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,000 to ,000/academic year if astudent were to work 16 to 20 hours per week." He added, "20 hours per week on campus whileschool is in session is the maximum allowed under U.S. immigration regulations."

学习啦在线学习网   “大家一致认为,在大学里拥有一份兼职,能帮学生们支付一些个人花销,”本内特在一封电子邮件里面写道。“话虽这么说,学生也不应当期望,假如自己每周工作16到20个小时,这份兼职工作就能每学年提供远超2000美元到3000美元的收入 。”他补充说,“而且根据美国移民法,在学期过程中,每周兼职20小时已经是政府允许的最大限度。”

学习啦在线学习网   "I advise," he continued, "that unless absolutely necessary, a student take the first semesteron campus to get used to the way of life and of the classroom culture and faculty expectationsbefore plunging into a job on-campus."



学习啦在线学习网   As the end of this semester draws near, many students are staying up late to finish their thesispaper before the deadline. But those who have slacked off might resort to ghostwriters.

学习啦在线学习网   随着期末临近,许多学生开始熬夜赶工,希望能准时交论文。而那些想偷懒的学生可能会向枪手们求助。

学习啦在线学习网   It has become common for some college students to buy theses or scientific papers from onlineshops, such as Taobao. If you search for “ghostwriting academic papers”, a list of shopsproviding this service comes up.

学习啦在线学习网   对一些大学生而言,在淘宝等网站上购买学术论文已经是件很平常的事情了。如果你搜索“代写学术论文”,会弹出一长串论文代写网店的名字。

  Usually they display a price tag of 10 yuan for their services, but that’s certainly not the realfee. Shop owners ask potential customers about their specific needs and base their price onthe word count and other requirements. An academic paper may cost between a few hundredyuan (for a short term paper) and tens of thousands of yuan (for long dissertations).


  Senior student Chen Yihua (not his real name) from a university in Nanjing and his threeroommates bought their theses from an online shop last month. In their opinion, ghostwriting isjust one of the useful tools available to students who want better grades.

学习啦在线学习网   上个月,南京某高校大三学生陈怡桦(化名)和三位室友从一家网店购买了论文。在他们看来,“代写”只不过是那些想拿高分的学生们可以选择的实用手段之一。

  “I understand that students should be perfectly capable of producing quality work on ourown,” said Chen, who is majoring in mathematics. “But students in scientific, mathematical andtechnological fields often lack solid writing skills. So sometimes we need ‘assistance’ inconverting our ideas into academic texts.”


学习啦在线学习网   A PhD holder in Shanghai (who wished to remain anonymous) said he opened an online shopselling thesis papers at the end of 2010. He is a full-time employee, but he can earn 10,000 to 20,000 yuan for writing one essay. The high profit is the driving force behind his business idea.


  “I am just using my academic gift to help others in my spare time,” he said. “Thanks to real-estate developers, I’m a house mortgage slave and I need money.”


  However, Taobao’s customer service department claimed that providing such services isforbidden. The online platform punishes shops that violate the rules by reducing seller’scredit rating, preventing them from being searched or even shutting them down.


学习啦在线学习网   But some lawyers consider these services to operate in a gray area. “In terms of legality, onlinesites offering ghostwriting services could not be considered unlawful in China as long as thereal author agrees to give the copyright to the client,” said Liu Chunquan at Shanghai YongleLaw Firm.

学习啦在线学习网   而一些律师则认为这种服务游走于灰色地带。来自上海永乐律师事务所的刘春泉律师认为:“从合法性角度来讲,只要原作者同意将版权出让给客户,那些国内那些提供代写服务的网店就不应被视为违法的。”

学习啦在线学习网   Education experts point out that this practice is unethical. Universities require students to writedissertations or papers independently, so employing someone else to write them is consideredcheating.

学习啦在线学习网   教育专家指出这是一种不道德的行为。鉴于各高校要求学生独立完成论文的前提,雇佣枪手是一种作弊行为。

  “It is academic fraud. Graduates should be capable writers, no matter what they aremajoring in. Remember that your dissertation should demonstrate not only how well youknow your subject matter, but how effectively you can communicate your ideas throughwriting,” said Shen Yang, a deputy professor at Wuhan University.

学习啦在线学习网   武汉大学副教授沈杨(音译)说:“这是学术欺诈。不管来自哪个专业,毕业生们都应该具备写作能力。要知道,学术论文不仅展现了你对论题的了解程度,同时也展示出你通过文字来有效表达观点的能力。”

  “Academic writing is a skill that a university student must develop. Employing someone else’sservice is an admission of failure.”


学习啦在线学习网   At present, however, it’s hard to discern if papers are self-produced or not. As a result, manyteachers ask students to discuss their papers or prepare presentations based on them. If ittranspires that ghostwriting is involved, students face serious punishment and can even bedismissed by their universities.


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