学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语写作 > 英语应用写作 > 高中英语记叙文写作


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学习啦在线学习网   记叙文 通常以记叙和描写为主,是以记人叙事为主要内容的一种文体,叙述人们的经历或事物发展变化过程的一种表达方式。它的基本特点就是陈述过程。 写 记叙文 时,应注意交待清楚时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who),然后再进一步叙述事件(what)、原因(why)和结果(how)。 记叙文 应以记叙为主,可适当发表见解、议论和抒情,但不可过多。我们在写作的过程中都应将其叙述清楚。在写作时,时间、地点、人物等要素一般在提示中或图片中会给出, 有时也可能会出现有关要素不确定的情况。如果所给的时间不清楚,我们可用较为含糊的时间。

  以写人为主的 记叙文 ,应注意肖像描写、行动描写、语言描写、心理描写以及细节描写,应灵活掌握,突出重点。以写物为主的 记叙文 ,应注意描写顺序以及事件的相对完整性,注意围绕中心事件,把握好事前的开端、发展、高潮和结局。以写景状物为主的 记叙文 ,写人、写景、写事往往是交织在一起的,不可分开,但可以各有侧重。

  记叙文 一般都记叙过去发生的事情,因而短文所使用的时态通常是与过去相关的时态。当然,也可根据具体的情况使用其他的时态。

学习啦在线学习网   二、中考热点话题

  以"A Bright Boy"为题, 记述司马光砸缸的故事。

  提示:花园里有许多缸(vats)。 一群孩子在玩耍。突然一个孩子不小心掉进缸里,除了8岁的司马光外,其他的孩子都跑开了。司马光急中生智,用石头击破了缸,把那个孩子救了出来。

  高中英语记叙文写作范文:A Bright Boy

  This happened in a garden long ago. There were many water vats in the garden. A group of boys were playing there. They played happily. Suddenly a boy fell into a vat.

  All the boys ran away except a small one. His name was Sima Guang. He was eight years old. He thought he should help the boy. But he was too small and the vat was too large. Then he had a good idea. He hurried towards the large vat, and broke it with a big stone. The water came out of the vat at once. Finaly, the boy was saved.


  The Problem of Food

  Recently, the news about the famous fast food company got bankrupted in Taiwan was spread in Wechat. While in mainland, less people know about the truth and the fast food company still works well. Chinese food problem exists all the time, even the government has made some rules to forbid the illegal business, still many manufacturers produce bad food for making more profit. The fast food company doesn’t care about the market in Taiwan. Its spokeman said that their main market was in mainland, and a lot of people were eating their food. Hearing this, we surely will be angry. If everybody join the team to refuse to buy their products, then the fast food company will be kicked out. Only in this way can we protect our health and benefit.



  Occupation Choice

学习啦在线学习网   When students go to college, they need to think about their future career, because the major they choose will decide what kind of job they will work on. The better school they enter, the higher expectation the students get. The news reported a girl who graduated from the first class college chose to work as an anchorwoman of the Internet games, then the public felt pity on her, because they thought such an excellent girl should work in the office as the leader or made her own successful business. I have different opinion, everybody has the right to choose what they want to do, though what they learn has nothing to do with the work, they get improved by learning more knowledge. There is no need to feel pity, because she is still the successful person no matter what she does.








