I think the most profound influence in my life was my father. He was an inventor and a scientist with a most inquisitive mind. He loved and was greatly stimulated by the beauty and the design he found in nature.
学习啦在线学习网 我想在我一生中,父亲对我的影响最大。他是一位发明家和科学家,对任何事物都充满好奇。他热爱他在自然中发现的美和图案,并从中获得极大的启示。
He believed in people and was himself a completely honest person. His sense of humor was keen though kindly and his energy was inexhaustible. Once he was asked how he got the idea for the Maxim Silencer.
He answered, "By watching the way water behaved when it went down a drain." This simple statement opened up for me a whole realm of ideas which led to a firm belief that human intelligence need recognize no bounds; that through the use of our intelligence we will move progressively closer to an understanding of man and of the universe around us; that this knowledge will bring a closer harmony between man and his surroundings; and that this way lies the chance to make the world a better place to live in.
学习啦在线学习网 他回答说,“是观察水在排水管中流动的方式得到的启发。”这句简单的话开启了我的心智,使我坚信人类的智慧无穷无尽;运用我们的智慧,我们将逐步深入了解人类和我们周围的宇宙;这种知识将使人类和他们生活的环境更加和谐地相处;只有这样,我们才有机会使人类生活的世界更美好。
学习啦在线学习网 Then I remember sitting with him on the deck of his boat one night in early September.
学习啦在线学习网 我还记得九月初的一天晚上,我和父亲坐在他的小船甲板上。
We were anchored in a secluded cove. The breeze was light and very salty. We could hear across a little strip of land the pounding of the surf.
学习啦在线学习网 船停靠在一个幽僻的小湾里。阵阵微风吹过,带着咸味。一小条狭长陆地那边传来浪花拍岸的声音。
The stars were brilliant and every now and then a shooting star would streak across the sky. He was deeply interested in astronomy and he led my mind into unforgettable population as we explored the grandeur of that night.
I think from this I came to understand that there must be law and order in our universe. There is design. Man can observe, he can learn to understand, he can apply. The secret is to apply in the interests of the common good; not for one or for a few; not to destroy but to build for all peoples.
学习啦在线学习网 My mother and father each had an acute social conscience. They believed that because good fortune had endowed them with better than average opportunity, they had a duty to perform in their communities.
学习啦在线学习网 我的父母都有强烈的社会责任感。他们认为他们有责任在自己的群体中履行自己的职责,因为好运给了他们比一般人更多的机会。
From this no doubt came my own conviction that I must give more than I receive and that a satisfactory life must be measured by its usefulness to others.
学习啦在线学习网 我自己的信仰也正是来自于此,我应该更多地给予而不是领受,令人满意的人生必须通过你是否对他人有用来衡量。
学习啦在线学习网 I remember the excitement engendered by the conversation in our home. All kinds of ideas were explored; all sorts of prejudices were challenged; penetrating minds were brought to bear on every problem of the day.
学习啦在线学习网 我还记得在我家里的谈话所带来的兴奋和激动。各种观点都得到探讨;各种偏见都受到质疑;深邃的思想几乎触及当代所有的问题。
I learned that each one of us has a right to his own beliefs, that prejudice perverts truth and that violence in the long run gains us nothing. From this understanding I moved into the belief that people everywhere must learn how to work together for the common purpose of the betterment of mankind.
I believe one of the greatest ideas of all times, one that is a compelling moral force, is the concept of the dignity and worth of the human individual. From this idea there develops a sense of devotion to the common good.
学习啦在线学习网 我相信所有时代最伟大的观念之一,即最令人信服的道德力量就是个人的尊严和价值。为了共同利益而奉献的精神就来自于这种观念。
学习啦在线学习网 I believe that if we pull these rather simple but fundamental things together and tie them up with honesty and truth, there are no visible limits to the heights to which mankind can rise.
SO MANY THINGS affect a man’s philosophy and his life that I find it difficult to put into words my personal beliefs. I hesitate to speak of them publicly for fear of giving the appearance of preaching.
学习啦在线学习网 许多事情会影响一个人的人生哲学和生活,因此我觉得难以用言语来陈述我的信仰。我踌躇着,不愿在公众面前提到我的信仰,担心会因此留给我说教的印象。
Two convictions, however, I believe have more than any others influenced my thinking both in private and in public life.
学习啦在线学习网 然而,我相信有两条信念无论是在公共或是私人生活方面对我产生了深刻的影响。
学习啦在线学习网 First, commonplace as it may sound, I am convinced that what we get out of life is in direct proportion to what we put into it. Second, I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them.
