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  职场英语短文阅读:How to Hack Your Job

  If going in to work is starting to feel like a depressing chore rather than something enjoyable andchallenging, you’re not alone – almost ¾ of employees are reportedly unhappy with their jobs.Maybe it’s time for you to rethink where you’re at in terms of your career and your chosen job –and fortunately, there are more opportunities than ever for a job that’s unique and customized toyou. Many companies are beginning to realize that the current workforce isn’t a one-size-fits-allsituation; many valuable employees are eschewing the traditional 9-to-5 office cubicle and searchingfor a way to create their best work on their own terms.

  As a sea change occurs within traditional office roles, many industries may be left playing catch-upwhen it comes to attracting top talent. With freelancing and small business becoming lucrativeoptions, and more workplace environments becoming receptive to innovative alternatives, there’snever been a better time to figure out just how you can make your job work for you.

  Why the Modern Job Needs to be Hacked

  There’s something to be said for the status quo – it keeps things in line; it offers stability; peopleknow that it works. And in the case of the workplace, it can be hard to let go of the status quo – thatis, the methods and processes that have gotten a company this far. However, as the workforcebecomes upended by new expectations and innovations, many employees are beginning to wantsomething more.

学习啦在线学习网   As seen in The New Face of the American Workforce, with the rise of the Internet has come a wave ofoutsourcing and collaboration. Companies have begun to realize that they can attain solid work fromoutside parties, which saves them the costs that would normally go towards fully tenured employees.These outside parties – many of them freelancers – have also benefited from this arrangement,because it offers them more freedom and creativity than being constrained by the traditionalemployment situation.

  Simply put, if you’re a business owner and you want your company to thrive, it’s a good idea tostart adapting creative solutions to ensure that your staff is happy to come to work. And if you’recurrently an employee stuck in a job that isn’t moving the way you want it to, then it’s time totake action and figure out what you can do to keep yourself motivated. After all, you spend much ofyour life at your job – you want it to be something you enjoy doing.

  The Inside Job

学习啦在线学习网   This article from BBC.com defines hacking your job as “breaking the rules, typically in small ways, tonet you greater efficiency from the working systems you’re stuck within.” If you’re firmly setinside the working world and want to look for ways to improve it – and your workday as a whole –here are some job hacks you can try:

  Invest your time in learning new software solutions to make work easier. This is one of the topworkplace hacks to help make you more efficient, as well as removing an obstacle that can drag yourday down. If you find that certain work programs are slowing your progress, start looking for similaralternatives that you can switch to. The BBC.com article uses the example of much-maligned officesoftware like Microsoft Excel and Sharepoint, and suggests using Google Docs and Dropbox instead.If you step away from standard software, you might find your productivity increasing.

  Outsource tasks you hate. In many positions, there will be a certain amount of drudgery that you’llhave to undertake. But in a lot of areas, you should feel free to delegate or outsource tasks youdislike doing unto other people. This article emphasizes the need to “relinquish control” andspread the work out so you’re not overloaded, and a similar piece at Entrepreneur agrees that ifyou choose to outsource, you can free up your schedule while maintaining quality control.

学习啦在线学习网   Make time for individual side projects. The Entrepreneur article author has this to say, and he’s notwrong: “Side projects are fun. They’re passion projects. They help me stay creative, empower meto make mistakes without consequence and provide me new opportunities to learn.” If you’ve gotenough time on the side, try devoting yourself to learning new software, attending a class online orin the evenings, finding initiatives to give back to the community, or simply putting aside the time fora separate creative pursuit.

  Maintain regular office hours. Be strict about when you will and won’t be in the office. It’s all tooeasy to come in early or leave late, but that just creates the perception – for both yourself and others– that you have no other life besides your job. Put in your hours of hard work, then clock out andspend your off-time with family or non-work passion projects. This balance will help put an evenpriority on both your work and your home life.

  The outside options

  As the workforce continues to change, ideas about staffing changes with it. Although mostcompanies do have a roster of full-time employees, many are continually searching for a more cost-effective alternative. This is where you can come in: If you’re having a difficult time hacking themodern-day office to make it work for you, perhaps it’s time to hack your job into a position whereyou work for yourself.

