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学习啦在线学习网   The summer vacation has come quietly to us, as the saying goes, "the plan of the year is in the spring, the day is in the morning". It is the beginning of success that tells us to book early. So I made the following summer plans.

  First, I will continue my studies during the summer vacation. Are you listening to the word "learning"? Do you want to ask me if I have to study for a vacation? No, your thoughts are wrong. It's a holiday, but we have to learn, too, because we can use the summer vacation to make up for the knowledge that we didn't have a solid knowledge before. Isn't that great?

学习啦在线学习网   I will not only learn to help my mother do some of the housework as I can, because my mother often does housework when I am going to school. So I want to help my mother do housework. For example: sweeping, sweeping every three days. The ground is delayed every four days. Get a table and chair every day. Let mom rest.

  Not only do I have to study, I do housework, but I also go outside to experience the present society. So I spent the rest of my life doing social practice, work-study programs. Money can be used to buy school supplies

  Have you seen my plans for the summer vacation? Move on and make a plan for the summer as well as I do. I believe that by working hard, we will succeed, and we will add a lot of luster to our life! Come on, summer vacation! I'm ready!

学习啦在线学习网   暑假已经悄悄地向我们走来了,俗话说得好“一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨”。就是告诉我们及早订好计划是成功的开始。所以我制定了下面的暑假计划。




学习啦在线学习网   你们看了我的“暑假的计划”是不是心动了呢?心动不如行动,赶快和我一样也制订一个暑假计划吧。我相信通过努力就一定能成功,就能给我们的生活增添许多光彩!暑假,你快来吧!我准备好了!


  When I returned from guilin, I made a plan to make me a full, happy summer vacation.

学习啦在线学习网   First, in terms of learning. Because there is so little time for reading, I will read a few extra books during the summer vacation, and make sure to read an hour a day and do "a book". Write an old poem every day, write a journal, and practice calligraphy for 20 minutes. In order to improve my English, I still have to read English for 15 minutes. On top of that, the end of the vacation is easier for me, and I'm going to prepare for the fifth grade class.

  Second, in other respects. I want to travel more, hoping to broaden my horizon in the second class, and learn something I can't learn in school. I also have to study swimming and visit friends and relatives. In addition to these, I will also insist on my special study, such as erhu will practice for an hour every day, the Latin dance prepares the test grade, the homework that the teacher assigns the teacher to do.

学习啦在线学习网   To do well, of course, the health is the most important, so in order to complete my plan, I want to insist to take exercise every day, or cycling, or swimming, or walking.

  Now that you have a plan, you're going to do it as planned, and if it doesn't work out, it's going to be white. So I must be careful to finish my plan and not go through the motions.

学习啦在线学习网   从桂林游玩回来后,为了让我过一个即充实,又快乐的暑假,我制定了一个计划。

学习啦在线学习网   首先在学习方面。因为平时读书时间太少,所以暑假里我要多读几本课外书,保证每天读书1小时,并及时做好“与书有约”。还要每天背一首古诗,写一篇日记,练20分钟书法。为了让我的英语水平有所提高,我还要读15分钟的英语。在做好这些基础上,假期末为了我的学习更轻松,我还准备预习一下五年级的主课。

学习啦在线学习网   其次在其他方面。我要多出去旅游,希望能在第二课堂里开阔眼界,学到一些在学校里面学不到的知识。我还要去学习游泳、拜访亲朋好友。除了这些,我还要坚持我的特长学习,如二胡要每天练够1小时,拉丁舞准备考级、画画做好老师布置的作业等。

学习啦在线学习网   当然,要做好这些健康是最重要的,所以为了完成我的计划,我要每天坚持锻炼,或骑自行车、或游泳、或散步。

学习啦在线学习网   既然制定了计划,就要按计划完成,如果不按计划完成,就等于白制定。所以我一定要认真完成自己制定的计划,不敷衍了事。


  Dream vacation finally arrived, when no holiday, I also look forward to during the day, night to night, finally gave to this beautiful holiday, the following is my vacation plan, let me to talk about it!

  A, do homework,

学习啦在线学习网   Assignments must be serious to complete, whether left by Chinese teacher, or a mathematics teacher leave, or written neatly, accuracy is strong, don't write assiduously, can write forty minutes, rest for 10 minutes, break time can get something to eat, go out to play for a while, but not more than ten minutes, ok, the first task so much!

学习啦在线学习网   Second, learn English

学习啦在线学习网   Again for a year, I'm going to top junior high school, in this wonderful holiday, I want to learn the junior middle school English, make a preparation, win back five words every day, remember firmly, etc on the junior high school doesn't have to worry about, to do perseverance, don't give up.

学习啦在线学习网   Third, play

学习啦在线学习网   After memorizing the words, I can have a good time, you don't want to say that I am greedy, as the saying goes: to combine labor and labor. First of all I want to play computer, then draw, finally watch cartoon, listen to song, go to the little square to play, ha ha, a look to want to smile.

  Fourth, do the housework the reward

  Every day, I want to help my mother do the housework, but, this thing is not white dry, sweeping 5 jiao, wipe the table 5 jiao, wash clothes 1 yuan, pour garbage 1 yuan...... Not only is it fun, but it's a great deal to buy books, stationery, and things you love about housework.

学习啦在线学习网   I have to do it this holiday season!

学习啦在线学习网   梦寐以求的假期终于来到了,在没放假的时候,我就白天也盼,夜里夜盼,终于把这美好的假期给盼来了,下面就是我的假期计划,就让我来为大家讲述一下吧!






学习啦在线学习网   背完单词后,我就可以痛痛快快的玩了,你们不要说我贪玩,俗话说的好:要劳力结合嘛!首先我要玩电脑,再画画,最后看动画片,听歌,到小广场上去玩,哈哈,一看就想笑。

学习啦在线学习网   四、做家务拿报酬

学习啦在线学习网   每天,我都要帮妈妈做家务,但是,这家物可不是白干的,扫地5角,擦桌子5角,洗衣服1元,倒垃圾1元……这样,不仅很有趣,还可以拿做家务的钱买书、文具还有自己喜欢的东西,真是太划算了!






