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学习啦在线学习网   经典美文与英语写作是两项相对独立但又相互依赖、相辅相成的关系,这一结论对写作教学有很大启发。学习啦小编整理了短篇初中英语美文,欢迎阅读!


  I Do a Lot of Office Fishing

  Some years ago, I started to look at the stars through high-powered binoculars and began reading books written by astronomers for people like me. I became an entranced stargazer for a while.

  The men who have learned as much as we know about the universe point out that the sun is an insignificant, moderately hot star in a nebula where it is fixed. The Milky Way, which I have always wanted to spell “w-h-e-y,” is composed of our brothers and sisters, and we are all moving around a central hub. And the hub is moving toward some place, I don’t know where. My brothers and sisters are numbered in billions of billions, and our galaxy itself is one of many, many…how many, I don’t know.

  Our sun is so small and our earth, its offspring, is so tiny that when I think of the magnitude, I think of what O. Henry described as a “Statue of What’s the Use.”

学习啦在线学习网   What difference does it make that I exist? What possible influence can I make, or my nation make, or a world make?

学习啦在线学习网   Where am I going on this ride and does it make any sense? Who’s the boss and what’s He got in mind?

学习啦在线学习网   That’s what I got to thinking…it’s all too big, too inevitable, too uncontrollable, and if I think about it with my eyes closed, it’s a pretty pessimistic picture.

学习啦在线学习网   Then one day I saw a hunting dog in the woods, an English setter flecked with black. His tail tangled with dock burs. This is a common occurrence to guys like me. I always want to stop and pull out the burs. But this time, out of nowhere, came the realization that this bounding, healthy dog was performing an important job: the job of transporting seeds that were constructed for the very purpose of hitchhiking. The fluff of milkweed sails on the wind to start a new colony miles from its original parent. This dog and its tangle of dock burs are all part of a plan. And so am I.

学习啦在线学习网   I believe the plan on this small, lonely earth is to make the best of it—a policy that is becoming increasingly more difficult as the number of human beings increases.

学习啦在线学习网   When I came to New York many years ago, I found that in big cities people live faster and decide things quicker than country folk. They have to, in order to survive in the struggle for existence.

学习啦在线学习网   Several times a week I slug it out with city dwellers for a place in the subway. They seem a bad lot. But when I pass a city dweller on a trout stream I find he’s just like other people. He’ll speak to me with interest, even warmth. He will ask me how many trout I’ve taken, what fly was successful. And I break down and tell him, and point out that perhaps the black gnat he’s using is too large.

  I have tried to make the best of it by doing a lot of office fishing, some front porch fishing, and some quiet mulling about the magnificent things such as dock burs and remote stars. What’s more, I have found it fun; fun that has brought me a lot of happiness, a lot of contentment, and a lot of peace.



学习啦在线学习网   几年前我开始用高倍望远镜观察星空,按自己的想法解释天文学家撰写的天文学入门读物。很快我就迷上了观星。


学习啦在线学习网   太阳在宇宙中是那么微小,太阳的孩子地球则更是微不足道,以至于我一想到地球的分量,就想起欧·亨利说过的那句话——“无用的化身”。

学习啦在线学习网   我的存在有何意义?我也好,我的民族也好,我的世界也好,我们的存在能起什么作用呢?




学习啦在线学习网   我相信微小而孤寂的地球应妥善处理自己的一切——这一原则随着人口增加而越来越难实现。


学习啦在线学习网   我一个星期要挤好几次地铁,满眼所见尽是面目可憎的都市人。但当我在溪边钓鳟鱼碰到一个城里人时,会发现他和其他人并无两样。他会饶有兴致、甚至十分热情地与我聊天,询问我的战果,或是请教关于鱼饵的问题。我也会停下来,提醒他那块黑蠓鱼饵可能得掰小点儿。

学习啦在线学习网   就这样,我努力妥善处理一切,在办公室和自家院子里都像在溪边垂钓时一样,多与同事或邻里交流,并常常静下心来体味世间伟大的万物,诸如那几根芒刺,又或是遥远的星辰。这样做乐趣无穷,且让我幸福,让我满足,让我能求得内心的宁静。




学习啦在线学习网   The power of beauty

  Beauty is essentially a form of energy, something that radiates from a fine example ofabsolutely anything, whether a delightful taste or smell, or a gorgeous sight. This energy is ineffect a form of information, nature's bar code telling us how healthy that attitude is, becausehealth-bringing things increase the likelihood that we and our genes will survive.

学习啦在线学习网   Harvard phychologist Nancy Etcoff observes that, with this vital equation very much in mind,our brains behave like a highly sensitive radar constantly hunting a signal. If we're shown thephotograph of a face, it takes us less than a fifth of a second to make a judgement of itsbeauty.

学习啦在线学习网   Much of the language of this energy is hard-wired and universal. Even three month-old babieshave been shown to prefer gazing at conventionally beautiful faces, and adults from diverseethnic cultures can all agree on who is exactly how good-looking in other populations.

  Experimental studies have also established that the active ingredients include symmetry,order, proportion and balance. Since beauty is so powerful and important, we can be thankfulthat there are many ways to be beautiful, and very many sources. And though we most readilythink of experiencing that energy through our five physical senses of sight, sound, taste, touchand smell, other dimensions are even more potent. For example, there is movement-which canbe the internal, kinaesthetic sense of our own bodies in dance or sport; or the thrill of seeingan art or craft well performed. Consider, too, how ideas, insights, and solutions, can bedeemed beautiful. Among scientists, Einstein's Theory of Relativity is unanimously praised for itsextraordinary beauty.

