学习啦在线学习网 下面是学习啦小编为大家带来英语经典美文:火车上沉默的男孩,希望大家喜欢!
The first time I saw him I realized I had seen him before ,though exactly why i had not realy seen him before this "first time",i do not know.
学习啦在线学习网 第一次看到他的时候,我就感觉到我们曾经在哪儿见过,但我不明白为什么我们以前竟然没见过面。
Probably I was too busy with the plot of the story I was writing or a line in a poem I was composing .Yet I had noted generally all the others—with their caps askew and their school sathels haning at various lengthes from their shoulders. I had heard them too –the laughing,the whispering,the compressed exuberance of youth in a too small space ,the carriage of a buss.
学习啦在线学习网 或许是因为我正忙着构思小说,抑或正沉醉于润色某一行诗句。我却像往常一样注意到了其他人——那些外带着学生帽,斜挎着书包的学生们。不仅如此,我还听到他们的笑声,他们的窃窃私语声,目睹了他们那被压缩在这节狭小的火车车厢里的旺盛的青春活力。
It was the year I was living in nanjing. Every day I would go back and forth from home to school by bus. The journey took about half an hour each way. Every morning a group of schoolboys would board the bus and ride for fifteen to twenty minutes . I was aware of them , but not acutely so . in the beginning they seemed but a noisy blur . Other passengers on the bus did not seem to doze , look out the windows or bury themselves in their favorite newspapers.
学习啦在线学习网 那一年,我住在英国。每天,我都要乘坐火车来往于赫特福德郡和伦敦之间。这段路程每趟大约要花费一个小时的时间。每天早晨,都会有一群男孩子乘坐这趟火车去上学,大约需要15~20分钟。我已经注意到了他们的存在,但并没有对他们给予太多的关注。开始的时候,他们似乎只是一个个不起眼的吵吵嚷嚷的小斑点,并没有引起人们太多的注意,车上的其他乘客好像根本没有注意到他们似地,有的打瞌睡,有的茫然地望着窗外,有的则藏在报纸后面专心致志地看着新闻。
学习啦在线学习网 Then one day I saw him,a tiny figure bundle up warmly against the city’s autumn weather . I realized immediately that I had seen him many times before, always in the same place, the seat directly opposite my own . I smiled at him ,having looked up, momentarily from the poem which I was trying to write. His wide , dark eyes blinked in shyness, and he turnde his head to gaze out the window for the rest of the journey.
The next day I found myself waiting for him to get on the bus . At last he came with the others, yet seemingly apart from them. He was surrounded by them, ye divorced from them. He seemed to carry his own special world with him—a world of one, a world of silence , or so I mused as I wathed. The others jostled and poked on another . Their behavior toward him was gentle when they noticed him. Quietly and deliberately he made his way to his usual seat. I kept my eyes on him.
"Hello,” I said brightly,”I have been waiting foy you.”
学习啦在线学习网 “嗨,你好,”我热情地向他打招呼,“我一直在这儿等你。”