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学习啦在线学习网   英语作为学习生涯中必不可少的课程,想学好真的不容易。小编在此献上英语美文,希望大家喜欢。


学习啦在线学习网   布达佩斯之恋 Down in Budapest

  The night is long,goes on and on

学习啦在线学习网   Before me lies the break of dawn

学习啦在线学习网   Another day to wonder

  What I'll find along my way

学习啦在线学习网   Just what to do I wish I knew

学习啦在线学习网   So all alone I'm missing you

学习啦在线学习网   The blue Danube

学习啦在线学习网   The sun put color of my soul in you

学习啦在线学习网   Budapest....

学习啦在线学习网   The day begins,the gentle wnd

  As sweet as lonesome violins

  So clear and bright

  I watched the river rolling out of sight

学习啦在线学习网   I can't define this home of mine

学习啦在线学习网   This home,I'm waiting for the sign

学习啦在线学习网   Will I be lessed to find you

  Somewhere down in Budapest

学习啦在线学习网   I'm lost in memories down in Budapest

学习啦在线学习网   I'm lost in memories down in Budapest


学习啦在线学习网   夜漫漫,时间无休止地流逝








学习啦在线学习网   布达佩斯……

学习啦在线学习网   这一天开始了,轻柔的风

学习啦在线学习网   和寂寞的小提琴一样美好


学习啦在线学习网   我看见河流奔腾出视野之外

学习啦在线学习网   我无法给我的这个家下定义

学习啦在线学习网   这个家,我在等待着一个信号


学习啦在线学习网   在布达佩斯街道的某个地方

学习啦在线学习网   沿着布达佩斯的街道游走,我迷失在记忆里




  妙“想”生花 Getting behind the Creative Mind

  The world is but a canvas to the imagination.

  ——Henry David Thoreau

学习啦在线学习网   世界对富有想象力的人来说只是一块帆布。——亨利·大卫·梭罗

  Creativity is not,as some would have us believed,something to be taken lightly.More than painting pictures or composing original music—creativity could rightly be considered a healing force for societies overwhelmed by the ongoing utilitarian struggles of humanity.Call it a cure for depression,an escape from working—class drudgery,catharsis for the stress and worry that accumulates within us all.Or just call it a fun and productive way to wile away an afternoon.

学习啦在线学习网   创造力并不像人们让我们相信的那样,是不以为然的东西。这不像绘画或者原创音乐那样,创造力可以看做是治愈被持续的社会功利斗争所压迫人性的力量.我们称之为治疗抑郁的良药,逃避工薪阶层的苦差事,积压在我们内心所有压力和忧虑的宣泄。或者只是一个消磨一个下午的有趣高效的方法。

学习啦在线学习网   But the spark of creativity is not always easily lit.As children,our creative zeal is generally encouraged and allowed to thrive,but as we move into adulthood that zeal tends to atrophy from neglect.Other things take over our lives,such as hectic career schedules and increased social pressure to achieve "status".According to Elisabeth Keating inPieces of Beauty,this is an unhealthy trend spawned from an overly materialistic culture.She gose on to detail the spiritual benefits of a more creative life.


  Tongue in cheek,Melvin Durai exposes creativity from a more "everyday" and practical angle in his humorous piece,Let the Beer Come to You.Not only have great minds invented personal computers and cell phone technology,they might also bless us with beertossing refrigerators and couches that spit out lost remote controls.

学习啦在线学习网   Melvin Durai在用他的诙谐作品《让啤酒来到你的身边》开玩笑似的从日常和实践的角度剖析创造性。

  Clearly,the expression of artistic creativity throughout history has been just a instrumental in improving the human condition as any business venture or economic boom.Without it there would be no great works of art to enjoy and puzzle over,no songs to sing badly in the shower,no ho new fashion trends,no novels to read.I ask you,is that the sort of world you want to live in?

学习啦在线学习网   显然,纵观历史,艺术创作的表达一直只是一个改善人类生存条件成为一切商业风险和经济繁荣的工具。没有创造力就不会有伟大的艺术作品供欣赏和思索,就没有糟糕的洗澡歌,就没有潮流趋势,就没有小说可以读。我问你们,那是你们想要生活的那种世界吗?


  毕业,继续前进 Graduation and Moving On

学习啦在线学习网   At least once a year, there are a lot of graduations.It’s a time when a lot of people move on,from where they were, to another school or another class,or out into a real world.To graduate means to take a step forward, to move onward.I can remember my high school graduation,my graduation from university,and even my graduation from graduated school.Each of those graduations was nice.I took pictures, I got flowers, I hug my parents.I had the motions to moving on, I want to stay and have more fun.But I also want to move on.When we hear the word graduation, we naturally think of graduating from school.But I think it’s possible to graduate from different places, or stages in life.I worked in a company in New York for about three years.In one point I felt I couldn’t learn anything else from the company,where the people I was working with.Then I had hit a ceiling, I felt that was time to move on.The way that I describe that moving on is a graduation.Some times we are thrown out into the world or to the next level,whether we are ready or not.Other times we get the truth when we want to move on.I have experienced both.I preferred the second one, where I have a choice,I like the truth when and how, but we don’t always get what we want,since we can learn from every experience that we have,each experience can be a stepping stone for us to be better people.I know that I take lessons with me every time I graduated,but some times I can be a slow learner.I wonder when my next graduation is going to be.

学习啦在线学习网   至少每年一次,会有很多的毕业典礼。这是一个很多人继续前行的时刻,他们从现在的地方到另一个学校或者另一个班级,或者走出学校真正步入社会。毕业就以为这向前迈一步,继续前行。我还记得我高中,大学,甚至是研究生的毕业典礼。每一次毕业典礼都很棒。我拍了照片,收到了花,拥抱了父母。我曾有想继续下去的动力,我希望留下并获得更多的乐趣。但我也想继续前行。当我们听到毕业一词的时候,我们会自然而然的想到学校的毕业典礼。但是我认为我们有可能从人生的不同地方不同阶段毕业。我在纽约一家公司工作了快三年。在某种程度上,我觉得我无法从公司和同事身上学到东西。然后我已经达到了一种上限,我觉得是时候继续前行了。我所描述的继续前行的方式是毕业。有时我们被带入世界或进入下一个阶段,不管我们是否为此做好了准备。其他时候,我们得知当我们想继续前进的事实。我已经都经历过了。我更喜欢第二个,我可以选择,我喜欢这个何时以及如何的事实,但我们不能总是得到我们想要的东西,因为我们可以从我们每次的经历中学到东西,每次经历都可以成为我们成为更好的人的一块垫脚石。我知道每次毕业我都要学习一些东西,但有时候我可以是一名缓慢的学习者。我想知道我的下一次毕业是何时。