以前,英语作文评分的依据是根据要点和语言准确度而定。但是从2001年起实行的高考评分标准强调了内容要点,语言的多样性、连贯性和得体性, 鼓励学生尝试语言表达的多样化和复杂化。因此要写成一篇较有水准的英语作文,除了要点和语言准确度以外,还必须在语用、语法结构以及表达的多样性和灵活性上有所表现。句子单一、缺乏生气的文章,哪怕没有任何错误也不可能得高分,相反,“有些许错误,但是为了使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致”,给分档次仍在最高档。
学习啦在线学习网 (一)改变句子的开头方式,不是一味地都是主语开头,接着是谓语、宾语,最后再加一个状语。可以把状语置于句首,或用分词作状语等。
1.(原文) My brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle the other day. (修正) The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle.
学习啦在线学习网 2.(原文) The young man couldn’t help crying when he heard the bad news. (修正) Hearing the bad news, the young man couldn’t help crying.
1. 强调句
学习啦在线学习网 (原文) The dog has saved my little sister bravely.
学习啦在线学习网 (修正) It is the dog that has saved my little sister bravely.
2. 主从复合句
学习啦在线学习网 (原文) We had to stand there to catch the offender.
(修正) What we had to do was to stand there, trying to catch the offender.
3. 分词短语、由with或without引导的短语
(原文) The driver escaped and didn’t stop, he left the old man lying on the road. (修正) The driver escaped without stopping, leaving the old man lying on the road.
4. 倒装句
学习啦在线学习网 (原文) I went to bed at 11:30.
学习啦在线学习网 (修正) Not until 11:30 did I go to bed.
5. 省略句
(原文) While you are crossing the street, you should be careful.
(修正) While crossing the street, you should be careful.
学习啦在线学习网 (三)通过分句和合句,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。
学习啦在线学习网 (原文) He stopped us an hour ago. He made us catch the next offender.
学习啦在线学习网 (修正) He stopped us half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender.
学习啦在线学习网 (原文) We had a short rest. Then we began to play happily. We sang and danced.
(修正) After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing.
学习啦在线学习网 写好了每个句子,并不一定就是一篇好文章,因为作为一篇文章,还必须行文连贯。那么,如何使文章行文连贯呢?这就要求我们在组成篇章时,要用好过渡性词语,过渡性词语就像是我们组装机械时使用的润滑剂一样,起着润滑的作用。
并列递进:and, also, as well as, besides, what’s more, moreover, furthermore, etc.
转折:but, yet, however, although, nevertheless, in spite of, after all, etc.
因果:because, as, for, since, for this reason, because of, so, therefore, thus, as a result, etc. 对比:or, otherwise, like, unlike, on the contrary, while, on the other hand, instead of, etc.
总结:in all, in brief, on the whole, in short, in general, in one word, to sum up, in conclusion, etc. 总之,要使文章的层次高,可读性强,考生应增加些较高级的词汇与复杂的结构,并运用恰当的连接词和复合句,只有这样,才能在考试中取得理想的成绩。
一、 如何理解“应用了较多的词汇”
(一) 高级词汇的使用
评分标准第五档次的要求中提到,“词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致”。这里所说的“高级词汇”,指的是大纲中没有列入或没有识记要求,但在实际运用中却出现比较频繁的词汇,比如frustration, awkward, awfully, concern等词,都可以算作是“高级词汇”。考生若能够适当地运用一些高级词汇,定会给评卷老师留下深刻的印象。
学习啦在线学习网 problem.)
2. The pet dog is so lovely that almost everybody likes her. (换作高级词汇:The pet dog is so cute that almost everybody likes her.)
3. The question is really difficult to understand. (换作高级词汇:The question is really confusing.)
4. He had to face all the possible difficulties. (换作高级词汇:He had to cope with all the possible difficulties)
(二) 同义词的使用
英语中有些词的使用频率非常高,比如interesting, clever等,在表达时大家都很喜欢用,这样很容易令文章入千人一面的窘境中。但如果我们能够使用它们相应的同义词,就可以做到与众不同,给评卷者带来清新的感觉。例如:
学习啦在线学习网 1. It will be very interesting. (换作同义词:It will be a lot of fun.)
