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学习啦在线学习网   Dirk Nowitzki, measuring his words so as to not putundue pressure on Luka Doncic, says the DallasMavericks' rookie guard is in many ways a betterplayer than Nowitzki was when he entered the NBA 20 years ago.

学习啦在线学习网   德克·诺维茨基考虑到不给卢卡·东契奇施加过度的压力,用他的话说,这位达拉斯小牛队的新秀后卫在许多方面都比20年前进入NBA的诺维茨基时更出色。

  Doncic, a EuroLeague MVP from Slovenia, is only eight months younger than Nowitzki was as arookie from Germany. But according to Nowitzki, the resemblance, in most other respects, stops there.


学习啦在线学习网   "I could shoot a little bit [at 19], but I never had the court vision, the savviness and the stuffthat he brings to the game," Nowitzki said, appearing Tuesday on Dallas radio's 105.3 The Fan. "Just the way he already reads pick-and-rolls. You go under, he shoots. If the man goes over, hekind of keeps him behind him like the best, like Chris Paul and these guys do. He does all ofthat. He's going to be fun -- fun to watch."

学习啦在线学习网   诺维茨基周二在达拉斯电台105.3频道的《球迷》节目中说:“我19岁时的投篮还行,但是我没有像他在球场上的视野、以及他对比赛的洞察力等等。正如他已经意识到打高位挡拆,你一旦稍微往后一撤,他就直接投篮。如果你一上去盯防,他会像克里斯·保罗那些家伙那样,把你过得一干二净。他做到了这一切。他将会把比赛变得有意思—他的比赛非常具有观赏性。

  Dallas acquired Doncic in a draft-day trade; Atlanta selected the versatile guard with the No. 3 pick.


学习啦在线学习网   "Obviously, I don't want to put too much pressure on him," Nowitzki said in the radiointerview. "Coming over from a different country, I went through the same thing about 20 years ago. It's tough to adjust to a lot of things: living in a different country, another culture, toa different game, different coaching, different play style. For me, that took a full year. My firstyear was really, really tough.


学习啦在线学习网   Nowitzki, a former NBA MVP who turned 40 in June, is set to become the first player in leaguehistory to play 21 consecutive seasons for the same franchise. The 7-footer is one of six playersoverall, and the only international player, with more than 30,000 career points.

学习啦在线学习网   诺维茨基,曾获得NBA最有价值球员,在六月年满40岁,也将成为联盟历史上第一个连续21个赛季为同一球队效力的球员。这位7英尺长的球员是六名三万分先生中的一员,也是唯一一位国际球员。

  "He's been here now for a week, scrimmaged every day, works hard and I really like what I'mseeing," Nowitzki said. "He is incredible with the ball for a big guy; I mean, he's a legit 6-8, 6-9.

学习啦在线学习网   诺维茨基说:“他已经在这里待了一个星期,每天都在训练,努力工作,这真的是我想看到的。” “对于一个大个子来说,他的持球是令人难以置信的;我的意思是,他是不折不扣的6尺8寸,6尺9寸的球员。

学习啦在线学习网   "... He's unbelievable in the pick-and-roll play. He did, like, over-the-head, between-the-legpasses to cutters. The savviness that he brings, the court vision is already unbelievable. Icouldn't believe what I saw for a 19-, 20-year-old. Unbelievable. He's a good shooter when hehas time. I think he's going to be great for us for a long, long time."