学习啦在线学习网 第一条,它可能听起来像老生常谈,我相信我们对生活付出多少,就会收获多少。第二条,即使我和他人意见不同,我仍然应该尊重他们的观点。
Throughout my long and rather busy career I have always held firmly to the belief that I owe life as much as it owes to me. If that philosophy is sound, and I believe it is, it applies, I hope, to all of my activities—to my home, to my daily work, to my polities, and above all things to my relationships to others.
Life is not a one-way street. What I do, what I say, even what I thank, inevitably has a direct effect on my relationships with others. I am certain that in the degree that my attitude towards others has given convincing proof of loyalty, sincerity, honesty, courtesy and fairness, I have encouraged in others the same attitude towards me. Respect begets respect, suspicion begets suspicion, hate begets hate. It has been well said that “The only way to have a friend is to be one.”
学习啦在线学习网 生活并不是单行道。我的行为、我的言谈,甚至我的想法都不可避免地会直接影响我和他人的关系。我确信我对他人的态度表明了多少我的忠诚、真挚、诚实、谦恭和公正,我也鼓励他人以同样的态度对待我。尊重他人必被人尊重,怀疑他人必被人怀疑,嫉恨他人必遭人嫉恨。人们常说:“交友的唯一方式就是做他人的朋友。”
学习啦在线学习网 None of the blessings of our great American heritage of civil liberties is self-executing. To make effective such things as brotherhood, kindliness, sympathy, human decency, the freedom of opportunity, the very preciousness of life—to make these things real requires respect and constant vigilance. This is the core of my American Faith.
学习啦在线学习网 我们美国公民自由的伟大传统中没有任何一项是自动生效的。要使诸如兄弟情谊、仁慈、同情、人类的行为准则、机会自由以及生命的珍贵等生效——要使这些成为现实,就需要尊重和常备不懈。这就是我的美国信仰之核心。
学习啦在线学习网 As I have said, I believe I must help to safeguard to all men free expression of their views even though I may be in disagreement with them. I must listen to and study responsible views; sometimes I will learn much from them. No individual and no nation has a monopoly of wisdom or talent. When an individual or a nation becomes self-satisfied or complacent, it is time, I believe, to be deeply concerned. He who closes his ears to the views of others shows little confidence in the integrity of his own views.
There can be no question with regard to the inherent rights of Americans to enjoy equal economic opportunity in every field, to secure decent living conditions, adequate provision for the moral and spiritual development of their children, and free association with their fellow men as equals under the law and equals in the sight of God. These rights can be safeguarded and advanced only where men may think and speak freely.
学习啦在线学习网 毫无疑问,美国人与生俱来的权利是在一切领域享有平等的机会谋取自身的利益、获得适当的生活条件、足够的经济实力培养孩子的道德和精神、享有在法律和上帝面前平等的身份与同胞自由地交往。只有当人们能自由地思考和发表自己的见解时,这些权利才能够得到捍卫和发展。
学习啦在线学习网 I reject a fundamental principle of democracy if I seek to prevent a fellow citizen of different background from fully expressing his thoughts on any subject. I have tried to express a few of my own thoughts on this subject which is very close to me. I think that we will have good reason for optimism about the future of the American ideal as long as men can and will say, without fear, what they believe.
学习啦在线学习网 如果我试图阻止一个具备不同背景的公民就任何话题自由地发表自己的观点,那就违背了民主的根本准则。我已经对与我密切相关的问题表达了自己的一些见解。我想我们理应乐观地看待美国理的未来,只要人们能够并将无所畏惧地说出他们的信仰。
HERBERT H. LEHMAN has had a long and distinguished career in business and public life. For thirty years after his graduation from Williams College in 1899 he engaged in commercial, industrial, and banking activities. In 1928 he was elected Lieutenant Governor of New York, serving for four years. He was elected Governor and served ten years.
学习啦在线学习网 赫伯特·H·莱曼在商业和公共事务领域久负盛名。他1899年毕业于威廉姆斯学院,三十年来一直致力于商业、工业和银行事务。1928年他当选为纽约代理州长,任期四年。随后,当选为州长并任职十年。
学习啦在线学习网 In 1943 he was chosen Director General of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration by the unanimous vote forty-four nations. This organization dispensed over three and a half billion dollars and saved millions of people from starvation. Decorated by many foreign governments for his services to humanity, he also holds the Distinguished Service Medal.
学习啦在线学习网 1943年经过四十四个国家一致投票通过,他当选为联合国善后救济总署署长。该组织发放三十五亿五千万美元,使成千上万的人免受饥饿之苦。许多外国政府因为他对人类的贡献授予他荣誉勋章,他还获得服役优异勋章。
In 1949 he was elected United States Senator from New York to fill the unexpired term of Senator Robert F. Wagner, and in 1950 was re-elected for a full six-year term.