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  Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, has called for the US and its partners to reduce their dependence on China ’s production of so-called rare earths, in some of the most forthrightcomments on the topic by a senior American official.

学习啦在线学习网   美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿呼吁美国及其盟友减少对中国稀土的依赖,这是迄今为止美国高官就稀土问题发表的最为坦率的言论之一。

学习啦在线学习网   But she welcomed a statement by Beijing on Thursday that it would not use its sway over the market as a bargaining tool with other economies.


  China made that announcement after Mrs. Clinton decided to visit the country on her prolonged Asian tour. She is due to meet Dai Bingguo, state counselor for foreign policy, in Hainan Island on Saturday.

学习啦在线学习网   中国政府是在希拉里决定延长亚洲之行顺便造访中国之后发表以上声明的。她将于周六在海南岛与中国负责外交政策的国务委员戴秉国会晤。

  Rare earths are used for high-technology products such as precision-guided weapons and hybridcars. Beijing dominates the market with some 97 per cent of production, even though it has only 36 per cent of world reserves.

学习啦在线学习网   稀土是用于生产精确制导武器和混合动力汽车等高科技产品的原料。中国在稀土市场上占据主导地位,年产量占全球的97%左右,储量只有全球总量的36%。

  This year it has cut export quotas, increased duties and has been accused by Tokyo of choking off Japan’s supplies-an accusation China has denied.


  The Obama administration has also been looking into reports that China had halted some shipments to the US.


  “The entire world has to seek additional supplies in order to protect the important production needs that these materials serve,” Mrs. Clinton said at a meeting in Hawaii with Seiji Maehara, Japan’s foreign minister. “These are elements that are critical to industrial production, not only in Japan and the US.”

学习啦在线学习网   希拉里在夏威夷会晤日本外相前原诚司时表示:“全世界都必须另外寻找稀土的供应源,以保护那些重要的生产需求。这些元素不只对日本和美国重要,它们在所有国家的工业生产中都发挥着至关重要的作用。”

  Her comments come at a time of strain in US-Chinese ties over issues such as Beijing’s renminbi policy, its subsidies for green energy, and US efforts to deepen co-operation with many of China’s neighbors in south-east Asia.

学习啦在线学习网   希拉里发表上述言论之际,美中关系正陷入紧张。两国间的主要问题包括中国汇率政策、绿色能源补贴,以及美国与中国许多东南亚邻国深度合作等。

  Mrs. Clinton added that the current focus on rare earths “served as a wake-up call” that, being so dependent on only one source, risked disruption through natural disasters or “other kinds of events”.



  The US trade deficit soared in August as surging Chinese imports worsened global economic imbalances and stoked rising American anger with China’s exchange rate policy.

学习啦在线学习网   美国8 月份贸易逆差猛增。美国认为从中国的进口激增加剧了全球经济的失衡,引发美国对中国汇率政策的愤怒。

  The data, published on Thursday, come ahead of Friday’s release deadline for the US Treasury’s twice-yearly report on exchange rates, in which it has to decide whether or not formally to name China as a currency manipulator. Despite congressional pressure, the Treasury has so far refrained from using the label, arguing that it makes no practical difference to relations with Beijing.

学习啦在线学习网   这一数据是周四发布的。星期五美国财政部就要发表一年两度的汇率报告,在报告中财政部必须决定是否要将中国正式列为汇率操纵国。尽管国会施加了压力,但财政部一直避免使用“贸易操纵国”这一说法,称这么做对美中关系没有实质性的好处。

  The figures released by the commerce department showed the deficit in goods and services widening by 8.7 per cent to .3bn. That figure was the second highest gap of the year, exceeding economists’ expectations. The rise was driven by US businesses stocking up on consumer goods and cars at the end of summer.


学习啦在线学习网   Exports ticked up by 0.22 per cent to 3.8bn, the highest level in two years, but were outstripped by imports, which jumped by 2.1 per cent to 0.2bn.

  美国的对外出口也有小幅度的增加,上浮0.22 个百分点,至1538 亿美元,创两年来出口额的最高水平。但出口增幅明显不如进口,进口增加2.1%,至2002 亿美元。

  “The structural US trade deficit continues to persist on the lack of Chinese demand for US exports,”said Michael Woolfolk, analyst, BNY Mellon Global Markets.


学习啦在线学习网   In August, imports from China rose by 6.1 per cent to a record .3bn. That left a US trade shortfallwith its most politically sensitive trading partner at a record bn at a time when the US is intensifying its scrutiny of China for creating trade imbalances by undervaluing the renminbi.

学习啦在线学习网   8 月份,美国从中国的进口增加6.1%,达353 亿美元,这是个创纪录的数字,使美国与中国这对政治上最敏感的贸易伙伴的逆差额飙升至史无前例的280 亿美元。美国一直以来都在关注因中国不愿让人民币升值而造成的贸易失衡。

  Economists expect imports to the US to cool as the end of the year nears because consumer demand remains tepid. Ian Shepherdson, chief US economist at High Frequency Economics, notes that much of the expansion of the deficit in August was due to rising oil prices and a drop in aircraft orders.

学习啦在线学习网   经济学家预测,由于消费者需求萎靡不振,美国的进口额将会在年底降温。高频经济学的首席美国经济学家伊恩·谢泼德森指出,8 月份贸易逆差的扩大很大程度上是由于油价上升和飞机订单下降。

  The US deficit with China accounts for about half of its shortfall with the rest of the world. US deficits with the European Union, Canada and Japan also widened in August.






