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  If you change your mind - from pessimism tooptimism - you can change your life.Do you see theglass as half-full rather than half empty?Do you keepyour eye upon the doughnut, ot upon the hole?Suddenly these cliches are scientific questions, asresearchers scrutinize the power of positivethinking.Research is proving that optimism can helpyou to be happier, healthier and moresuccessful.Pessimism leads, by contrast, tohopelessness, sickness and failure, and is linked todepression,loneliness and painful shyness. If we could teach people to think more positively,it wouldbe like inoculating them against these mental ills.

  Your habits count but the belief that you can succeed affects whether or not you will.In part, that’sbecause optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in verydifferent ways.When things go wrong the pessimist tends to blame himself.“I’m not good atthis.”“I always fail.”He would say. But the optimist looks for loopholes.Negative or positive, it wasa self-fulfilling prophecy.If people feel hopeless they don’t bother to acquire the skills they need tosucceed.

学习啦在线学习网   A sense of control is the litmus test for success. The optimist feels in control of his own life.Ifthingsare going badly, he acts quickly, looking for solutions, forming a new plan of action,andreaching out foradvice. The pessimist feels like fate’s plaything and moves slowly.He doesn’t seekadvice, since he assumes nothing can be done.Many studies suggest that the pessimist’s feeling ofhelplessness undermines the body’s natural defenses,the immune system. Research has found thatthe pessimist doesn’t take good care of himself.Feeling passive and unable to dodge life’s blows,he expects ill health and other misfortunes,no matter what he does. He munches on junk food,avoids exercise, ignores the doctor, has another drink.

  Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism, but are inclined in one direction or the other.It isa pattern of thinking learned at our mothers’ knees.It grows out of thousands of cautions orencouragements, negative statements or positive ones.Too many “don’t” and warnings ofdanger can make a child feel incompetent, fearful and pessimistic. Pessimism is a hard habit tobreak - but it can be done.


  如果你能将悲观情绪转化为乐观情绪,那么你将改变自己的命运。你看到的是杯子中的半杯水,还是空着的另一半?你的眼睛盯着的是炸面包圈,还是它当中的圆洞?当研究者们详细检 测积极思维的作用时,突然之间这些陈词滥调都成为了科学问题。研究证实,乐观能够让你更加快乐、更加健康、更加成功。相反,悲观则会导致无望、疾病以及挫败;其与消沉、孤独和使人 痛苦的腼腆不无关系。假如我们能够教导人们更加积极地去思考,那就会像给他们注射预防这些心理疾病的疫苗。

  你的诸多习惯固然重要,但是你能够成功的信念影响着你是否真的会成功。在某种程度上讲,这是由于乐观主义者和悲 观主义者以迥异的方式对待相同的挑战与失望。当出了问题之后,悲观主义者往往自我责备。他会说我不揸长做这种事”,“我总是失败”。但是乐观主义者则寻找疏漏之处。不管是消极还是积极的想法,都是一种本身会得以实现的预言。如果人们感觉毫无希望,那么他们就不会花费力气去获得成功所需要的技能。

  有无攀控感是成功的试金石。乐观主义者感觉到能够攀握自己的命运。如果亊出不利,他立即作出反应,寻求解决办法,制定新的行动计划,而且主动去请教他人。悲观主义者则感觉到自己只能任凭命运摆布,行动起来拖拖拉拉。既然认为无计可施,他便不去寻求他人的意见。许多研究显示,悲观主义者的无助感会损害人体的自然防御体系,即免疫系统。研究发现悲观主义者不会很好地照顾自己。这种人消极被动,不会避开生活中的打击,不管做什么都会担心身体不好或者其他灾祸降临。他吞吃着垃圾食品(不利子健康且营养价值低的食品),逃避体 育锻炼,忽视医生的劝告,总是要再贪一杯。



不管是消极还是积极的想法,都是一种本身会得以实现的预言。如果人们感觉毫无希望,那么他们就不会花费力气去获得成功所需要的技能。下面是学习啦小编为大家带来英语经典美文:做一个乐观者,希望大家喜欢! If you change your mind - fr