学习网   He did not remember when he had first started to talk aloud when he was by himself. He had sung when he was by himself in the old days and he had sung at night sometimes when he was alone steering on his watch in the smacks or in the turtle boats. He had probably started to talk aloud, when alone, when the boy had left. But he did not remember. When he and the boy fished together they usually spoke only when it was necessary. They talked at night or when they were storm-bound by bad weather. It was considered a virtue not to talk unnecessarily at sea and the old man had always considered it so and respected it. But now he said his thoughts aloud many times since there was no one that they could annoy.


学习啦在线学习网   "If the others heard me talking out loud they would think that I am crazy," he said aloud. "But since I am not crazy, I do not care. And the rich have radios to talk to them in their boats and to bring them the baseball."


学习啦在线学习网   Now is no time to think baseball, he thought. Now is the time to think of only one thing. That which I was born for. There might be a big one around that school, he thought. I picked up only a straggler from the albacore that were feeding. But they are working far out and fast. Everything that shows on the surface today travels very fast and to the north-east. Can that be the time of day? Or is it some sign of weather that I do not know?

学习啦在线学习网   现在可不是思量棒球赛的时刻,他想。现在只应该思量一桩事。就是我生来要干的那桩事。那个鱼群周围很可能有一条大的,他想。我只逮住了正在吃小鱼的金枪鱼群中一条失散的。可是它们正游向远方,游得很快。今天凡是在海面上露面的都游得很快,向着东北方向。难道一天的这个时辰该如此吗?要不,这是什么我不懂得的天气征兆?


  "Eat it a little more," he said. "Eat it well."

学习啦在线学习网   “再吃一些吧,”他说。“美美地吃吧。”

学习啦在线学习网   Eat it so that the point of the hook goes into your heart and kills you, he thought. Come up easy and let me put the harpoon into you. All right. Are you ready? Have you been long enough at table?


  "Now! he said aloud and struck hard with both hands, gained a yard of line and then struck again and again, swinging with each arm alternately on the cord with all the strength of his arms and the pivoted weight of his body.

学习啦在线学习网   “着啊!”他说出声来,用双手使劲猛拉钓索,收进了一码,然后连连猛拉,使出胳膊上的全副劲儿,拿身子的重量作为支撑,挥动双臂,轮换地把钓索往回拉。

学习啦在线学习网   Nothing happened. The fish just moved away slowly and the old man could not raise him an inch. His line was strong and made for heavy fish and he held it against his back until it was so taut that beads of water were jumping from it. Then it began to make a slow hissing sound in the water and he still held it, bracing himself against the thwart and leaning back against the pull. The boat began to move slowly off toward the north-west.


  The fish moved steadily and they traveled slowly on the calm water. The other baits were still in the water but there was nothing to be done.


  "I wish I had the boy," the old man said aloud. "I'm being towed by a fish and I'm the towing bitt. I could make the line fast. But then he could break it. I must hold him all I can and give him line when he must have it. Thank God he is traveling and not going down."

学习啦在线学习网   “但愿那孩子在这儿就好了,”老人说出声来,“我正被一条鱼拖着走,成了一根系纤绳的短柱啦。我可以把钓索系在船舷上。不过这一来鱼儿会把它扯断的。我得拚命牵住它,必要的时候给它放出钓索。谢谢老天,它还在朝前游,没有朝下沉。”

  What I will do if he decides to go down, I don't know. What I'll do if he sounds and dies I don't now. But I'll do something. There are plenty of things I can do.









《老人与海》是海明威于1951年在古巴写的一篇中篇小说,是海明威最著名的作品之一。下面是学习啦小编整理的一些老人与海的英文版句子,欢迎大家阅读! 老人与海英文版句子 1、But a man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed


  • 关于哲理性的英文句子

    想知道关于哲理的英文句子有哪些吗?下面小编整理了一些关于哲理的英文句子,供大家学习参考。 45.She who has never loved, has never lived. 人活着总要爱一回。

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