学习啦在线学习网 只要心中有信仰,有良好的愿望,只要思想和灵魂追求和平,我们就一定能够在有生之年让世界变得更加美好。下面是学习啦小编为大家带来英语经典美文:奉献是支付租金,希望大家喜欢!
In a complex society and a complex civilization, the individual is inevitably confused much of the time. But I believe that the basic solution of all world and group problems must first be solved by the individual himself. Each one of us, whether we publicly admit it or not, has a deeply spiritual side. Not one of us can conceal it—scratch the surface and it’s always there. So first of all—and underlying all my credo—I believe in God and in an orderly universe.
学习啦在线学习网 人类生活在复杂的社会和文明中,总会不可避免地感到困惑。然而,我相信:人类自身才是解决全世界和群体问题的根本,无论是否公开承认,每个人的内心深处都藏着一个精神家园。揭开覆盖在它表层的东西,它永远在那里,没有人能够将其隐藏。我相信上帝和有序的宇宙,这是我所有信条中的第一个。
As a mortal, passing through this life for just a limited period of time, I believe that happiness is a truly basic objective—happiness for one’s self and, hopefully, happiness for others. It hasn’t taken too much living on my part to discover that real happiness, which sounds so selfish and so self-centered, is never achieved merely by selfish materialism—it can only have depth and real satisfaction if it is bound up with unselfishness—with a consideration for others. Service is the very essence of it. It has been said that “service is the rent we pay for our place on earth.” That kind of service brings the true happiness that we all seek.
学习啦在线学习网 The antithesis of all this is selfishness, which is outstandingly the greatest world-wide vice. It seems though all the world had the “gimmies,” selfishly grasping for power, and more and more, at national levels, with individuals selfishly struggling for material things at their own level.
Each one of us needs a sense of humor with its balancing factor of a sense of proportion. I believe a sense of humor brings poise and a start towards understanding.
学习啦在线学习网 每个人都需要一种幽默感和分寸感,我相信幽默感是理解的开端,能够使人类沉着、冷静。
My credo embraces a joyous approach for me toward my fellow man and for collective groups towards each other. I want none of that grim hellfire-and-brimstone stuff that flourished in the early days of our country—a religion of frightening fear of the hereafter. Why, even their old church pews were as uncomfortable as straitjackets! A joyous approach towards living even cheers you yourself—to say nothing of its warmth that eases the burdens of others.
学习啦在线学习网 我的信条是:同胞之间、群体之间应该快乐地相处。我反对我国早期曾盛行的宣扬残酷的地狱之火及战火这样的谬论,这让人类对来世的信仰产生了巨大恐惧。为什么连教堂里靠背椅的椅背都像件瘦小的外套,令人很不舒服!快乐地面对生活不但使自己感到高兴,还能温暖他人,减轻他人的生活负担。
I believe that brotherhood can grow from this to help destroy forever the seeds of friction and injustice that stem from group minority prejudices.
学习啦在线学习网 我相信,幸福能够产生兄弟情谊,有助于消除小群体偏见产生的冲突和不公平的苗头。
学习啦在线学习网 If only each one of us can develop a sound philosophy and work out a course of conduct as individuals, then I believe we can solve our world problems at the international level. Thomas Mann once gave this challenging definition: “War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.” With faith and good will in our hearts and with peace in our souls and minds, surely we can leave this world the better for our having lived in it.