学习啦在线学习网 1.He ate the food and wine in the stomach would turn into bile,blood clotting into the ice ,the heart as hard as iron .
2.In indent his narrow bunks,still willing that's his coffin,he can be at peace in the church are buried in the fields,the tall weeds on his head lightly swaying,dark antique clock plays,soothe yourself forever.
学习啦在线学习网 在缩进他那狭窄的铺位里去的时候,仍然甘愿那就是他的棺材,他从此可以安安稳稳地在教堂地里长眠了,高高的野草在头顶上轻盈地随风摇曳,深沉的古钟奏响,抚慰自己长眠不醒。
3.Human nature is so wonderful, the same good quality never favoritism, either in the finest gentleman who develop, they can be the most foul charity school student body grow.
4.Some strong-willed person subjected to the test of time parting showed admirable obedience and fortitude.
学习啦在线学习网 5.But we will not admit that our modern artistic claim to absolute originality is really a claim to absolute unsociability; a claim to absolute loneliness.
学习啦在线学习网 但我们不会承认,我们的现代艺术声称绝对原创绝对是一个真正的孤僻要求;一个绝对孤独的索赔。
学习啦在线学习网 6.Human nature is so wonderful , the same good quality never favoritism , either in the finest gentleman who develop , they can be the most foul charity school student body grow.
7.Some strong-willed person subjected to the test of time parting showed admirable obedience and fortitude .With people that are determined to be tested and death showed an enviable comply with bravery.
学习啦在线学习网 一些意志坚定的人在经受生离死别考验时表现出令人羡慕的顺从与刚毅。
8.“Please, Sir, I want some more.” Oliver, asking the cook at the workhouse for more gruel.
学习啦在线学习网 “请,先生,我想再要一些。”奥利弗,要求库克在济贫更多稀饭。
学习啦在线学习网 9.Sometimes, a kind of music, a secluded place of the water, the fragrance of a flower, even the mention of a familiar word, suddenly aroused some vague memories, reminiscent of some life there had not been the scene, they would like a breeze to scatter, as if suddenly wake up to a long parting, happy memories, but the memories alone is contemplating couldn't remember the.
学习啦在线学习网 有的时候,一支亲切的乐曲,一处幽静地方的潺潺水声,一朵花的芳香,甚而只是说出一个熟悉的字眼,会突然唤起一些模糊的记忆,令人想起一些今生不曾出现过的场景,它们会像微风一样飘散,仿佛刹那间唤醒了对某种久已别离的、比较快乐的往事,而这种回忆单靠冥思苦想是怎么也想不起来的。
10.Crying is our God given human nature, but how many people have such a small age will cause in the presence of God poured out tears so reluctantly. It was a cold, gloomy night. In the child's eyes, the stars seem farther from the ground than they see. The wind did not play, the dim shadows cast on the ground, silent, sullen look.
学习啦在线学习网 哭是上帝赋予我们的天性——但又有多少人小小年纪就会有如此的理由在上帝面前勉强倾洒出这般泪水。 这是一个寒冷的阴沉的夜晚。在孩子的眼里,星星距离地面也似乎比看到的更过遥远。风未起,昏暗的树影投射在地面上,寂静无声,显得阴气沉沉。
11.All this, and the countless eyes and smiles, countless thoughts and words, I'd like to record.
12.“Good-bye dear! God bless you!”’ …Dick told Oliver on his way to London, which warmed Oliver’s heart and gave him courage.
学习啦在线学习网 13.When someone dies, there are always a few people would have thought: a lot of things was ignored, many things could do; how many things forgotten, and more things have been unable to" save -- sufficient visible, usually treats people need is just too late to regret; there is nothing more frustrating; please let us remember that as early as possible, so as not to suffer the pain.
14.Fagin smiled and shook O liver’s hand.The n all The young gentlemen came up to him and shook both his hands very hard, especially the hand which held his few possessions.
学习啦在线学习网 费金微笑着同奥利弗握握手,然后所有的小绅士们都走过来使劲地握着他的双手,尤其是那只拿着他仅有的几件东西的手。
学习啦在线学习网 15.‘Of a broken heart, I was told.’And a tear rolled down O liver’s cheek.
学习啦在线学习网 “有人告诉我她是伤心死的。”一颗泪珠从奥利弗的脸上滚落下来。
16.The night was bitterly cold. A sharp wind whipped the fallen snow up into the air and blew it into every hole and corner. It was a night for the homeless to lie down and die; and for luckier people to sit close to their fires and thank God They were at home.
学习啦在线学习网 那是个极其寒冷的夜晚。凛冽的寒风将落在地面上的雪卷向空中,又吹进每一个洞穴和角落。这是个让流浪街头无家可归的人躺下来死亡的夜晚。而那些能偎坐在火炉旁的人则感谢上帝让他们有家可待,他们是更幸运的人。
学习啦在线学习网 17.'We can meet people who know about these things. I'd like to be the leader of some gang, if there's a good profit to be made in that kind of work. 'Noah felt very pleased with himself, and looked forward to an easy life of crime in the capital.
学习啦在线学习网 “我们得结认一些懂得这一行的人,如果干这些事很来钱,我就当某个团伙的头头。”诺厄这时洋洋得意,他渴望在首都过一种作奸犯科的安逸生活。
18.He could forget his own terror in this new danger, and he worked all night with the crowd, shouting, running and working together to stop the flames destroying more buildings.
学习啦在线学习网 在眼前的新危险中,他可以忘了自己的恐惧。整整一个晚上,他都和这群人一起叫喊着,跑着,一起奋力地灭火,以免大火毁坏更多的房屋。
19.In the morning the mad excitement was over, and the dreadful memory of his crime returned-more terrifying than ever. In desperation, he decided to go back to London.
20.O liver Twist was born in a workhouse,and when he arrived in this hard world, it was very doubtful whether he would live beyond the first three minutes. He lay on a hard little bed and struggled to start breathing.
学习啦在线学习网 21.After all,death was a common event in the workhouse,where only the poor and homeless lived.
学习啦在线学习网 22.His mother raised her pale young face from the pillow and whispered, ‘Let me see the child, and die.‘
学习啦在线学习网 23.‘It’s just that I’m so lonely, sir!’ said the child. ‘Everybody hates me. Please don’t be angry with me, sir!’