2. He was so clever that he could count all the way up to 100 at one year old.( 换作同义词:He was so smart that he could count all the way up to 100 at one year old.)
3. Last summer I visited New Jersey with my parents. (换作同义词:Last summer I toured New Jersey with my parents.)
学习啦在线学习网 (三) 适当利用短语取代单词 1. I can’t find any way to solve the problem. (换作高级词汇:I can’t find any solution to the
学习啦在线学习网 总体而言,使用短语的难度比单词要大一些,因此适当运用短语更能显出作者的功力。例如:
学习啦在线学习网 1. Suddenly I had a good idea. (换作短语:Suddenly I came up with a good idea.)
2. Take a moment to see what is happening around you. (换作短语:Take a moment to see what is going on around you.)
3. Everyone should do his or her best. (换作短语:Everyone is supposed to do his or her best.)
二、 如何理解“应用了较多的语法结构”
(一) 使用固定句式 结构的正确使用,可以使文章的语言充满层次感,从而较好地反映写作者的语言运用能力。
1. She was robbed of her purse but she had no time to call for help.(使用before one can do sth.结构:
She was robbed of her purse before she could call for help.)
2. The environment will never improve until everybody takes care of it. (使用倒装结构:Not until
(二) 使用现在分词结构
everybody takes care of it will the environment improve.)
学习啦在线学习网 1. Nowadays, we can easily travel from one place to another and this bridges the gap among different
学习啦在线学习网 races or cultures. (换作现在分词短语:Nowadays, we can easily travel from one place to another, thus bridging the gap among different race or cultures.)
2. People worked together on the assembly line.(换作现在分词短语:People worked together on the
学习啦在线学习网 (三) 使用定语从句 assembly line, moving quickly and efficiently.)
学习啦在线学习网 定语从句的使用,不仅能使上下文更加流畅,也同时能充分展示写作者运用较复杂的语法结构的能力。例如:
学习啦在线学习网 1. My favorite living writer is Roddy Doyle. I think he is a genius. (使用定语从句:My favorite living
学习啦在线学习网 writer is Roddy Doyle, who I think is a genius.)
学习啦在线学习网 2. My aunt bought me a book. The title of the book is All about USA. (使用定语从句:My aunt bought
me a book, whose title is All about the USA.)
学习啦在线学习网 三、 如何理解“上下文的连贯性”
凑”。这里说的连贯性,就是指通过连接词(包括并列连词,从属连词和连接性副词)、非谓语动词短语等语法成分,使两个或多个意义相互关联的事情或观点在同一个句子内得以表达,从而使整个段落或篇章(一) 连接性副词 浑然一体,连贯流畅。
学习啦在线学习网 生心理上的期待和准备,因此整个篇章会因它们而紧凑连贯。常见的连接性副词有:also, furthermore, in addition, additionally, hopefully, meanwhile, however, instead, in other words, in brief, in a word, in my opinion, on the whole等等。例如:
学习啦在线学习网 1. We have many things to do. We believe we can finish before the day is over. (使用连接性副词:
We have quite a lot to do. Hopefully, we will be able to finish before the day is over.)
2. The boy comes from a poor family. The boy does very well in his studies. The boy plans to work
学习啦在线学习网 his way through college. (使用连接性副词:Even though he comes from a poor family, the boy does
(二) 使用从属连词 very well in his studies; furthermore, he plans to work his way through college.)
常见的从属连词有after, as, when, while, as long as, as soon as等。例如:
学习啦在线学习网 1. You work hard and never give up. You will succeed in your studies. (使用从属连词:So long as
you work hard, you will succeed in your studies.)
2. The teacher came in. the students were quiet. (使用从属连词:The students were quiet as soon as
学习啦在线学习网 the teacher came in.)
