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学习啦在线学习网   骨关节炎是一种以关节软骨退行性变和继发性骨质增生为特性的慢性关节疾病。接下来小编为大家整理了骨关节炎的介绍,希望对你有帮助哦!

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  Osteoarthritis has traditionally been described as “wear and tear” joint degeneration attributable to the aging process. Pain due to osteoarthritis constitutes the most common joint complanint for which patien is seek medical attention. Primary osteoarthritis affects the articular cartilage of otherwise normal joints. Secondary osteoarthritis occurs as a sequela of trauma, joint disease such as Legg-Perthes disease, or subtle anomalies such as mild acetabular dysplasia resulting in long-standing joint incongruity.


学习啦在线学习网   Osteoarthritis is the most common of all arthropathies, affecting roughly 30-50% of the entire population. Heritability has not been demonstrated. Women are more often affected than men, though virtually all persons overage 55 have some x-ray evidence of this disease. Fortunately, less than half of patients with x-ray changes will experience joint symptoms. Onset of symptomatic disease is usually in the sixth decade.

学习啦在线学习网   骨关节炎是所有骨关节病中最常见,整个人群中约有30~50%受累。遗传性未得到证实。女性较男性患者多。事实上超过55岁的人都有一点患此病的X线证据,幸而只有不到一半有X线证变化的病人感到有关节症状,通常是在60岁开始出现。

  Though the specific in citing agent remains unclear, the earliest histopathologic change in osteoarthritic joints is loss of mucopolysaccharide ground substance in the outermost layers of articular cartilage. As a result the mechanical properties of the cartilage are altered and resistance to deformation is lowered. The weakened superficial layers of cartilage develop fissures in response to increased deformation by normal loads. This results in uneven distribution of stress transmission to deeper layers of cartilage and to the underlying subchondral bone. This concentration of stress further accelerates cartilage wear with thinning of outer layers and propagation of cracks and fissures in the deeper layers. Cartilage debris within the joint results in low-grade chronic inflammatory synovitis and joint effusion.


  If weight bearing or stress loading of the affected joint continues, thinning of the cartilage may progress to eventual full-thickness cartilage loss. The subchondral bone bears progressively greater loads as cartilage destruction evolves. Increased loading of bone stimulates bone remodeling and new bone deposition, manifested by marginal osteophyte formation and sclerosis within the overloaded subchondral bone incite a chronic inflammatory response Replacement of nercrotic bone by fibrous tissue results in subchondral cyst formation.


  Clinical Findings

  a. Sympoms and Signs: Osteoarthritis is a local condition without systemic manifestations. Asymptomatic degenerative joint changes in the hands and spine are common, but weight-bearing joints such as the knee and hip are often stiff and painful, particularly following the activities of the day. Symptoms may be episodic, with long periods of spontaneous remission, or slowly but steadily progressive, resulting in profound disability and intractable pain. Discomfort is characteristically more severe at night, and morning stiffness is minimal. Monarticular osteoarthritis is unusual. Both knees are typically involved, though one usually more extensively than the other. Osteoarthritis of the hip occurs slightly less frequently but is still quite common, Nodular swelling of the distal joints of the fingers (Heberden's nodes) is painful in over half of affected individuals. and painful degeneration of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb and the metocar pophalangeal joint of the great toe is common, the ankle, shoulder, and elbow are rarely involved, and the wrist least frequently of all.


学习啦在线学习网   a.症状与体征:骨关节炎是一局部病变无全身症状。无症状的退行性关节变化常见于手和脊柱,而在负重的膝及髋关节等常是僵凝和疼痛的。特别是在一在活动之后更是如此。症状可以是发作性的。可长期自行缓解或缓慢地稳步发展,导至严重的残废和难治的疼痛,不适的特征是夜间较重,而早上僵硬程度最轻。单关节骨关炎不多见。典型的为侵犯双侧膝关节,不过一侧较另一侧严重。髋关节骨关节炎发生得轻些少些,但仍不少见。半数以上患者的手指远端关节出现结节性肿胀(Heberden's 结节),拇指腕骨关节及大 趾的,跖趾关节疼痛性变性最常见。踝,肩及肘关节很少受到侵犯,在所有关节中腕关节受累最少。

