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  1. Anthropology


  According to PayScale’s data, 35 percent of anthropology majors wouldn’t recommend it to current students.


  “People typically regret majoring in anthropology because they have a preconceived notion that there is a direct and specific job title perfectly correlating to it,” says training and development consultant Farrah Parker. “Instead of recognizing the broad spectrum of careers that they can pursue, they focus on their inability to find a career with an exact reference to their major.”

  培训及发展顾问Farrah Parker称:“大多数人后悔选了人类学,因为大家原先觉得会肯定有与之对口的职业。学生们只想找一个和专业关系密切的职位,却不想在更宽泛的领域内找工作。”

学习啦在线学习网   Anthropology majors could consider work in community organizations or government, for example, or combine the major with others to make themselves more marketable.

学习啦在线学习网   人类学学生可以考虑在社区机构或者政府工作,或者结合其他专业来学习以适应市场需求。

  2. History


  This major is recommended by only 33 percent of its graduates. Many history majors go on to work in academia, or may find jobs with government agencies, libraries or organizations dedicated to the period they studied.

学习啦在线学习网   只有33%的毕业生推荐了这个专业。很多历史系学生成为学者或者在政府机关、图书馆或者其他组织工作,并且一生致力于研究他们所研究的历史阶段。

  Parker says it’s important for graduates to keep their options open after graduation. “People with narrow definitions of career paths find themselves regretting majors,” she says. “However, those who recognize that the workforce is full of positions that require expertise outside of what may be formally listed in a course catalog find themselves in a perfect position to brand their college major in whatever manner they see fit.”


学习啦在线学习网   3. Visual Communication


  Only 29 percent of visual communication majors would recommend this to students. Majoring in visual communication may involve creating artwork, learning about ad design and public relations, and studying layout. Graduates may go on to work in media, advertising, public relations or other fields.


  4. Social Science


  PayScale found 28 percent of social science majors would recommend the major to students.


  “I am a former social science major who has since advised against it,” says recruiting consultant Sarah Merrill at Atrium Staffing. “I won’t say that you don’t learn anything from a social science major, but you certainly don’t learn practical knowledge that can be applied to a wide range of jobs.”

  招聘顾问Saral Merill“我以前是一个社会关系专业学生,此后专注黑它三十年。也不是说你从这个专业中什么都学不到,但是没有能够应用在更广泛的工作领域内的实用知识。”

  “When I talk to students now I advise them to think about what they can actually use in the future -- courses on personal finance, marketing, business,” she explains. “There was a course offered at my university on business writing that I have heard was the hands-down most useful course ever taken because of a whole section on email etiquette.”


  5. Journalism


学习啦在线学习网   Only 27 percent of journalism graduates would recommend the major. Difficulties facing print media and the time it takes to break out of entry-level positions can be downers for grads. People with journalism degrees can also end up in marketing, sales, academia or other jobs if they decide to leave the newsgathering business.



学习啦在线学习网   Commercial fisherman

  1. 商业捕鱼

  If Deadliest Catch, is any indication, this job is certainly one of the toughest. Workers are miles offshore for weeks at a time, enduring tough physical working conditions and plenty of wild weather. Safe Work Australia reports agriculture, fishing and forestry is a supremely dangerous industry, with 50 people killed on the job last year and 27 losing their life this year so far.

学习啦在线学习网   如果探索频道纪实片《致命捕捞》(Deadliest Catch )能给我们任何提示,那就是这份工作无疑是最危险的一种。工人们每次出海都要在海上停留几个星期,饱经恶劣工作条件和狂野天气的折磨。澳大利亚安全工作署称:农业、渔业和林业是极其危险的行业,去年这几个行业有50人死亡,今年至今已有27人丧命。


  2. 采矿

  In this dangerous job,workers are put in long hours surrounded by heavy machinery and toxic chemicals. Five people lost their lives in mining jobs in 2012, a figure already matched in this years results, according to Safe Work Australia.


  Road train drivers

学习啦在线学习网   3. 公路列车司机

  Transport is a notoriously dangerous industry with 74 deaths in the last 12 months. Road train drivers accounted for 15% of all road fatalities in 2011 with a total of 200 fatal crashes.


学习啦在线学习网   Construction workers

  4. 建筑工人

  Although it's relatively common, working in construction can be dangerous business. Safe work Australia reports 23 workers died on Australian construction sites last year, with 15 fatalities in 2013 so far. It's also one of the most heavily represented industries when it comes to work compensation claims.

学习啦在线学习网   虽然这个工种相对普通,但从事建筑业也是相当危险的。澳大利亚安全工作署报告去年有23名工人死于澳大利亚的建筑工地,2013年至今有15人死亡。这也是申请工作赔偿最多的一个行业之一。

学习啦在线学习网   Tree loppers

  5. 砍树工

学习啦在线学习网   The combination of unsteady branches, overhead wires and high winds that tree loppers have to deal with make it a particularly tricky job. It's part of the agricultural, forestry and fishing industry in which 50 people died in 2012 with more than 27 killed so far this year.

学习啦在线学习网   砍树工每天面对的工作都很棘手,他们要应对随时掉下来的树枝、头顶可能掉落的电线和狂风。这个行业属于农业、林业和渔业的一部分,去年这个行业有50人死亡,今年至今已有超过27个工人丧命。


  6. 农民

  A life on the land might seem idyllic but any farmer will tell you it's tough and dangerous work. Being a farmer or rancher can land you among the top three dangerous jobs in the world,.


  Defence forces

  7. 国防军

学习啦在线学习网   Police officers and soldiers face the risk of death, assault, injury and abuse on a daily basis. Every year, approximately one police officer is murdered in Australia. There have also been 40 deaths in Afghanistan since 2002.

学习啦在线学习网   警察和士兵每天面对的是死亡、攻击、伤亡和虐待。澳大利亚每年都有至少一名警察被谋杀,自2002年起,已有40名澳大利亚士兵在阿富汗阵亡。


  8. 消防员

学习啦在线学习网   Firefighters are often exposed to risky situations when fighting the bushfires that flare up each year. The leading cause of death for firefighters often caused by asphyxiation and burns (20%), motor vehicle collisions (20-25%), trauma (27%) and heart attack (44%).

学习啦在线学习网   消防员经常都要面对危险情况,林火每年都会发生。导致消防员死亡的最主要原因通常是窒息和烧伤(20%)、汽车相撞(20-25%)、创伤(27%)和心脏病(44%)。


  9. 飞行员

  No matter how experienced, pilots still face the risk of fatality of things go wrong in the air. The Aviation Safety Transport Bureau reports there were 130 accidents, 121 serious incidents and 6,823 minor incidents in 2011 involving aircraft.

学习啦在线学习网   不管经验多么丰富,一旦飞机在空中出错,飞行员依然要面对死亡。航空安全运输管理局报告2011年发生了130起事故、121起严重事件和6823起轻微事件。

  Rubbish collector

  10. 垃圾收集工

学习啦在线学习网   You see them once a week out the front of your house but rubbish collectors are doing a tough job that exposes them to heavy machinery, harsh chemicals and a high-risk of traffic accidents.

学习啦在线学习网   你看见他们每周一次出现在你家门前,但其实垃圾收集工从事的工作很艰难。垃圾收集工要面对重型机器、危险的化学品和高危交通事故。





