First, you will have to register with Ucas and enteryour personal details. You will then be able to applyfor up to five courses. Make sure you cross referencethe course requirements with your predicted gradesand A-level choices so you won’t get rejected beforeyou have even taken your exams.
学习啦在线学习网 首先,你需要在英国大学和学院招生服务中心网站注册,并录入个人信息。之后你可以申请最多五种课程。要确保将课程要求和你预计的成绩以及A-level(英国高中课程)选择加以对照,以免还没考试就被学校拒了。
You will then be asked to detail your education andqualifications to date and to give details of any jobs you have had. It’s also a good idea to naildown who will be providing your academic reference as soon as possible – make sure you giveyour teacher enough time to make it a good one.
学习啦在线学习网 之后,你将被要求详述迄今为止的教育背景和所获证书,以及你做过什么工作。最好能尽快找到人选为你写学术推荐信,要确保你为写推荐信的老师留出了足够的时间,这样才能写好。
Finally, before you submit your application, you will be asked to include your personalstatement. This is your chance to convince your university or college that you are the rightperson to study their course.
学习啦在线学习网 For some people, writing a personal statement will come easily. But for those who are feelingdaunted about the prospect of putting 4,000 characters together, you are not alone. As StuartBalnaves, head of learner experience at Ucas, puts it: “Those three words – Ucas personalstatement – can stike fear into students’ hearts", but there are ways to make the processeasier.
学习啦在线学习网 To start with, jot down reasons why you want to study your chosen course. Is it a new passionor an old interest? Were you inspired by something you read or does it lead towards the careeryou would eventually like to pursue – in which case, what is it that appeals to you about thatcareer?
学习啦在线学习网 Secondly, think about what you can say you have done to demonstrate why you arepassionate about this particular subject. Have you taken part in a society or club outside ofschool? Do you enjoy reading about your subject, if yes, what books particularly interest youand why?
学习啦在线学习网 其次,想想看如何描述个人经历,以便说明为什么对这一课程充满热情。你在课外参加过社会实践或者加入过社团吗?喜欢读有关的书吗?如果是,你对哪些书最感兴趣?为什么?
Have you worked in any roles that help with skills that universities might find appealing? Haveyou helped fellow students at school, have you volunteered or undertaken work experience inyour field?
“The best statements will show that a student is interested in the subject; that they've studiedit, that they've developed an interest it in outside school, and that they're developing their skillsand abilities outside academia,” says Liz Hunt, undergraduate admissions manager at theUniversity of Sheffield.
学习啦在线学习网 However, she advises students to avoid rambling: “Some try to tell you their life story,” shecontinues, “sometimes this can be quite useful, but it needs to be relevant rambling, it needsto tell admissions tutors why you have decided on a particular subject.”
James Williams, lecturer in education at the University of Sussex, agrees: “Admissions tutorsare looking to see that you have an understanding about the course you are applying for,” hesays. “Content of courses will be different at different universities, so we don’t look forapplicants to be too specific, but candidates should look for common topics and addressthese.”
学习啦在线学习网 The key is balance. Contrary to what Oxbridge demand, most universities will look forcandidates to split their statements between their academic achievements and their extra-curricular pursuits – if these are relevant to your chosen degree, all the better.
学习啦在线学习网 关键在于平衡。和牛津剑桥的要求不同,大多数大学要求申请者将学业成就和课余爱好分开陈述,如果课余爱好与所选课程有关的话当然更好。
However, as Williams says, don’t go overboard. “The mistake people make is to mention toomany clubs,” he says, “it makes us question how dedicated you’ll be to your study or work. Picksome key extra-curricular activities and think about the skills they give you and feed that intowhat you are doing.
学习啦在线学习网 不过,威廉姆斯说,也不要太过火。他说:“申请者常常会犯的错误就是提到太多社团。我们会怀疑你还能不能专心学习或工作。挑选一些重要的课余活动,想想你锻炼了哪些技能,并和你所做的结合起来。”
“Avoid the vacuous statement,” he adds, “the statement that seems to say a lot, but actuallysays nothing at all, for example ‘I am a people person; committed to doing my best at everyopportunity’.”
学习啦在线学习网 Stock phrases should be avoided at all costs, and applicants should also be careful not toexaggerate their achievements. Be warned; if you are invited to interview, you should expectto be quizzed on what you have said in your statement. White lies won’t impress anyone andcan become pretty obvious pretty quickly under pressure.
学习啦在线学习网 Applicants should also avoid copying anyone else’s statement or taking inspiration from theinternet, says Balnaves. Ucas uses a program called Copycatch to identify similarities instatements and notifies the universities if it picks up anything suspicious.
学习啦在线学习网 Balnaves also urges students to review their statements for spelling and grammar and to applyin good time. “We probably get about 10 percent of our applications in the last week,” he says, “but it’s best to give yourself some breathing space. The best advice you can get is from afamily member or a teacher, read it aloud to them so you haven't missed any crucial bits.
“Write about what makes you unique," he continues, "only you know your unique sellingpoints. Ask yourself ‘what makes me different, what will I bring to the university and what will Iget out of it?’”
学习啦在线学习网 DO check for spelling and grammar - get your parents to double check and then check again
学习啦在线学习网 要检查拼写和语法错误---让父母再给你检查两三遍
DO link your extra-curricular pursuits with your course choice
学习啦在线学习网 要把你的课余爱好和课程选择联系起来
DO show your teachers a draft first – so you will know what to change in plenty of time
DON’T use suggested synonyms unless you’re sure what they mean
DON’T be tempted to exaggerate what you’ve done
DON’T talk about specific universities, only talk about the subject
学习啦在线学习网 不要谈论特定的几所大学,只谈论课程本身