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学习啦在线学习网   提高英语的水平往往可以看一些英语的新闻和阅读,还有英语的电视剧和电影,这样可以很快的提高我们的英语口语,接下来小编给大家带来英语新闻,需要的同学们可以看一看。


  To a group of determined and industriousroommates, graduation from college means nodeparture but just the start of another period ofstudy together, even though it will be in anothercountry.


  Among the recently received offers from multipleworld-renowned colleges, Wang Xin and her fourroommates all chose the University of Bath, which isranked as the fifth best university in the United Kingdom by the Guardian University Guide.


  The five young women graduated from Anhui University of Finance and Economics, based inBengbu city in Anhui province, and majored in accounting.

学习啦在线学习网   这五位年轻女生毕业于位于安徽省蚌埠市的安徽财经大学,主修会计专业。

  In the last fours years, they shared not only the same class, but also the same dormitory. They will major in accounting and finance in the next year.

学习啦在线学习网   在过去的四年中,她们不仅仅学习同一专业课程,还是住在同一宿舍的舍友。她们还将在未来一年内共同学习会计与金融专业。

  Postgraduate study has become more popular among Chinese undergraduates in recent years.


学习啦在线学习网   Instead of taking exams for domestic colleges to reach their goal, the five decided to seekoverseas study opportunities, even at the beginning of their college study, according to Wang.


  "Each of us five roommates had applied for multiple overseas universities and received offersfrom several of them," said Wang, adding that the University of Bath is the best among them.


  Xin Danyang, one of the young women said years of great effort made their goal achievable.


学习啦在线学习网   "Take me for example. My study often began before 7 am and went till 2 or 3 am the nextmorning", Xin said.



  Chongqing University in southern China's Chongqing recently held a weight-loss competition in which participants who successfully lost weight over the course of one month through healthy diets and exercise could earn cash rewards.


  The rewards varied from 7.5 RMB ( class="main">


时间: 诗盈1200 分享


  Huang Zhiqiang from the university's athletic association disclosed that the activity was intended to encourage obese students to reach healthier weights.

学习啦在线学习网   该校运动协会的黄志强披露,该活动旨在鼓励肥胖学生达到更为健康的体重。

  A total of 997 students participated in the activity, and 328 successfully lost a grand total of 1,320 kilograms.


  Huang added that, although being fat or thin is not the sole criterion of health, maintainingone's weight within a healthy Body Mass Index zone is a good idea.


学习啦在线学习网   In the future, the university may also hold activities to help overly thin people put on weight ina healthy manner.



  A robot sat for the math test during China's nationalcollege entrance exam, or gaokao, in thesouthwestern city of Chengdu last Wednesday.


  The robot, AI-MATHS, consisting of 11 servers, wasdeveloped by Chengdu Zhunxingyunxue Technology. It completed two versions of the exam's math testlast Wednesday afternoon.

学习啦在线学习网   这个机器人名为AI-MATHS,由11个服务器组成,是成都准星云学科技有限公司研发的。上周三下午,它完成了两套高考数学测试卷。

学习啦在线学习网   The robot finished the Beijing test in 22 minutes, scoring 105 points out of 150 points, withoutInternet support. It scored 100 points on another version of the test.

学习啦在线学习网   这个机器人在没有互联网支持下22分钟内完成了总分150分的北京卷,得到了105分。而它在另一套考卷中也得到了100分。

  "It would take two hours for a human to finish the test. I hope next year the machine canimprove its performance on logical reasoning and computer algorithms and score over 130," said Lin Hui, the company's CEO.


学习啦在线学习网   In February, the robot scored 93 on one math test, slightly higher than the passing grade of 90.

学习啦在线学习网   今年二月份,这个机器人在一次数学测试中得到了93分,稍高于及格成绩90分。

  The company participated in a project of China's Ministry of Science and Technology, whichplans to develop gaokao robots. Under the plan, by 2020, AI robots will be smart enough togain admission to leading universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua Universitythrough the entrance exam.

学习啦在线学习网   据悉,该公司参与了中国科技部的一个计划研发高考机器人的项目。根据该计划,到2020年,人工智能机器人将变得足够聪明,通过高考被北大、清华这样的顶尖大学录取。

  "This is not a make-or-break test for a robot. The aim is to train artificial intelligence to learnthe way humans reason and deal with numbers," said Lin

学习啦在线学习网   林辉说道:“对于机器人来说,这并不是不成则败的测试。其目标是为了训练人工智能,学习人类推理和处理数字的方式。”






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