同美国人进行商务活动, 应注意以下几个问题:
(1)讲究谈判技巧和效率。和美国人谈判要注意谈判的技巧性, 如直接进入话题, 不要拐弯抹角, 谈判时间和地点, 要事先预定, 一般不必送礼品, 穿着最好是简洁的西服;
(2)注意聘请律师。学习啦在线学习网同美国人做生意请懂行的律师做顾问是不可缺少的, 美国的律师事务所很多, 聘请适合自身需要的律师并不难;
(3)深入了解和掌握美国有关贸易进出口的法律法规和常规做法。如对哪些范围限制与外国人合作,哪些范围的商品必须得到政府有关部门特别许可, 哪些商品市场有可能触及反销税法,以及美国的反托拉斯,反行贿等等法规和商户谈判时要特别提及。此外,如商品的广告及代理,批发和零售商,价格和包装等常 规做法和特别事项也要了解透一些,以免造成损失。
(4)进行市场调查, 慎重选择合作对象和合作领域。学习啦在线学习网美国的市场经济可以说历史比较长, 如何在美国的商贸市场中赢得商机, 进行市场考察是必不可少的。考察时要重点突出,如纺织品的质地,花色图案,设计样式等,是否在市场受顾客欢迎,代理商的意向等是否明显和迫切,都是要调查 清楚的;
(5)了解美国商户的特点, 有针对性地进行洽谈。美国商人在商务活动中总有一种富国强国的自信和自豪, 处处流露。
1. When should you respond to an RSVP?
学习啦在线学习网 1. 何时回应活动邀请?
Events today rely on a variety of RSVP options, including email, phone, mail in cards, and more. It is important for guests to respond quickly when they receive an invitation, and it's best to respond within a week. If you must decline at the last minute, please notify the host prior to the event or first thing the next day with sincere regrets.
学习啦在线学习网 当今的活动邀请形式可以有多种渠道:电子邮件,电话,邮寄邀请卡等等。受邀请人应该及时给予回复,时间最好控制在一周内。如果有突发状况你必须取消赴约,请通知活动负责人并在次日表示诚挚的道歉。
2. What should you wear to an event?
2. 如何着装?
Hosts and guests err on the side of conservative sensibility: dress well and in good taste (everything should always be pressed). That said, most event invitations will provide direction:
学习啦在线学习网 Business attire (suits and dresses)
Black tie/black tie optional (more formal evening wear)
Business casual (trousers/khakis with long sleeve shirts)
学习啦在线学习网 Jackets and ties required (as instructed)
学习啦在线学习网 Some events and venues may advise other casual wear, such as golf, tennis, horse racing, resorts, etc. Organizers will be specific about attire requirements.
3. When should you arrive for an event?
3. 何时到达会场?
The event host spends significant time and resources to plan and execute an event, so most people know the answer to this question: be on time! If you are a representative of the host, the answer is that you should arrive up to 30 minutes early (you will be given a time, show up when requested).
学习啦在线学习网 If you are a guest, understand that the organizer has been selective with the invitation list. Many invitations will include a brief agenda that highlights when guests may arrive for the event, typically providing a window of 15 to 30 minutes for registration and welcome reception times.
Also, it's important to stay as long as possible or to the conclusion of an event.
学习啦在线学习网 如果你是一位客人,要理解主办方对邀请名单已经进行过挑选。许多邀请函会附有一段简短的行程介绍,并突出客人到达会场的时间,一般会为客人预留15到30分钟的时间签到和接待。同样的,尽可能在活动中停留越长的时间,或者直到活动的结束才离开。
学习啦在线学习网 4. When should you extend a handshake at an event?
学习啦在线学习网 4. 何时该主动跟别人握手?
Always upon arrival and departure. This is an easy rule that few people violate. Greet everyone with a firm, sincere handshake, a friendly smile and direct eye contact. However, when approaching a group of individuals, it's important to note that guests should always shake the hand of the host first.
5. How should you introduce people in a group at an event?
学习啦在线学习网 5. 如何向大家介绍别人?
Simply remember to rules:
学习啦在线学习网 只需记得下面这两点就行了:
Introduce lower ranking individuals to higher ranking individuals.
Remember to include titles (e.g., Dr., Judge, etc.) and name prefix (e.g., Mr., Mrs. Ms.).
6. What should you talk about at the event?
6. 活动过程该说什么?
It's important to have strong listening (don't interrupt) and conversation skills in group situations. This means maintaining open body language (stand up or sit up straight, don't cross arms, and maintain good eye contact) and showing interest in what others have to say.
学习啦在线学习网 Contribute to conversations by being able to speak to a variety of subjects, find topics of mutual interest and avoid correcting what others have to say. Make sure to involve everyone in the group in the discussion (and not just one or two). Encourage people to talk about themselves, and be graceful when providing and/or accepting compliments.
7. What shouldn't you talk about at the event?
7. 不该说什么?
学习啦在线学习网 Just as it's important to understand what to talk about, there are several topics that should generally be avoided:
学习啦在线学习网 要注意,在谈话过程要尽量避免下面这些话题:
Personal finance topics
Personal health topics (yours and others)
学习啦在线学习网 个人健康问题(无论是你自己的还是别人的)
学习啦在线学习网 Divisive topics
学习啦在线学习网 8. When should you defer extra courties (deference) to others at an event?