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学习啦在线学习网   Peking University is reviewing a proposal to set up amini nature reserve on the campus to protect theecosystem.

学习啦在线学习网   北京大学正在就建立一座小型自然保护区以保护生态环境的提议进行复审。

学习啦在线学习网   The proposal, brought forward by Peking Universitystudents and their teachers, first appeared on anofficial WeChat account, sparking heated debate atthe university.

学习啦在线学习网   这一提议由北大的学生和老师最先在官方微信号上提出,在校内引发了热议。

  The proposed 42.5 hectare mini nature reserve would be designed to protect the animals andplants that currently inhabit the campus.

学习啦在线学习网   提议中的校园自然保护小区面积为42.5公顷,旨在保护目前栖息在北大校园内的动植物。

  The proposal would ban the use of herbicides in the preserve, and also allow for dead foliageto compost naturally, rather than being removed.

学习啦在线学习网   该提议禁止在自然保护小区内使用除草剂,不清理落叶,让其自然堆肥。

学习啦在线学习网   If approved, the mini reserve at Peking University would be the first of its kind in China.

学习啦在线学习网   如果提议得到通过,那么北大的这个小型保护区将会成为中国的第一个该类的保护区。

学习啦在线学习网   Different from traditional nature reserves which would limit access, the Peking Universityproposal would emphasize the idea of a harmonious co-existence between humans andnature.


学习啦在线学习网   Research at the university for the past 15 years has determined there are 300 differentspecies of animals and 470 different varieties of plants living on the campus, includingendangered animals such as Golden Eagles, Ninox Scutulata and Otus Sunia.

学习啦在线学习网   过去15年在该校开展的研究发现,北大校园内共存活着300种不同动物和470种不同植物,其中包括金雕、褐鹰鸮、东方角鸮等濒危动物。


  An American university is taking a bold step into thefuture, and has begun offering the first-evermarijuana-focused degree.

学习啦在线学习网   美国一所大学向未来跨出了勇敢的一步,开设了有史以来第一个大麻专业。

  The new degree will allow students at NorthernMichigan University to get an professional edge asmarijuana seems poised to become an explosiveindustry in the United States.


  But, administrators there say the four-year medical plant chemistry degree isn't for yourstereotypical stoner.

学习啦在线学习网   但是该校的管理人员表示,这一四年制的药物种植化学学位并不是像你想象的那样种植大麻。

  "Obviously, the programme is new and it might speak to a certain crowd. But, for a student tosucceed, they're going to have to be very dedicated and motivated," Brandon Canfield, anassociate chemistry professor at the school, told the Detroit Free Press. "This is not an easyprogramme. It's a really intense biology chemistry programme."

学习啦在线学习网   该校的副教授布兰登·坎菲尔德向《底特律自由报》透:“显然,这是一门新的学科,它可能会对某些人群产生影响。但对于想要成功的学生来说,他们必须非常富有专注力和机动力。这不是一个简单的学科。这是一个难度非常大的生物化学学科。”

  Mr Canfield said that students won't be growing marijuana as a part of their degree, but theywould be studying similar plants with medicinal value. The programme includes studies in soils, biochemstiry, biology, and biostatistics.

学习啦在线学习网   坎菲尔德表示,学生们不会在他们学习期间种植大麻,以作为他们获得学位的一部分,但他们会研究类似具有药用价值的植物,包括进行土壤、生物化学、生物学和生物统计学方面的研究。

  More and more states are approving the use of recreational or medical marijuana in recentyears, leading to millions of dollars in added tax income for states who have decided toimplement more lenient laws.


  In the last election alone, eight states voted to legalise marijuana for one of those uses.


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