  Yale's David Gelernter, a professor of computer science, has argued convincingly that "lust forbeauty" has driven the great technological discoveries. It is no accient, he would claim, thatMitchell's Spitfire, with its Merlin engines and distinctive wings, could help win a war while alsoseeming wonderful to the eye and ear.

  And just as the plan for a bank robbery, a bridge, or a computer program can all workbeautifully, so can a whole personality. We know from the studies of many lifetimes thathumans find a balance of loving and confidence and kindness and humour to be highlyattractive and very healthy qualities.

学习啦在线学习网   Yet, the greatest source of beauty, for the sheer intensity and volume of positive emotion itbrings to our lives, is the beautiful relationship--the one in which we can thrive and flourishand grow beyond ourselves. This fertile bond can exist between two living things, or a personand a place, or a person and a skill, and the world becomes only more beautiful the more deeplywe understand it. Therefore, we will find profound happiness in narturing and appreciatingdiverse beauties in whatever ways we can.


学习啦在线学习网   剑桥大学博士Nick Baylis



学习啦在线学习网   对这种能量的认识是人类普遍具备的先天特质。甚至3个月大的婴儿也表现出对传统意义上的漂亮的脸蛋的青睐。不同种族的成年人在判断其他族人的容貌美丑问题上也能达成共识。

学习啦在线学习网   研究表明,对称、条例、比例和平衡是影响人们判断美的重要因素。美的力量是巨大而不可忽视的。我们应当感谢美丽有那么多的表达方式,美的源泉是那么丰富多彩。说到美,也许我们很容易想到通

学习啦在线学习网   过视觉、听觉、味觉、触觉和嗅觉这五种感官来体验它的能量,但其实还有其他更为有效的途径,比如:“动觉”--它可能是我们跳舞或运动时身体内部的肌肉动感,也可能是看到一件精湛的艺术品或工艺制品时的兴奋和激动不已。再想想我们又有多少可以被称为“漂亮”的想法、见解和解决方案吧。科学家们不就对爱因斯坦“相对论”所蕴涵的非凡之美一致地给予了高度赞赏么。


学习啦在线学习网   正如我们可以说一起银行抢劫、一座桥梁或是一个计算机程序的设计干得很“漂亮”,一个人的整体人格也可以是“漂亮”的。从对许多人的生平研究中发现,爱心、自信、友善和幽默是非常健康的品质,拥有这些品质的人是极具魅力的。

学习啦在线学习网   然而,就其带给我们的美好感觉的度和量而言,美的最主要来源是我们与外界的美好关系,它们给我们的生活带来源源不断的感情--让我们茁壮成长,超越自我。这一有力的和谐关系可以存在于生物与生物之间,也可存在于人和某个地方之间,或是人和某项技能之间。当我们能更好地认识这些关系时,世界就会变得更加美丽。因此,我们在培育和欣赏美的同时,也会得到无穷的快乐。


  The Road to Success

学习啦在线学习网   It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions. Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility thrustupon them at the very threshold of their career. They were introduced to the broom, and spent the first hours of their business lives sweeping out the office. I notice we have janitors and janitresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of business education. But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom. It does not hurt the newest comer to sweep out the office if necessary. I was one of those sweepers myself.

学习啦在线学习网   Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is “aim high”. I would not give a fig for the young man who does not already see himself the partner or the head of an important firm. Do not rest content for a moment in your thoughts as head clerk, or foreman, or general manager in any concern, no matter how extensive. Say to yourself, “My place is at the top.” Be king in your dreams.

  And here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy, thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having begun in one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it.

学习啦在线学习网   The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains also. They have investments in this, or that, or the other, here there, and everywhere. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” is all wrong. I tell you to “put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket.” Look round you and take notice, men who do that not often fail. It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It is trying to carry too many baskets that breaks most eggs in this country. He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up. One fault of the American businessman is lack of concentration.

  To summarize what I have said: aim for the highest; never enter a bar room; do not touchliquor, or if at all only at meals; never speculate; never indorse beyond your surplus cash fund; make the firm’s interest yours; break orders always to save owners; concentrate; put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket; expenditure always within revenue; lastly, be not impatient, for as Emerson says, “no one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves.”



学习啦在线学习网   年轻人创业之初,应该从最底层干起,这是件好事。匹兹堡有很多商业巨头,在他们创业之初,都不情愿地肩负过“重任”。他们与扫帚相伴,以打扫办公室的方式度过了他们在商业生涯中最初的日子。我注意到我们现在办公室里都有工友,所以很可惜,年轻人就错过了商业教育中这个有益的环节。如果碰巧哪天上午,专职扫地的工友没有来,某个具有未来合伙人气质的年轻人便会毫不犹豫地试着拿起扫帚。新来的员工在必要时,扫扫地也无妨,你并不会因此而有什么损失。我自己就曾经扫过地......

学习啦在线学习网   加入你已经找到工作,并且有了一个良好的开端,我对你的建议就是:要志存高远。一个年轻人,如果不曾把自己想象成是一家大公司未来的老板或是合伙人,那我就会对他不屑一顾。在任何企业,不管它的规模有多大,你的内心都不要满足于做一个首席助理、领班或者总经理。要对自己说:我要迈向顶尖!要做就做你梦想之国里的国王。




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