  Examination of osteoarthritic joints is remarkable for the absence of inflammatory signs. Effusion, when present, is slight, and redness and warmth are usually absent. Pain with motion is the predominant finding, and crepitation may be palpated with passive motion. Rnage-of-motion testing reveals limitation of terminal flexion and extension in the involved knee joints and internal rotation in involved hips. More severe limitation is characteristic of more advanced disease. Varus or valgus deformity of the knee may be present, depending upon the predominance of involvement of the medial or lateral joint compartment. Heberden's nodes of the distal interphalangeal joints of the hand are classic findings. These dorsal bony prominences represent marginal osteophytes, Similar degenerative changes of the proximal interphalangeal joints may be present and are knoiwn as Bouchard's nodes.


学习啦在线学习网   b. Laboratory Findings: Laboratory studies are usually normal.

学习啦在线学习网   b.实验室检查:实验室检查通常正常。

  c. X-Ray Findings: X-ray findings are consistent with the histopathologic stage of degeneration. Early changes consist of mild joint space narrowing and minimal osteophyte formation (“spurring”)。 of the periphery of involved joints. More advanced disease is manifested by severe joint space narrowing, marked osteophyte formation at the joint margins, dense sclerosis of subchondral bone, and subchondral cysts. Subluxation and joint space narrowing are often apparent only on weight-bearing films, which should be obtained for both knees and hips.]

学习啦在线学习网   c.X 线表现:X线所见与组织病理的变性期一致,早期变化有轻度关节间隙窄狭窄,受累关节周围有很轻的骨赘形成(骨刺)。更严重的疾病,表现为关节间隙更窄狭,在关节边缘有明显骨赘形成,软骨下骨坚实硬化以及软骨下囊肿。不完全脱位和关节间隙狭窄只是在关节承受重力时所拍的片中常是明显的但两侧的膝及髋关节都应拍片。


  a. External Support Measures: Management of osteoarthritis depends upon the stage of disease. When degeneration in a weight-bearing joint is mild, symptoms are significantly relieved by use of external supports such as a cane, crutches, or a walker. Though actual healing of osteoarthritic cartilage is difficult to demonstrate, remission of joint pain is sometimes dramatic when stress is diminished by use of external aida.


学习啦在线学习网   a.外支撑法:骨关节炎的处理方法取决于疾病处于何阶段,当一负重的关节变性较轻时,使用外支撑物如手杖,拐杖或步行器可使症状明显缓解。虽然骨关节炎的软骨实际愈合很难证实,但通过支架减轻压力,关节疼痛的缓解有时是很明显的。

  b. Medication: Anti-inflammatory drugs are less effective in osteoarthritis than in rheumatoid arthritis or gout. A trial of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs is warranted, however, as some patients report considerable relief with their use. Analgesics, hot packs, ultrasound, and massage may also provide symptomatic relief. Physical therapy for joint strengthening exercises may occasionally by warranted, and weight reduction is beneficial.


  c. Surgical Treatment: Joint arthroplasty has revolutionized the management of severe and disabling osteoarthritis. Pain can be reliably eliminated in most patients with hip or knee joint disease, and improvement in joint motion is generally achieved. Because the cemented prosthetic components often loosen over decades of use, total joint arthroplasty has the longest-lasting results in older, less active individuals.

学习啦在线学习网   c.手术治疗:关节成形术使严重和可致残的骨关炎的处理明显改善,多数髋或膝关节病的患者确实消除了疼痛,一般也改善了关节活动。胶合剂所作的假体部位,用十多年后会松动,而全关节成形术对老年和活动较少的人,却有维持最长时间的效果。

学习啦在线学习网   Persons in the fifth and sixth decades may benefit from osteotomy, particularly when arthropathy is moderate. Following surgical realignment of a joint, the load upon the joint may be shifted toward less severely damaged cartilage. Several years of serviceable joint function may be achieved. Joint replacement may be performed later if required, and the likelihood of component failure will be proportionately diminished.