  Freelancers are without a doubt one of the fastest growing segments of the working population. Formany, the idea of getting away from full-time employment, making one’s own hours and choosingone’s clients is irresistible – and becoming more of a potential reality than ever. This Intuit report onbusiness trends states that contingent workers will make up more than 40 per cent of the workforceby 2020, possibly in response to full-time and full-benefit jobs becoming scarce. The time might beright for you to move away from the office and start channeling your skills into freelance work,particularly if you look to the technology, journalism, and marketing sectors. And with the growingpopularity of co-working spaces, freelancers can still feel like part of a social office environmentwithout the obligations.

学习啦在线学习网   Startups and other small business ventures is another route you can take. If you have vision that hasoutgrown being a side project, you may want to consider going forward with bringing it to life as alegitimate business. If loving what you do means never working a day in your life, maybe having yourown small business or startup is the key to making your passion into something bankable.

  Don’t Be Complacent With A Stagnant Job

学习啦在线学习网   With so many options and types of employment currently available, there’s no need to feelstagnant at a job that doesn’t feel satisfying. Instead, try hacking your job in small, manageableways to make your day more fulfilling and productive, or else go in a new direction entirely andcreate a job situation where everything is in your own hands. Hacking your job is something that mayjust be vital for anyone in the modern-day workforce, and it could just make you a better employeein the process.

  Have you ever performed any job hacks?

  职场英语短文阅读:6 Tips to Find a Summer Job That You Will Love

学习啦在线学习网   Summer is all about sun, fun and beach parties. It’s time when you have an opportunity to relax andforget about college. But not all of you have this opportunity. Unless you are a daughter or a son ofwealthy parents, you have to look for the ways to make some extra cash during your summer break.Even if you are not a college student anymore, summer is a great season to start looking for yourdream job. When it comes to job search, it’s critical for you to find a job that you will enjoy doing.Without further ado, here are some tried and true tips on how to find the best summer job.

  1. Discover your skills and talents

学习啦在线学习网   Many job seekers look for a job without knowing what talents they have and what skills they canoffer their employers. If you don’t know what skills you can offer your potential employer yet, try todiscover them. Think about what you can do and what skill can increase your chances of getting abetter paid job. Even if you don’t have a lot of experience, when you are sure you can do somethingpretty well, don’t underestimate yourself.

  2. Use your connections

学习啦在线学习网   Nowadays most people have landed their jobs thanks to their connections. Regardless of yourconnections, consider them when looking for your summer job. This way, you can find your job fasterand be sure that you’ll get your paycheck on time. If you don’t have any connections, no worries. Igot my job without them, though it was a bit tough.

学习啦在线学习网   3. Ditch your bad habits

学习啦在线学习网   If you have any bad habits, such as smoking, drinking, procrastinating or social media addiction,consider getting rid of them while you are looking for your summer job. It’s a good motivation tochange your lifestyle and you will have a bigger chance of landing a lucrative job. Today someemployers can check your social media profiles to find out more information about your lifestyle andhabits.

  4. Keep it short

  When writing your resume, make sure it’s not too long. 1-2 pages will be enough to provideinformation an employer will want to know about you. Don’t lie about your skills. Adding in adegree you never completed or a skill you know you won’t be able to acquire in a week is a surefireway to fail. If you are about to submit an application, make sure it’s clearly legible and written inblack type or ink.

学习啦在线学习网   5. Be friendly

  Frowning won’t help you land a good job. Positive attitude is the key to success. When you lookfriendly and you are actually friendly, the others notice that. Most employers claim that it’s alwaysbetter to hire a positive beginner than a negative professional. When going to a job interview, forgetall your problems and focus on the positive things to make a good first impression.

  6. Don’t submit applications at random

  When it comes to any job search, submitting applications at random is one of the worst mistakes youcan commit. Not only does it prevent you from finding a well-paid job, you may end up finding awrong job. Before starting your summer job search, figure out what kind of job you’d like to doeach day. Make a short list of all the possible places you really want to work and only then submitapplications.

  Even though summer job may seem like a temporary job, it’s a wonderful opportunity to gain someexperience, develop new skills and earn some extra money. Moreover, this job can affect your futurejobs, which is why it’s important to be a responsible employee. Be honest and curious. If you don’tknow something, let your employer know about it. This way, they can help you learn faster andbecome a more professional worker. Who knows, maybe this temporary job will become yourpermanent one. What are the most popular summer jobs that you want to land? Do you think asummer job can help you build the experience you need to start your career? Share your thoughtswith us please.



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