学习啦在线学习网 四、 如何理解“语言的得体性”
学习啦在线学习网 (一) 体裁和题材对得性的要求
学习啦在线学习网 不同体裁和题材的文章有不同的用语要求。比如,书面通知中就不适合用“I will tell you a piece of good news.”或“May I have your attention, please?”等句子。这些句子只有在口头通知中才算得体的语句。2003
学习啦在线学习网 年高考的书面表达要求“你”给一位外国朋友回信,介绍“你”帮他找的一套出租房。相当一部分考生没有理解“你”与说话对象的关系,所以话语中没有给对方提出异议的余地,叙述的方式和口吻上缺乏礼貌性,像“The house is very suitable for you.”等语句显得相当主观,若改为“Do you think it is suitable for you? If not, I will try again.”就比较得体。
另外, 英语中还有正式语和非正式语,书面语和口头语之分。写作前,还应该认真分析题目的体裁,根据不同
学习啦在线学习网 的体裁,确定用语的类别。正式用语或书面语的句子结构严格遵循语法规则,所采用的单词使用频率不是很高,比如:permit, inform, discover, depart等词都属于正式用语;而非正式用语或口头用语则较多地 3 择使用恰当的英语语言。
学习啦在线学习网 近几年来全国英语高考试卷中的写作题目主要是:记人、叙事、写信、通知或看图作文等。大多为记叙文、议论文和应用文。高考英语写作是高考试题中对考生来说相对比较难的一题,高考英语写作主要考查考生综合运用语言的能力。这主要要求考生根据所给的情景和要求写一篇书面材料,但是,它并不是要求考生按照试题里的“提示”进行逐句翻译,而是要求考生在充分领会“提示”的前提下,用自己的语言写成一篇内容充实、语言正确、句子连贯、用词贴切的作文。在写作时,考生应注意以下几点:
学习啦在线学习网 步骤一:认真审题立意,确定写作中心。找出根据这个中心能够扩展的材料有哪些,要避免那些与中心内容无关的细节。
以命题作文“The Classmate I Admire Most”为例,文章的主题是关于记叙我最欣赏的一位同学,因而就不能泛泛谈论这位同学的家庭关系、社会背景等,而要紧紧抓住这位同学身上能够吸引你的地方展开去。
学习啦在线学习网 步骤二:围绕中心,列出写作提纲。提纲一定要包含所提供的情景、要点,同时尽量使用自己熟悉的词汇与句型。仍以“The Classmate I Admire Most”为例,提纲可以这样写:
学习啦在线学习网 ① Who is the Classmate I admire most?
学习啦在线学习网 ② My reasons. (Some Examples)
学习啦在线学习网 ③ What can I learn from the classmate。
学习啦在线学习网 步骤三,根据字数要求,扩展成篇。有几个可以遵循的规律,供大家参考:
学习啦在线学习网 3、改变句子的开头方式,不要一味以主、谓、宾、状的次序,可以把状语置于句首,或用分词等。
① 递进关系: furthermore; moreover; further; In this way ;still; not only...but also...; not...but...; in addition (to);etc。
② 转折关系:but; even so; however; though; even though; etc。
③ 归纳总结类:in other words; on the whole; in sum; therefore; hence; in short; to sum up; in conclusion; in summary; etc。
④ 强调关系:in fact; especially; particularly; moreover; naturally; what is more important; in reality; indeed; in particular; etc。
⑤ 对照(不同点):yet; still; for all of that; notwithstanding; rather; neither ... nor; although; though; but; however; etc。
⑥ 并列关系: and; also; as well as; either...,or...;both...and... etc。
⑦ 先后次序关系:at this time; first; second; at last; previously; simultaneously; last but not least; to begin with; etc。
学习啦在线学习网 ⑧ 结果关系:accordingly; thus; consequently; thereupon; etc。
⑨ 顺序关系: at the outset,following this; at this time; etc。
⑩ 重申关系:in other words; that is to say; as I have said; etc。
学习啦在线学习网 5、尽量避免重复使用同一单词或词组。
学习啦在线学习网 ①通知的对象、地点、时间及要做的事情;
学习啦在线学习网 ②要注意的事项;
③写上“Don’t be late”或“Be on time”(口头通知前还要写上Boys and girls或Ladies and gentlemen,may I have your attention, please?等一类句子)。
Class 1 and Class 2 are going to plant trees on Western Hills. We’ll take a bus to go there. Please bring lunch and water with you. Remember to wear old clothes as we’ll do a lot of hard work. We’ll meet in front of the school gate at nine o’clock. Don’t be late。