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  Successful people always have adream. They dream big dreams and then display great courage to do things that others say cannot be done.

学习啦在线学习网   成功人士通常都有一个梦。他们抱有很大的梦想,然后凭借巨大的勇气去完成那些其他人认为无法完成的事情。

  Your dreams form the foundation of success. Many people have long forgotten the dreams they used to have when they were kids.As they grow older, they are simply too caught up with their workactiivities that they fail to discover what they really want to pursue in life. They find themselves trapped in a routine work system that can potentially rob them of their dreams.


学习啦在线学习网   To get you back on track to pursue your dreams, follow these steps:


  Learndream again: We are bom to dream. Children often share their dreams and what want to be when they grow up.But we hear of teachers yelling in school: "Stop dreaming and pay attention in class!" Parents, too, have shrieked: "Stop dreaming and get on with your homework!" Leaming and growing up in such an environment, one may regard dreaming as an unproducdve act. As children grow up, they are told to forget their dreams and be prachcal because they are living in a"real" world In the end, many do get "realistic" and give up their dreams eventually.

  学会再次做梦:我们天生就会做梦。 孩子经常与人分享他们的梦想以及他们对长大后想做些什么的憧憬。然而,我们经常听到学校老师的训斥:“别做梦了,注意听讲!”家长们也常常喝斥我们:“别做梦了,快点做功课!”在这样的环境中学习和成长,人们会把做梦当作一种徒劳无益的行为。随着孩子们的成长,他们被灌输的是忘记梦想,实际一些,因为他们生活在一个“现实的”世界里。结果是许多人确实变得“现实”了 ,最终放弃了他们的梦。

学习啦在线学习网   Dream big dreams: Never set mental ooundaries on what you are capable of achieving. Dreams are free anyway, so as long as you are dreanung, you might as well dream big. Many people cannot realize their dreams and achieve greater success because they limit theirrown beliefs.Flee from dream killers: Dream killers are devastating to your success. Your friends, colleagues, and even loved ones can be one of your dream killers. There are people who will try to dtstract, confuse, or persuade you to build the life they want, not the life that you want.

  敢于做伟大的梦: 永远不要给自己有能力做到的事情设定心理界限。既然梦想是免费的,既然你已在做梦,为什么不放飞你的梦想呢?许多人不能实现自己的梦想,不能取得更大的成功,就是因为他们束缚了自己的信念。

学习啦在线学习网   Stop listening to the people who tell you why you will not achieve your dreams. You just need to believe you can do whatever it is you want to do.

学习啦在线学习网   摆脱梦想杀手:梦想杀手是你走向成功的死敌。你的朋友、同事甚至你所爱的人都可能成为你的梦想杀手。有些人将试图让你分心、扰乱你的心绪或是劝说你去过他们想要的而不是你想要的生活。

学习啦在线学习网   Other people can only discourage us temporarily, but you are the only one who can prevent yourself from being discouraged


学习啦在线学习网   Stop giving excuses: Kids talk frequently about what they can do, whereas many adults do the opposite. Adults tend to talk about what they cannot do and why.


  You should stop giving reasons why you cannot achieve your dreams, Many so-called reasons are merely excuses.If you continue giving excuses for not achieving, it will not take long before you convince yourself that you really cannot accomplish what you originally set out to achieve.


  As Henry Ford wisely put it: "Whether you think you can or cannot, you're absolutely right."


学习啦在线学习网   Take action immediately: Once you have big and clear dreams, take immediate action to work towards making them come true. Very often ,if people do not translate their intenhon into action soon their passion will begin to diminish.


  Weeks later, the passion will grow cold and months later, that passion may be gone forever. Think about this: Five birds are resting on the fence and minutes later, three birds decide to fly off to search for food. How many birds are Ieft on the fence?


  TWO? Wrong! There should still be five birds on the fence because deciding to fly offis not the same as the actual act of flying off. The birds would not be able to food until they start to take action and fly out of their comfort zone.

学习啦在线学习网   两只?错误!篱笆上应该还有5只鸟,因为决定飞走并不等于有飞走的实际行动。只有当它们真正采取行动并且飞出他们的安乐窝,它们才能找到食物。