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  下面是学习啦小编整理的英语国家概况:美国政治, 希望对大家有帮助。

  Political Institution政治体制

学习啦在线学习网   1)A workable form of government under theConstitution: a federal system of government whichhas two layers of rule.


  2)Separation of powers with checks and balancesunder the Constitution: The Constitution divides thegovernment into three branches: the legislative,the executive and the judicial. Each branch hasonly part of the powers but not all the powers. Thethree branches are in balance and they may check each other.


学习啦在线学习网   3) Safeguards for individual liberty under the Constitution: the Bill of Rights. It is the termused for the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Ti guarantees freedom of religion,freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and petition, freedom fromunreasonable searches, right to jury trial, right to due process of law and other legal rights.


学习啦在线学习网   4)Powers of the American president: ①The president is the head of the executive branch(行政部门首脑). ②He is also head of state(元首) elected by the whol nation. ③he has somelegislative powers(立法权); ④he is responsible for the relations of the United States withforeign nations; ⑤ he signs Bills passed by Congress into law.⑥ he appoints fedeal officials;⑦hehas some judicial powers;⑧commander-in-chief(总司令)⑨he can serve for no more than 2term任期不超过2届。

  总统权利:总统是行政部门首脑;2.国家元首;3.立法权;4.负责美国与其他国家的关系;5.6.委任政府官员;7.司法权利;8.总司令;9. 任期不超过2届。

  5)Powers of the House of Representatives: the House of Representatives can ①introducelegislation, ②revenue bills and ③bring charges against officials, including the President.


  6)Powers of the Senate: the Senate has the power to①introduced legislation on any subject exceptrevenue bills (除了税收法案). It has the authority to②confirm or reject predidential appointments(总统任命) of high officials as well as the U.S. foreigntreaties. ③Its chairman is the Vice President.

学习啦在线学习网   参议院权利:1立法除税收。还有一些特殊权利:2批准或否决总统任命的高级官员及外交条约;领导人是副总统。

  7)The judicial system has evolved into the presentstructure: According to the Constitution, the judicialpower of the U.S shall be vested in one SupremeCourt. The judicial system has evolved into the present structure: the Supreme Court, 11 courtof appeals, 91 district courts, and 3 courts of special jurisdiction. U.S.judges are appointed bythe President and confirmed by the Senate.

学习啦在线学习网   根据宪法规定,美国的司法权属于最高法院,司法体系结构为:最高法院,11个上诉法院,91个地方法院,3个有特殊司法权的法院,美国的法官是由总统任命并由参议院批准的。

  8)The two-party system and the characteristics of the two major parties

  ①the two-party system:the two party system means that the two major political parties — nowthe Democrats and the Republicans — compete with each other to dominate politics at thefederal, state, and local levels.


  ②the characteristics of the two major parties:The two major parties are not very differenttoday. They are two coalitions of interests and interest groups(利益集团的联合). There is no strictparty discipline(党纪). One does not have to apply or go through necessary formalities tobecome a member of either party. But there are some differences between them. TheDemocrats traditionally favour government intervention (主张政府干涉经济)while theRepublicans stress the role of the market (市场作用)more. On social issue the Democratssupport a strong social security system (社会安全保障体制) while the Republicans oppose largegovernmental social security programs. In spite of these differenes, the two parties bothbelieve in individualism, defend capitalism and uphold private ownership of means ofproduction(坚持生产资料私有制) .

